View Full Version : RAW Results - 30th Apr 2007

05-01-2007, 04:18 AM
RAW Results - 30th Apr 2007
Location - Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators - J.R & Jerry 'The King' Lawler

The show opens in the back with a meeting of champions, John Cena and Vince McMahon. Shawn Michaels comes by and does a double take upon seeing McMahon with the ECW title. Michaels calls Cena lucky and wants another match. Cena seems willing to accept, but Vince interjects and says that Michaels must win tonight against Cena before getting a title match. Vince says that if Shawn is lucky, he can then get a shot at the ECW Champion. He walks off, but not before saying, "Peace out, my brothers." Cena says that Vince has lost it.

JR welcomes us to Nashville, Tennessee. He says that last week's Cena-Michaels match went so long that this match couldn't happen. Avid PWInsider.com readers know the real reason.

Edge vs. Randy Orton

Edge slaps Orton to start. Orton punches back. Orton chases Edge around the ring. Back in the ring, Orton pokes him in the eye. Orton with a European Uppercut. He chokes Edge in one corner before punching him in another. Snapmare out of the corner is followed by the Garvin/Orton Stomp and a knee drop. Orton mounts Edge and punches him some more. Orton taunts Edge with some slaps before choking him on the ropes. Orton tosses Edge into the corner for more right hands. Orton with another choke and some forearms to Edge's chest. Orton knocks Edge off the apron into the railing. Commercial.

Orton is still pounding Edge after the break. Edge begs off and throws Orton's shoulder into the ring post. Edge spears Orton, who flies from the apron and bounces off the announcer's table in a really cool spot. Edge goes after him and tosses a limp Orton back into the ring. Edge covers, but Orton manages to kick out at two. Orton actually gets a 'Randy' chant. Edge stomps and knee drops Orton for two. Edge with a Cobra Clutch to Orton on the mat. Orton elbows out. Edge takes him back down with a spinning heel kick. Edge goes to the top rope. Orton meets him and punches Edge in the head. Orton climbs the ropes. The two fight for position. Edge punches Orton down and jumps off the top, but Orton counters with a drop kick. They trade punches again. Edge thumbs Orton in the eye. Orton counters with a backbreaker for two. Edge blocks a back body drop attempt, but Orton powerslams him for two. Edge with an Edge-O-Matic for two. The two go for cross body attempts and collide in mid air. Edge gets up first and removes the turnbuckle. Edge and Orton trade roll ups for two. Orton with a lariat. Orton goes for punches in the corner. Edge counters with a Snake Eyes. Edge puts his feet on the ropes but gets caught. Orton tries to cheat as well, but he is similarly caught. Edge blocks an RKO and hits the Impaler DDT for two. Orton leapfrogs a spear attempt by Edge, who eats turnbuckle. Orton is wearing the crimson mask and sets up for an RKO. Edge blocks it and Spears Orton for the win to finish a really good opening match that no one would have expected going in for obvious reasons.

Winner: Edge

In anticipation of Cena-Michaels III, we get a replay of last week's amazing finish to their excellent match. We also get a replay of Santino Marella's Intercontinental Title win, and his first live interview is next.

An ECW promo indicates a new direction for the show, with the Originals confronting Vince.

Todd Grisham is interviewing Santino, who "can not believe it". Grisham points out that Marella had been training in the United States to be a wrestler before going to Italy to visit family, where he bought a ticket to RAW and answered the challenge. Santino says he did it with the help of "Roberto" Lashley. He talks about how proud his family is, though Mama Marella wishes he weren't a wrestler. He and his eight (!) brothers and sisters drank wine all night to celebrate. He says he hopes to be successful in next week's title defense, his very first.

In a backstage promo, RVD talks about Vince winning the ECW title. Due to those comments, he must face Umaga tonight.

Vince is in the back with Shane, who admires the ECW Title. Vince thanks Shane for his help. Shane puts his arm over Vince and says that he loves him before a hug. Shane takes the belt and Vince orders him to polish it. Shane chants E-C-W before walking off screen.

Maria asks Edge why he doesn't look angry. Edge is upset that Shawn Michaels has been granted another WWE Championship match when Edge didn't lose at Backlash. He says he is going to insert himself back into the title picture whether anyone likes it or not. He then steals Kip James catchphrase and says "Get it, got it, good."

The Fruity Fruity Delicious replay is still photos of the Hardy Boyz retaining at Backlash.

Cade and Murdoch are at the announcer's desk for commentary.

Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Nitro

Nitro walks out sans Melina. Hardy with a Side Russian Legsweep and pin for a quick two. Hardy with his mule kick. He goes for a move in the corner, but Nitro blocks. Nitro gets two with a couple of covers. Nitro with punches, then a chinlock. Hardy elbows out, but Nitro hits an elbow of his own. Nitro punches away in the corner. Hardy dodges a charge and nails Whisper in the Wind. Cade & Murdoch are very complimentary on commentary. Hardy with a couple clotheslines and a Falcon Arrow for two. Nitro with a Rude Awakening and he goes to the top. Hardy meets him. They jockey for position. Hardy back body drops Nitro to the mat and hits the Swanton for the win.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

Cade and Murdoch get up to clap for Hardy. They get on the mic and tell the crowd to give him applause. Cade says after last night, they respect Hardy and they want to get in the ring and shake his hand. They extend their hands, but Hardy doesn't bite and he walks off.

A replay of Vince's historic ECW Title win is shown. The hungry challenger was finally able to grab the brass ring.

Shane walks out to the ring. He introduces Umaga to the ring. Armando Alejandro Estrada is not present, still selling his beating from last Tuesday's ECW. Rob Van Dam comes out before the commercial break.

Umaga vs. Rob Van Dam

Back from the break, RVD is trying to kick Umaga down. He hits a running kick in the corner, but is quickly tossed off the top rope and into the security barrier. Umaga rolls him back in the ring and hits a leg drop. Umaga with a forearm to RVD's chest. He then hammers Van Dam in the shoulder. RVD punches back, but runs right into a Samoan Drop. Van Dam tries to lift Umaga up, but falls down into a two count for Umaga. Umaga with a forearm to the back. RVD dodges a charge and goes for a sleeper hold, applying the body scissors to a standing Umaga. RVD gradually wears Umaga down to the mat. Umaga recovers and tosses RVD from the ring. Van Dam quickly gets back up and goes to the sleeper hold again on the floor. King gets an "Extremely Crappy Wrestling" shot in. Umaga gets RVD off by leaping into the ring steps. In the ring, Umaga hits a headbutt. RVD avoids the Whipsplash. RVD flies over the top rope with a Sunset Flip attempt. He avoids a splash attempt and kicks Umaga on the mat. RVD with a clothesline and kick. Van Dam connects with the thrust kick off the top and hits Rolling Thunder, but only gets one. Umaga gets up and headbutts Van Dam. Umaga with a thrust to the throat. Van Dam dodges a splash in the corner and hits a springboard thrust kick. Van Dam goes for the Frog Splash, but Umaga goozles him. Samoan Spike and Umaga wins. WWE is three for three with their matches tonight.

Winner: Umaga

"The King of Extreme" Vince McMahon comes out at the top of the stage to celebrate Umaga's win and show off his belt.

Cowboy Troy is in the crowd and, mercifully, not on commentary.

Ric Flair is getting WOOOO coffee in the back. Carlito comes up and apologizes for screaming at Flair. To make it up, Carlito made a match for the two of them against The World's Greatest Tag Team to prove they are winners. Flair says this is Carlito's last chance. Flair walks off. Torrie asks if this is a good idea. Carlito says he knows what he is doing.

Shawn Michaels music plays in anticipation of the Cena-Michaels match, but we see on the Titantron that he has been attacked in the back and won't be able to compete tonight. Commercial.

Cena is among the officials wondering what happened to Michaels. Coach comes up and accuses Cena of assaulting HBK. Cena pushes him against a wall but walks off before saying anything. McMahon comes up and demands that Coach find out who did this. Vince says he still wants Michaels in the ring tonight.

Carlito & Ric Flair vs. The World's Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas)

Flair and Haas lock up. Flair with a side headlock takedown. Flair with a shoulderblock. He blocks a hiptoss and hits one of his own. Chop to Haas' chest. Carlito tags in and chops Haas as well. Haas pushes Carlito into his corner and tags Shelton in. Shelton punches Carlito. Carlito blocks a back drop with a kick to Benjamin's chest. Carlito with a reverse elbow. Carlito springboards over Shelton and hits a standing rana. Shelton recovers and takes Carlito into his corner. Haas tags in and chokes Carlito. Haas with a forearm to the kidney. Haas knees Carlito in the face and hits a backbreaker. Haas with punches on the mat, then humbles Carlito with a Camel Clutch. Shelton tags in and leaps over the top rope to stomp Carlito in the back. Carlito hits some lefts, but Benjamin connects with a backbreaker. King gives Pronk a shout out. Shelton with a chinlock. Haas tags in and they get two with a double team. Shelton tags back in. Carlito punches back and blocks a backbreaker attempt. Carlito hits a Cool Shot to knock both men down. Flair tags in and chops Shelton. Flair with a reverse elbow. Carlito dropkicks Haas from the ring. Flair with a back drop and chop to Shelton.

Flair WOOOS and when he turns around, Carlito knocks him down and starts to punch away. Flair rakes his eye and gives chase. Flair punches Carlito on the ramp and the two start to brawl. Carlito tries to walk away, but Flair tackles him and punches him some more. Carlito gets away and Flair seethes.

In the locker room, Edge is face down after presumably being attacked.

"Mr. Money in the Bank" Mr. Kennedy surprises us by coming to the ring. He says that "I didn't do that" and mentions his White Bronco parked out back has no blood stains and the glove won't fit. Topical! He says he doesn't need to do stuff like that because he has the briefcase. Kennedy says he could have walked out of Backlash as a champion, but decided not to because he wanted to ask the crowd if they want to see him cash in his chance right here, right now. The crowd supports the idea, but Kennedy declines. Kennedy says what Edge did with his briefcase in January 06 was an act of cowardice and he would never do that. Kennedy will be upfront and says he will give the time and the place where it goes down. The countdown is on because in 335 days at Wrestlemania 24, Mr. Kennedy cashes in his briefcase. Kennedy. Good promo.

The 'whodunit' continues as Orton is knocked out in the shower. Coach orders Kenny to stay with him.

Coach runs into McMahon's office and recaps the situation with the top stars being knocked out. Vince says he has figured it out. He says the person did this because of WWE Champion John Cena. He orders Coach to send Cena to the ring and they will all come face to face with who did this.

Melina & Victoria vs. Mickie James & Candice Michelle

Victoria throws Candice down. Candice gets two with a backslide. Candice gets on Victoria's back for a sleeper. Victoria backs her into the corner and Melina tags in. Melina whiffs on a dropkick and gets pinned, but is able to kick out. Candice drives Melina into the corner and Mickie tags in. Mickie with a kick and Lou Thesz Press. Melina and Mickie then catfight on the mat. Melina punches Victoria in the stomach and Victoria tags in. Mickie knocks her right back out and tosses Melina back in. Victoria trips Mickie and drags her out of the ring. Victoria rams her into the apron and tosses Mickie in the ring. Victoria knocks down Mickie for a two count. Victoria places Mickie into the tree of woe and tags in Melina, who leaps over Victoria and splashes Mickie in the chest. Melina with a straitjacket sleeper hold. Mickie counters with a neckbreaker. Candice and Victoria tag in. Candice with some clotheslines. Candice with a forearm and satellite headscissors takedown before Melina interrupts the count. They try to double team Candice, but Mickie blocks it. Candice rolls up Victoria to pick up the win.

Winners: Candice Michelle & Mickie James

All of the ECW Originals show their disgust in promos taped last night after McMahon won the ECW Title. Sandman says he has urinated on all of professional wrestling. Sabu throws a ladder in the back. Tommy Dreamer doesn't know what to believe in anymore. Van Dam says it a loss of spirit for the original ECW.

John Cena comes out to the ring and gets on the mic. He says someone is trying to make a statement and get his attention. Cena says he never backs down from a challenge, and all they have to do is come out (and get some). The Great Khali comes out and answers Cena's challenge. Cena runs out of the ring and meets him. Cena throws some punches but gets tossed into the ring. Cena with a flying shoulderblock. Khali clotheslines him down. Khali hits a big boot. Khali kicks Cena in the corner and hits some charges. The crowd chants for Cena, but Khali continues to overpower him. Cena blocks the chop and actually gets Khali on his shoulders for the FU, but Khali prevents him from following throw. Chokebomb by Khali. Khali picks up the title and puts it by Cena's head. He then yells and raises his arms, indicating victory over the WWE champion. Khali walks off to end the show.

Credit: PWInsider.com / Edited: LionDen

05-01-2007, 04:20 AM
This is all a horrible nightmare... This is all a horrible nightmare... This is all a horrible nightmaer... :whacky:

05-01-2007, 04:42 AM
Try too look at the brightside...pretend RAW ended at 10 (11 for those of you in Eastern...)

05-01-2007, 07:12 AM
Try too look at the brightside...pretend RAW ended at 10 (11 for those of you in Eastern...)

It ended at 11... it ended at 11... it ended at 11...

You sure this will work?

05-01-2007, 03:09 PM
I thought Edge Orton match was very good, the Flair Carlito feud is starting to pick up but the rest of the show had lots of low spots really. Not what u would expect after a PPV. But the Khali thing was pretty good even know I really don't like that guy all that much. I was most impressed with the Orton Edge match the most. That match was one of the reasons why Randy will not be fired or suspended for any length of time. The WWE needs him right where he is.

05-01-2007, 03:40 PM
I don't like Khali. I liked the idea, of 3 of John Cenas opponent getting knocked out. But the guy can't wrestle. Besides, now Divari isnt on his side. How are we going to get a sentence in English, out of him?

05-01-2007, 03:50 PM
I don't think that their actually going to have him win the title and if they do it will be for a transition champion.