View Full Version : Rob Van Dam Rejects WWE's Latest Contract Offer

Dangerous Incorporated
04-28-2007, 12:12 AM
source: PWInsider.com

Rob Van Dam has turned down WWE's latest contract offer. His current contract is set to expire ovet the summer; possibly in late July, but it hasn't been confirmed. However, until the deal expires, there's always a chance that the two sides could come to an agreement.

The creative team has been instructed to focus their attention on CM Punk and Elijah Burke so that if RVD does indeed leave the company, it won't be too strong of a blow to the ECW storylines.

So I assume the news yesterday of a big name leaving was RVD, I stand corrected as I was under the understanding that RVD has renewed his contract. *Waits for RVD TO TNA thread :rolleyes:*


04-28-2007, 12:17 AM
just because he rejected a contract doesnt mean hes going to tna he will renegotiate and if they dont satisfy his needs then off he goes

04-28-2007, 12:36 AM
see ya RVD. pot smoking loser.

Dangerous Incorporated
04-28-2007, 12:37 AM
Well it just says RVD reject their last offer so its still possible he'll resign but people saying the he had resigned because RVD got the pin @ WM obvioulsy isnt true.

04-28-2007, 12:39 AM
Well many people saw it coming. RVD and WWE went downhill ever since he lost the title last year. Oh well, I wish RVD goodluck in the future.

04-28-2007, 01:25 AM
From what I read, RVD just wants some time off, but WWE won't give it to him. I say he'll leave and come back in a couple of months.

Dangerous Incorporated
04-28-2007, 03:02 AM
From what I read, RVD just wants some time off, but WWE won't give it to him. I say he'll leave and come back in a couple of months.

The main problem between RVD and WWE is that RVD wants 6 months + time off
and a limited schedule. RVD could just be playing abit of hardball to get what he wants which isnt a surprise now WWE wrestlers know that TNA can be used as a bargaining threat with WWE. But that can run the risk of WWE giving up and just end up jobbing him out to try and lower his TNA if he signs there.

04-28-2007, 03:05 AM
Rob VCan Dam if he does get released all brought this mess upon himself with getting caught. If had still held onto the Title then he wouldn't be in this position. Another factor obviously was the degrading of ECW from the Original to a New version like ECW really never existed. If they still had Paulie booking the product then more fans would watch it because of his reputation alone.

Dangerous Incorporated
04-28-2007, 03:27 AM
Rob VCan Dam if he does get released all brought this mess upon himself with getting caught. If had still held onto the Title then he wouldn't be in this position. Another factor obviously was the degrading of ECW from the Original to a New version like ECW really never existed. If they still had Paulie booking the product then more fans would watch it because of his reputation alone.

Vince didnt want WWECW like ECW because if WWECW was like ECW using WWE's money for production, it might outdo RAW and SD! which are Vince's creation whereas ECW originally was not so. It's all ego really.

04-28-2007, 05:33 AM
Vince needs to stem the bleeding. If he keeps letting stars go WWE will eventually have nothing. Christian, Angle, and now maybe even RVD. Two of those are huge names to lose, and RVD (one of those names) would easily slide into either the HW title picture or the X Division.

If he keeps losing top level stars and doesn't push any new ones then WWE is going to go downhill quickly. This seems to be the same mindset that he had before WCW hit it big... TNA have no chance to compete... right now it is true, but that could change very soon. At least CM Punk seems to be getting some attention now.

04-28-2007, 09:51 AM
Vince needs to stem the bleeding. If he keeps letting stars go WWE will eventually have nothing. Christian, Angle, and now maybe even RVD. Two of those are huge names to lose, and RVD (one of those names) would easily slide into either the HW title picture or the X Division.

If he keeps losing top level stars and doesn't push any new ones then WWE is going to go downhill quickly. This seems to be the same mindset that he had before WCW hit it big... TNA have no chance to compete... right now it is true, but that could change very soon. At least CM Punk seems to be getting some attention now.

The same thing happened with WCW. Vince lost tons of stars to them and they got huge and Vince found out who was loyal to the company and still crushed WCW. TNA seems a lot like WCW where they rely on established wrestlers to carry the load and let the ones they created be mid-carders or jobbers. The WWE took the wrestlers they had left and made them huge stars. Something TNA should try. Why do I have to keep saying this? WWE FIRED Angle! They didnt let him slip away to TNA. TNA can have that freak.

Garden State Saint
04-28-2007, 06:15 PM
If RVD is smart he'll just use TNA as leverage for a better deal, which I see happening.

04-29-2007, 03:24 AM
The same thing happened with WCW. Vince lost tons of stars to them and they got huge and Vince found out who was loyal to the company and still crushed WCW. TNA seems a lot like WCW where they rely on established wrestlers to carry the load and let the ones they created be mid-carders or jobbers. The WWE took the wrestlers they had left and made them huge stars. Something TNA should try. Why do I have to keep saying this? WWE FIRED Angle! They didnt let him slip away to TNA. TNA can have that freak.

Difference now is that WWE is not pushing its younger talent as it did in 96/97. They rely on three or four guys to draw and that is it.