View Full Version : Wwe: Looking Back At Last Year’s Backlash Ppv - “god” Makes His Wwe Debut

Black Widow
04-28-2007, 08:12 PM
by Phil Lowe
28 April 2007, 1:13 pm

Ahead of tomorrow night’s Backlash PPV, we’re heading into the archives to look at WWE’s Backlash PPV’s from the past couple of years. Here’s our live report from the less than impressive 2006 Backlash PPV that took place around this time last year:

After the opening video package (as per usual), we’re welcomed to Backlash by Jerry Lawler and the returning Jim Ross (seeing them together calling the show immediately looks and feels right although it would have been nice for Ross and WWE to explain where Joey Styles is), and we’re underway with our coverage of WWE Backlash with the following opening contest:

Carlito vs Chris Masters
A slow paced match that gradually picked up pace. Masters looked to be sluggish at times while Carlito did his best to get a good match out of him. Carlito had the crowd behind him from the start, and they popped bigtime for Carlito putting the Full Nelson on Masters and again when Carlito hit a reverse springboard elbow for a two count. Masters went for the Masterlock but Carlito escaped and went to the top for a moonsault and another near fall. Masters again went for his finisher but Carlito countered and hit the backcracker and made the cover, using the ropes for leverage and getting the dubious win.
Your winner: Carlito

Backstage, Maria introduced footage from before the PPV, with fans in the Rupp Arena predicting who would win tonight’s Main Event. Lita interrupts Maria and tells her that Edge will regain the WWE Title later tonight.

Ric Flair vs Umaga
Huge pop for Flair. This crowd so far have been electric. After some early offensive moves from Flair both in and out of the ring, Umaga made a quick comeback and got the win at around the six minute mark with a Samoan Spike. Nowhere near as bad as it could have been although Flair was made to look really weak at times.

WWE Women’s Title Match: Mickie James © vs Trish Stratus
Prior to the match, Vince and Shane McMahon discussed their upcoming match with HBK and “God". Vince said there’s nothing God can do that he can’t, as he poured some water on the floor and stood on it, declaring he could walk on water. Shane’s water bottle also turned into wine. It’s a miracle!

Trish has returned to looking like…well, Trish. Mickie is back to being Mickie also. Somewhat surprisingly, the crowd sided with Trish although she was cleared booked in this one to stop any possible risk of the crowd turning on her. The match wasn’t given any real time to get any flow to it, and wasn’t of the standard of their previous PPV encounters. After Trish appeared to land on her arm awkwardly, Mickie started choking Trish out and didn’t break before the five count, causing the referee to call for the bell.
Winner via DQ: Trish Stratus; Mickie James retains.

Backstage, Maria interviewed HBK, who said tonight’s match would obviously be a handicap match and that he tries not to shove his Christianity down people’s throats, closing by saying he had two words for Vince (which led to the crowd shouting “Suck it").

Money in the Bank Title Shot vs Inter-Continental Title: Rob Van Dam vs Shelton Benjamin
Huge ovation for RVD, with ECW chants ringing out from the opening bell. Despite Ross and Lawler doing their best in the opening minutes to go off on tangents with their commentary, this match was hot from the start. Benjamin hit an awesome sunset flip over the top rope into a powerbomb sending RVD to the floor outside the ring.

As the match progressed, Benjamin (who appears to be a little leaner than usual) slowed the pace. locking in a camel clutch and following it with a reverse chinlock. RVD made the comeback but when he went for Rolling Thunder, his somersault attempt resulted in him being caught midair by Benjamin who turned it into a Samoan Drop for a two count.

Benjamin locked Van Dam in a bodyscissors as JR put over Benjamin as being the best pound-for-pound pure wrestler in WWE today. RVD started to make his comeback with a series of various kicks and followed it by successfully hitting Rolling Thunder for a two count. Benjamin went for the T-Bone Suplex but got caught as RVD reversed it into a bodyslam and hit a split legged moonsault. He went for the 5-Star Splash but missed, allowing Benjamin to hit a DDT for a near fall.

The pace picked up with a series of near falls as RVD used the briefcase on Benjamin as the referee was distracted, then hit the 5-Star for the pinfall.
Winner and new IC Champ: Rob Van Dam

Big Show vs Kane
After a video package hyping up this match, Todd Grisham interviewed Big Show backstage, who said that everybody has problems, not just Kane. The match started with Show press slamming Kane and following up with some chops in the corner. The crowd are subdued after being hot all night and seemed confused on who to cheer for (likely the reason why they were positioned here on the card).

Slow paced throughout, the match went back and forth with neither really impressing. This match was terrible in all honesty. It ended with the lights turning red and a voice repeatedly saying “May 19, you can’t stop it", sending Kane into a frenzy in the ring. Big Show begrudgingly took advantage and laid Kane out with a chair shot before walking to the back. Kane sat up and started to laugh, with no winner announced.

Before the match and the pre-match video package, Candice Michelle walked up to Vince McMahon coughing and saying she had a chest cold. McMahon yelled, “Heal this woman’s voluptuous breasts!” Shane walked in as Candice was apparently moaning and asked what he was doing. He said he was healing her. Pointless segment, and unfortunately I’m not making it up either.

Shawn Michaels & “God” vs Vince & Shane McMahon

After the McMahon’s made their entrance, Vince took the mic and introduced God. Some angelic music played and a spotlight slowly followed..well…nobody…down the aisle. Vince called for some different music and for God to “get jiggy with it” and make his entrance WWE style. This was just an excuse for Vince to dance in the ring looking like a prick. Vince made the match no DQ and Michaels made his entrance. The match started and HBK took it to both McMahon’s straight away with dives over the top onto Vince and Shane at opposite sides of the ring.

The match went to the top of the ramp, with Shane being rammed face first into the Backlash set before Michaels hit a high crossbody on Vince, sending them both crashing off the stage to the area below. Michaels climbed back up to the stage but walked into a chairshot from Shane, busting him open. The match went back to the ring where Shane got the upper hand. Once Michaels was laid out, Vince tagged in and started to whip him.

Vince took the mic and talked to “God” and asked why he was leaving as a camera followed thin air from the ring apron to the top of the aisle. Vince announced that God has left the building then went for a superkick on Michaels. Michaels caught it, and proceeded to kick the crap out of Vince. Shane tried to waffle Michaels with a chair but he ducked and Shane took out Vince instead. Michaels then hit both McMahon’s with Sweet Chin Music but instead of going for the cover went to the outside and brought two tables into the ring as the crowd started a DX chant.

As he set the tables up and laid both McMahons on them, the crowd chanted “We want ladders” to which Michaels responded by bringing a huge ladder in the ring. He climbed it but instead of jumping off onto Vince and Shane, he dived from the top to the outside of the ring, landing on all five members of the Spirit Squad, who had appeared at ringside. It quickly turned into a 5 on 1 attack outside the ring with no sign of God returning to make the save (please, humour me). Spirit Squad got Michaels back in the ring and hoisted him up in the air, sending him crashing through a table on his return to the ring. Vince made the cover, and got the win.

“Bullshit!", screamed JR on commentary. Hard to disagree really, and it’s hard to see past Ross talking about this PPV as a whole (with the exception of RVD vs Shelton Benjamin and Carlito’s performance also) rather than just this one match.
Your winners: Vince & Shane McMahon

Todd Grisham interviewed Cena backstage, stating the obvious and telling Cena he’d lost some fan support in recent weeks. Cena said that one voice will stand tall when the bell rings at the end of the match - that being Lilian Garcia announcing that Cena had retained the title. Lexington certainly doesn’t appear to be Cena-Town based on the reaction to his interview.

Jim Ross confirmed what we posted a short while earlier that Trish Stratus has dislocated her shoulder.

Matt Striker made his way to the ring and said that nobody in Kentucky was smart and called out Eugene. He said he’d make an example of Eugene and asked him to write his name on the board. Eugene instead wrote “loves poop” under Striker’s name. Eugene then picked his nose, rolled the contents on his finger and stuck his finger in Striker’s mouth before giving him a Stunner.

Glad you joined us here for our coverage instead of shelling out and buying the PPV? I bet you are!

Tonight’s main event is up next

WWE Title Match: John Cena © vs Triple H vs Edge
Edge hid away on the outside in the opening minutes as Cena and Hunter went at it in front of another pro-HHH/anti-Cena crowd. After exchanges involving all three, Cena uncharacteristically went to the top rope and hit a splash on Edge as Triple H was laid out on the outside. Lita interfered to stop Cena from further getting the upper hand and Edge and Triple H traded blows in the ring.

HHH put Edge in a sleeper hold and with the hold locked on, Cena picked up both guys for a double FU. Edge escaped and Cena half hit HHH with an FU as Edge simulaneously hit a spear on Cena. They went to the outside where Edge slung Hunter into the ring post, busting him open. Edge and Hunter went to the Spanish announce table but as Edge hit a DDT, Hunter bounced off it rather than the table giving way. Edge went back into the ring and took it to Cena as Hunter recovered on the outside.

Edge’s attack was cut short after Cena reversed an exchange and locked in the STFU but as Edge was about to tap, Triple H made the save and caught Edge’s hand in midair before nailing Cena with the mic. Edge went to the outside but Hunter gave him a chairshot to the head and hit the ring to go for Cena, who again reversed things and locked in the STFU on Triple H, who is bleeding heavily from the blade job.

Hunter eventually made the ropes and broke the hold but as he went for the Pedigree found himself back in the STFU. Edge tried to make the save but Cena caught him on the top rope. After a ref bump and with all three laid out Lita tried to take out Triple H with a chair but he caught her and gave her a spinebuster before going to the outside and getting the sledgehammer. He stalked Cena, ready to lay him out with the hammer but Edge came out of nowhere and speared HHH. Cena went for the FU on Hunter but Edge broke it up. Edge was sent over the top rope and Hunter went for the pedigree but Cena countered and rolled through for the pin and the win.
Winner and still WWE Champion: John Cena

Post-match, a bloody Triple H laid out everybody with the sledgehammer to a huge pop to close the show.


04-28-2007, 10:58 PM
i remember the match with God the entrance was pretty funny but in the end it was a stupid way to say its a handicap match

04-29-2007, 01:27 PM
It seems like a very long time ago, since watching it live. The god angle was very stupid, indeed. I can't even believe, they done that.