View Full Version : Smackdown 27th April, 2007

04-28-2007, 03:55 AM
Batista and Mr. Kennedy are fighting backstage from the onset before anything is happening in the show. Kennedy with an eye gouge, then he tries to run away but Batista goes after him until a glimpse of Finlay coming after him before the camera goes offline. We go to JBL and Cole as they discuss what just happened before Batista and Finlay come out on stage, Batista rams Finlay into the bus a number of times before Kennedy come out and they try to double team Batista. All of a sudden we get the gong and the lights dim. Lights go back on and Undertaker is in the ring and Kennedy and Finlay back off up the rampway and backstage. Batista looks at them , looks at Undertaker then another gong, lights go down and when the lights come on the Undertaker is no longer there as Batista starts to go backstage after the others.

Commercial break…

Back from commercial and Finlay and Kennedy are backstage trying to talk Teddy Long into Batista facing Undertaker tonight before Backlash. Long says yes they will be in the same match together then makes a tag match, a no disqualification match between Undertaker/Batista and Finlay/Kennedy.

We get the Kane music and he makes his way into the ring. We then get the music of Boogeyman and he makes an appearance, the first for a few weeks with all the antics we’ve come to know and love or hate depending on who you are. Nice pop for Boogeyman as Kane looks at him with a bemused look on his face. In the ring, Boogey dribbles worms and Kane smiles. The music of Regal and Taylor hits and they make their way to the ring with not the hugest of pops sadly.

Match 1: Kane and Boogeyman vs. William Regal and Dave Taylor
We being with Kane and Regal who trade blows. Regal comes off the ropes and is met with a big boot to the face. It’s Kane in charge of Regal in the corner taking to him with blows and then a shoulder block and more blows. Regal is slammed into the corner but meets a charging Kane with an elbow before tagging in Taylor who comes in only to be met by a Kane uppercut, staggering him. It’s Kane now with Taylor in the corner with a couple of clotheslines before chasing the referee away past the Boogeyman where he gets an extra fright. This allows Taylor however to come at Kane with an uppercut before tagging in Regal. Regal takes to Kane but the tide turns eventually and Kane regains the advantage as JBL comments on how Kane hasn’t made a tag yet and if Boogeyman realises he’s in a tag match and how does he get through customs anyway. An attempted pin on Regal after a clothesline from the top rope by Kane is interrupted by Taylor who rushes the ring only to be caught in a choke hold by Kane. Kane is blindsided by Regal who makes the then tag with Taylor. An attempted whip across the ropes by Taylor is reversed by Kane but Taylor hangs onto the ropes then slides out of the ring and makes as if he’s outsmarted Kane. He turns around but walks right into a clothesline from Boogeyman!

Commercial break…

Back from commercial and Kane is rammed shoulder first into the steel post by Taylor who bumps him from the apron as Kane was working on Regal before being pulled out of the ring by the tights. It’s now a tag to Taylor and both Taylor and Regal work on the injured arm of Kane. Some slow but methodical action as they continue to work on the injured arm of Kane before Kane finally makes the hot tag to Boogeyman and he rushes the ring and goes toe to toe with Regal before gaining the advantage. Boogeyman takes to Regal with a number of blows and an attempted pin which Taylor interrupts. He walks then into an uppercut from Kane who has entered the ring now! As the referee tries to get Taylor out of the ring Kane gives Regal a big boot to the head, Boogeyman lands the pump handle slam and this one is over!
Post match and Kane and Boogeyman celebrate their win. Boogeyman dances in the ring then does the worm thing as Regal and Taylor escape the ring. Kane sets off the ring pyros and Kane and he look at each other. Boogeyman invites Kane to have some worms and Kane approaches but then laughs and exits the ring with Boogeyman following close behind as we see Cole laughing at the disgusted look on the face of JBL.

We then are given a trailer for the movie Condemned as we go to a commercial break…

Back from commercial and we have the music of London and Kendrick to greet us as Kendrick with London as support and whose ribs are all taped up make their way to the ring. We then get the music of Deuce as he makes his way out with Domino and Cherry in a pink Cadillac.

Match 2: Brian Kendrick (with Paul London) vs. Deuce (with Domino and Cherry)
Kendrick and Deuce go face to face slapping Kendrick before going after him as Kendrick ducks his moves. Eventually Kendrick with the headlock as the bigger Deuce tries to get out of the hold. A backwards slide by Kendrick and an attempted pin before both wrestlers continue with the hold based wrestling of headlocks. The crowd doesn’t seem to be too fired up for this one quite yet as the action isn’t quite forthcoming. Deuce manages to get Kendrick in a scissors lock but Kendrick gets out of it with some nifty moves before more hold based wrestling occurs. More to and fro with headlocks before Deuce finally gains the advantage with an elbow to the gut of Kendrick before he locks in a headlock. This continues on before finally an Irish whip, some crisscross work around the ring and Kendrick lands a dropkick onto Deuce staggering him into the corner. Kendrick with a flying leap off the ropes misses Deuce and is slammed into the canvas and an attempted pin by Deuce however doesn’t work as Kendrick grabs the ropes. An elbow drop from Deuce and more attempted pins by Deuce.

Deuce with knees to the back of Kendrick assaults him with having his own hands wrapped around the throat before Kendrick kicks out with blows against the head of Deuce. An attempted sunset flip by Kendrick is unsuccessful as Deuce drops a fist to the forehead of Kendrick before continuing to wear him down. Eventually Kendrick with some attempt at offense takes to Deuce with a number of blows coming off the ropes before Deuce tries to throw him out of the ring over the top rope. Kendrick hangs onto the ropes then drags himself back in over the top rope and takes down Deuce with a nice spinning head scissors which the crowd finally fires up for! Kendrick with an enziguri to the back of the head of Deuce then lands with Sliced Bread #2! Cherry at this stage gets onto the apron to distract the referee! London on the apron himself is protesting but is slammed back first back down to the floor by Domino who has made his way around the ring! Kendrick with a baseball slide dropkicks Domino to the floor but in that moment is distracted and turns around right into a high kick to the head by Deuce and this one is over!

Post match and Deuce celebrates his win with Domino and Cherry as Kendrick rolls around in the ring and London rolls around on the floor. We get a replay of the final minute and more Deuce and Domino celebrating as they back up the rampway.

We go to a flashback from last week where we see Mr. Kennedy and Finlay beating down on Batista from last week’s Smackdown before we go to…

Commercial break…

Back from commercial and Kristal is interviewing Deuce and Domino and she is trying to ask them about being champions and they are just playing with the belts and not interested in being there at all. Kristal goes to ask Cherry about the champions before Domino grabs the mic and says not to talk to Cherry and for them to make like a banana and split as they wander off.

We’re then given the music of MVP and he makes his way to the ring and tonight he has for us two champions to fight. The first is the supposed Scottish Champion, Henry Macbeth who comes out with a Braveheart gimmick. Before he comes out though MVP cuts a promo about how he is going to beat Benoit at Backlash and these champions are better than Benoit could ever be. MVP gets a nice amount of heat from the crowd as he cuts the promo.

Match 3: MVP vs. Henry Macbeth (supposed Scottish champion)
Macbeth and MVP spar at each other before locking up and MVP taking control. Macbeth tries to roll out of an arm bar by MVP but MVP follows through still retaining the hold before taking him down with a clothesline and then sinking the boots in and a bodyslam before an attempted cover. MVP with elbows to the back of the head and then a neckbreaker before coming off the ropes and dropping the elbow and then choking Macbeth with a boot. MVP works on Macbeth in the corner before whipping him across the ring into the opposite corner, Macbeth losing his wig along the way! MVP charges in but walks into an elbow from Macbeth to the jaw!

Macbeth takes to MVP with some uppercuts before attempting to roll up MVP and gets a two count. Back on their feet and Macbeth is met by a clothesline from MVP which sends Macbeth in a 360 degree flip in the middle of the ring! MVP goes straight after him and after knees to the face whips Macbeth into the corner then follows up with the big boot to the face. It’s MVP now with the Playmaker and this one is over!

Post match and we get a couple of replays of the final moves by MVP before back to the ring and MVP is about to introduce his next opponent when we get the music of Benoit and he has a mic and is up on stage and getting a huge pop from this crowd! Benoit says how about he take on a real champion and walks down to the ring with MVP calling him in. Rudi’s rant – A great ovation for Benoit! Benoit as well cuts the shortest promotions but they’re straight to the point!

Match 4: MVP vs. Chris Benoit (United States Champion)
They lock up right at the start and Benoit is pushed into the corner where they go at each other before some Benoit chops and then a snap suplex by Benoit and an attempted pin as JBL resents that Benoit made it to the ring as Cole says he was the 2nd champion! Benoit is taking it to MVP with a number of blows as there is a big Benoit chant in the crowd. Benoit whips MVP into the corner and follows up only to be met by a double boot to the face knocking him down and the tide has turned as MVP attempts a cover. MVP now takes to Benoit in the corner until Benoit takes control and gets MVP in the corner and offloads with some big blows. He then takes MVP and whips him across the ring but telegraphs a back body drop and MVP kicks him in the chest! MVP now with a big boot to the head coming off the ropes which sends Benoit crashing to the floor below as we go to…

Commercial break…

Back from commercial and MVP is working on the neck of Benoit who finally breaks out with a number of headbutts before coming off the ropes only to be thrown across the ring by MVP! MVP with a snap suplex then goes to work on the neck and shoulder of Benoit again. Benoit finally gets to his beet then arm drags MVP over but is met by a boot to the head again by MVP who retains control of this match. Another boot to the head and an attempted cover but only for a two count. MVP tries for yet another but Benoit ducks out from under it and delivers a German suplex. MVP tries now to hit Benoit but Benoit ducks it and locks in the Crossface which he can’t win from as MVP makes it to the ropes. Benoit mounts MVP onto the ropes then delivers a number of headbutts before suplexing MVP off the ropes! An attempted pin by Benoit with no success but then he tries to lock in the Sharpshooter which he connects with but MVP just manages to make it to the ropes!

Benoit beats into MVP some more before locking in the Crossface again after an attempted fightback by MVP but once again MVP uses the ropes. Benoit now with one German suplex, two, three, four and FIVE in a row! Benoit does the throat slash gesture to a nice pop from the crowd and mounts the ropes but before he can connect MVP rolls out of the ring and back up along the rampway as the referee begins a count. At the count of seven MVP makes to reenter the ring then thinks twice and just backs off and is counted out!

Post match and MVP does some basketball gestures showing he is playing head games with Benoit as Benoit shows him the belt from the ring and invites him back to the ring. MVP just laughs it off and wanders off as Benoit looks at the crowd.

Backstage, Teddy Long and Kristal were kissing, and Kristal said that she enjoyed the two weeks they've spent together in Europe, but would like some more time with him because she loves him. He loves her too. The crowd pops big for that announcement! Teddy then revealed that he's planning on hiring someone to be a co-GM of SmackDown to lighten his workload so he can spend more time with Kristal.

We are then shown another replay from last week where Mr. Kennedy and Finlay beat down on the Undertaker. We’re reminded of the tag team match as the main event before going to…

Commercial break…

Back from commercial and Jillian Hall is making her way down to the ring. In the ring she makes reference to Prince William breaking up with his trailer park trash of a girlfriend which gets some heat from the crowd. Jillian says she’s available before dedicating a song and attempting to warble it out for him. We’re saved by the music of Michelle McCool and she makes her way to the ring to a thank goodness from JBL as she’s introduced as the next Mrs. Layfield! She mounts the apron and as she attempts to enter the ring is attacked by Jillian and this match is on!

Match 5: Jillian Hall vs. Michelle McCool
Jillian drags Michelle in with a handful of hair then tosses her twice using handfuls of hair to help. She slams the head of Michelle into the canvas then slams her into the turnbuckle. She whips Michelle into the corner then follows up with a kick to the midsection. A body slam follows then Jillian attempts to cartwheel and splash Michelle but is met with knees to the midsection. They go toe to toe now until Michelle takes advantage and knocks Jillian down before whipping her across the ring and following up with an elbow to the head. It’s Michelle now with a snap suplex then follows up with a side Russian leg sweep and an attempted pin for a two count. An uppercut and then another by Michelle and she seems to be in charge until an attempted whip is stopped short by Jillian who kicks her in the midsection and then hits the X Factor and this one is over!

Post match and Jillian exits the ring, picks up a mic and begins to sing again until Michelle comes at her from outside the ring, knocks her to the floor and throws her into the steel steps before heading back up the rampway.

We get another trailer from the movie Condemned before heading to another commercial break…

Back from commercial and Maryse welcomes us back. We get a RAW rewind from Monday with Umaga, Shane and Vince McMahon beating up on a local English wrestler before we get a rundown of all the other Backlash matches for this Sunday.

Back to action and the music of Mr. Kennedy hits and he makes his way to the ring, briefcase in hand. In the ring Mr. Kennedy introduces himself which I’ve missed actually. He creates heat by bagging English football and gets a number of jeers from the crowd. We are then given the music of Finlay and he makes his way to the ring as we go to a…

Commercial break…

Back from commercial and Kennedy and Finlay are in the ring as we get the music of Batista and he comes out to a big pop from the crowd, his right thigh strapped up. He sets off his pyros and makes his way to the ring and enters as Kennedy and Finlay exit the ring quickly as Batista goes after them. We’re then given the gong, the lights go down and we await the Undertaker to slowly make his way to the ring. Six minutes after the music of Batista first hit and we’re ready for the match to begin!

Match 6: Mr. Kennedy and Finlay vs. Batista and Undertaker
Batista in the ring stare at each other as Kennedy slowly enters the ring and all of a sudden Undertaker and Batista go after the opposition, Undertaker knocking Kennedy to the floor and Batista dragging Finlay in over the top rope! Undertaker bounces Kennedy off the announce table as Batista slams Finlay into the corner as hard as he can before going after him with knees to the head. Finlay kicks at Batista then makes the tag to Kennedy as Batista makes the tag to Undertaker. Kennedy goes to work on Undertaker as Finlay holds him by the hair in the corner. Things change however as Undertaker clotheslines Kennedy then tags Batista getting him in and Finlay is tagged in and goes to work on Batista. A whip into the corner by Batista on Finlay happens but Batista is met by a kick to the face when he follows it in. Finlay mounts the ropes to leap but Batista goes after Finlay and suplexes him into the ring. Kennedy enters but is met by a right hand from Batista who then throws Kennedy into Finlay who is up against the ropes sending them both crashing over the rope and to the floor below!

Commercial break…

Back from commercial and a big suplex on Kennedy by Batista whose attempt at a pin is interrupted by Finlay. The tag is made to Undertaker and he works on the arm of Kennedy which can only mean Old School which the crowd fire up for. It doesn’t work as Finlay interrupts it but Undertaker clotheslines Kennedy and then goes to the opposite corner and does it right then repeats the same dose on Finlay. Batista is sick of the interference by Finlay and goes after him on the opposite side of the ring as Undertaker takes to Kennedy in the ring. Kennedy is sent over the top rope by Undertaker who follows him as Finlay looks menacing in his corner, shillelagh in hand. Undertaker continues to beat up on Kennedy along the apron then takes out Finlay as he goes after him! Finlay is then tossed by Undertaker over the announce table! In the ring Kennedy goes for the briefcase and then tries to beat up on Undertaker who no sells any blow as Undertaker stands on the briefcase. A tag is made and Batista comes in and rams Kennedy shoulder first through the ropes and into the steel ring post!

Batista follows Kennedy out to the floor and throws him back in as JBL notes that Finlay has been busted wide open as Kennedy gains control over Batista by taking out the knee. Finlay takes to the injured leg with the shillelagh and then again! Undertaker chases Finlay who enters the ring, hits Batista in the knee again then exits as Undertaker takes to Kennedy in the ring. Batista is being worked on by Finlay now after a tag to Kennedy and he tries to fight back but more work on the knee continues and Batista is in trouble. JBL comments on Undertaker letting it happen as it’s a no disqualification match and he should just come in and help not focusing that Undertaker had already tried to help some. A big spear by Batista finally on Kennedy and Batista goes for the powerbomb but to no avail. Finlay comes in and knocks Batista with the shillelagh and then Undertaker comes in and he takes to both Finlay and Kennedy with signature movies. A double chokeslam attempt is broken out of by Kennedy and Finlay who then get taken down with a double clothesline from the ropes! Batista chokeslams Finlay then sets up Kennedy and chokeslams him! He makes the throat slash gesture as Batista enters the ring and takes down Finlay with a spinebuster and gets the pin!

Post match and Batista exits the ring as Undertaker stares at him from inside the ring as Batista circuits the ring then reenters. He has a mic in hand and he doesn’t care about Finlay or Kennedy. Noone keeps Batista down for a ten count he says to Undertaker. On Sunday he’s taking his title back he says and drops the mic and exits the ring and makes the belt around the waist gesture as Undertaker grabs the mic and says that Batista of all people should know that Undertaker is no ordinary man! That gets a big pop from the crowd. At Backlash he’s taking something that belongs to Batista and that is his soul as he raises the belt, we get the ultra violet light happening and the show goes off the air……
