View Full Version : AWA Owner Responds To WWE Lawsuit, Exposing Vince

Dangerous Incorporated
04-26-2007, 11:03 PM
PWInsider.com emailed AWA owner Dale R. Gagner for comment on World Wrestling Entertainment filing a lawsuit against him this week alleging trademark infringement on the American Wrestling Association name and trademarks, among other issues.

Gagner's complete, unedited response to PWInsider.com reads as follows:

Thank you for the e-mail. Our office wasn't served with the lawsuit until just an hour or so ago. Obviously, it would be pre-mature for me to offer any official comment or legal strategy upon the advise of my attorney, since we haven't had time to review the case in detail. I can say however that AWA Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. registered the AWA name and use in 1996. We've promoted the brand for over 10 years. WWE is attempting to re-create history through the legal system, a tactic we all know too well. Their first attempt is to discredit me and my contributions to this business. The injunction they claim that was filed against me by Minneapolis Boxing and Wrestling Club, Inc. in 1990 wasn't recognized after Verne's company went bankrupt in 1991. Their claim against my name is laughable. I've never claimed a relationship to Verne Gagne other than that which is true. I worked for him in the late 1980's and am indeed a distant relative. Research of our family lineage proves that.

Clearly, Vince McMahan and WWE want to monopolize the professional wrestling business. They also want to ensure their performers, under exclusive contract, are considered "independent contractors" by deceiving the IRS. I've been in the business for over 20 years and finally will have a public platform to expose Vince McMahon. He's about to spend a lot of money to reveal some skeletons in his closet. My course of action isn't directed out of spite. It's simply to protect my name and reputation along with the AWA, a brand I have passionately re-built, along with a team of incredible promoters, since 1996.

Dale R. Gagne

One day Vince is gonna be forced to stop trying to monopolze the wrestling industry much like Bill Gates.

04-26-2007, 11:09 PM
vince wont stop until he completely owns wrestling or somebody can stop him

04-26-2007, 11:55 PM
I don't see anybody stopping him anytime soon.