View Full Version : Baldwin Hangs Up On Longtime Agents

04-25-2007, 11:03 AM
The Golden Globe winner parted ways with Creative Artists Agency and longtime agents Matt DelPiano and Michael Rosenfeld on Monday, according to a CAA spokesman.

While no official reason for the split was given, Baldwin's publicist, Matthew Hiltzik, told E! Online that the actor made the move "strictly for personal reasons. It has absolutely nothing to do with his extremely talented agents who've done great work with Alec."

CAA, which moved from Beverly Hills to larger quarters in Century City in January, also reps Baldwin's ex-wife, Kim Basinger. The tabloid-worthy side of their years-long custody battle was rekindled last week when a recording of an irate, profanity-laced voicemail Baldwin left for their 11-year-old daughter was leaked to the press.

Baldwin signed up with CAA in 2002. Since then he's been nominated for an Oscar for The Cooler, pocketed a Golden Globe and SAG Award for 30 Rock and appeared in films and TV shows ranging from The Departed and The Aviator to Along Came Polly and Will & Grace. He also appeared on his home-away-from-home, Saturday Night Live, no less than six times, either as host or in cameo mode.

But although her former spouse's career is the one that has been attracting all the hoopla lately, Basinger's agent isn't exactly out taking three-hour lunches. The 53-year-old Oscar-winning former model, last up on the big screen playing the first lady in the 2006 secret service thriller The Sentinel, will be smiling for the camera again as the new face of a global (minus the U.S.) print campaign for Coty's Lancaster skincare line, according to Women's Wear Daily.

The actors also happen to have dueling release dates on the horizon. Baldwin's mob drama Brooklyn Rules and Basinger's intersecting-lives drama Even Money both open May 18.

Nevertheless, while everything is looking sunny for both performers on the professional front, the past year and a half has been marred by their increasingly accusatory and lengthy round of he-said, she-said.

After hearing the week-old voicemail from Baldwin to daughter Ireland last week, in which he calls her a "rude, thoughtless little pig" and can't quite seem to decide whether she's 11 or 12 years-old, a Los Angeles family court commissioner barred him from seeing the girl until the incident is addressed at a hearing on his visitation rights May 4.

It looks as if Baldwin spent much of last year trying to tack on extra visits and phone calls to his court-approved visitation schedule, with Basinger seemingly trying to thwart him at every turn, saying that her ex-hubby has serious emotional problems. Meanwhile, the Oscar-winning actress pleaded not guilty in October to 12 misdemeanor counts of contempt for allegedly taking trips without notifying Baldwin and otherwise keeping him out of the loop with regard to their daughter's schedule.

Baldwin has since apologized to his daughter and addressed his screw-up on his Website, and his attorney, Vicki Greene, filed court papers Friday looking to determine whether it was Basinger's camp that released the offending tape and threatening legal action against TMZ for posting the confidential tape.

"Every filing that could negatively impact Alec's daughter over the years has been sealed," Baldwin's spokesman said last week. "There is no reason this tape should have been treated any differently."

Basinger said via a statement released by her rep that she didn't have anything to do with that recording getting out, adding that the real issue at hand is Baldwin's "ongoing, aggressive behavior."