View Full Version : Triple H’s Personal Heat With WWE Star, Foley At Backlash

Dangerous Incorporated
04-28-2007, 11:09 PM
Mick Foley's book "Hardcore Diaries" was No. 10 last week on the New York bestseller list. Regarding a fixed role for Foley on WWE TV, things are constantly changing.

Internally, people are often burying him, saying he no longer connects with the crowd. Some of them even knock his promos. Foley has creative control in that he can refuse anything, but Vince has to approve everything. He's not the priority being catered to as he used to be.

HHH often gets in Vince's ear by telling him why should they do anything with Mick Foley? Vince then ends up agreeing with HHH. However, RAW writer brian Gerwitz then gets in Vince's ear and says tjey should bring him back and push him strong, which changes Vince's mind again.

At one point, Foley was scheduled to do something bug at Backlash, but obviously now that's off the cards.

Source: WO

This pisses me off cuz Foley has some really good and realistic ideas. He knows this business very well and knows what works and sometimes I have to wonder about Vince if her really does. The Flair vs Foley storyline had been building for 3 years cuz of Flair's book and had potential to be a great long fued that could have last a year but it was all over with in 2 PPV's. Probably HHH in Vince's ear again sticking up for Flair. I also think WWE is just holding on to Foley so he doesnt go to TNA, or make appearances at ROH.

04-28-2007, 11:18 PM
lol its like the devil and the angel on vinces shoulders lol i like mick foley i think they should keep him around

04-29-2007, 02:02 AM
HHH is an egotistical guy. he doesn't want Foley around,cause Foley might steal his limelight heaven forbid if that happened HHH.

04-29-2007, 01:27 PM
Source: WrestlingObserver.com

As of late, people are burying Mick Foley by saying he no longer has a connection with the crowd. Some people even knock his promos. Foley does have creative control and does have the right to refuse anything that is passed his way, however Vince has to approve the final word. He's not the priority being catered to as he used to be.

Often Triple H approaches Vince and asks why should WWE do anything with Mick Foley, and sometimes ends up agreeing with Triple H. However, RAW writer Brian Gewirtz gets at Vince and says that Foley should be brought back and pushed strong. Eventually his mind will be changed again. It kind of goes back in forth between the two.

At one point, Foley was scheduled to do something big at Backlash, but that's off the cards.

04-29-2007, 01:55 PM
HHH does have a point but I may be biased since i use to love watching Mankind etc, I like it when the Attitude era guys return. I bet HHH does not say why bring back Hogan or Stone Cold since the crowd love them still. I believe the crowd is still into Foley but it is not as if he has been really getting involved in anything as of late to bring the crowd along.

04-29-2007, 06:24 PM
I wouldn't mind Mick coming back but really what is there for him to do besides be in some sort of tag team. HHH most not want him around and he most have a reason for it. But in the end Vince will do what Vince wants to do.

the madscotsman
05-03-2007, 03:42 PM
Levesque is an ungratefull ****. think about all the things Foley for him.

05-03-2007, 08:16 PM
Levesque is an ungratefull ****. think about all the things Foley for him.

This may be more about year round commitment than personal heat. If Foley is willing to commit to the travel and play a key role and TV, I don't think there would be a problem. The WWE does not need another guy, like Vince McMahon, that takes up a lot of TV time and accomplishes almost nothing with that time. That time should be used to push newer stars or cement its established main event veterans that wrestle nearly every night.