View Full Version : ECW Results - 1st May 2007

05-02-2007, 08:14 AM
ECW Results - 1st May 2007
Location - Birmingham, Alabama
Commentators - Tazz & Michael Cole

ECW opened with a video feature on Mr. McMahon winning the ECW championship at Backlash this past Sunday. In ECW tradition, a shot of McMahon as champion was added to the end of the opening montage.

Bobby Lashley made his way to the ring, dressed to wrestle. He stopped to let his pyro explode. Perhaps I'm being nitpicky but if I lost the World title, I certainly would be mad enough that I wouldn't want to play pomp and circumstance. The crowd chants his name. Lashley says that McMahon finally got revenge for what happened at Wrestlemania 23. He says that outside of the McMahon family no one is happy about it - not the fans, not the Originals, and not him. Lashley says that he has a way to make it all better and promises to give McMahon the beating of a lifetime. He says that he doesn't care that he has an injured shoulder and demands a rematch right now.

Armando Alejandro Estrada came out in wheelchair, channeling Ron Wright. Estrada says because of Lashley, he's in a wheelchair and McMahon is bald. He says he's being prevented from doing his job as Umaga's manager. He promises that Lashley won't ruin McMahon's special night. Estrada claims he was instructed to deliver a message and that is that Lashley will get a rematch. He says that unless Lashley is "physically provoked", he can't come into contact with any of the McMahons or Umaga. If he does, he'll forfeit that future title rematch. Of course, Armando didn't say his own name, so Lashley came out of the ring and attacked him, running his wheelchair into the ringsteps.

Joey Styles noted that the ECW Originals are furious and wondered what would happen when they confront Vince McMahon.

Promo for the Condemned, which is playing before empty movie theatres across the country.

Elijah Burke was backstage with the other members of the New Breed. He said last week CM Punk set them all up and turned his back on the New Breed. He tells them that Punk wasn't really trying to motivate them and tonight, they follow Burke's lead.

CM Punk came to the ring. They showed what happened last week week. Elijah Burke tells Punk on the mic that last week he used the New Breed for his own purposes and told Punk that he was going to fight. Punk responded, "I came here to fight!" Burke then told Punk he was fighting Kevin Thorn.

CM Punk vs. Kevin Thorn

Thorn beat Punk down in the corner early. He worked over Punk with clubbing blows to the chest, then locked in a side chinlock. Punk hit a high cross bodyblock after rebounding off the ropes, but was caught and slammed down. Punk kicked Thorn in the face then hit a series of offensive moves. He nailed the Go To Sleep and pinned Thorn.

Winner: CM Punk

Matt Striker and Marcus Cor Von wanted to come to the ring but Burke held them back in the aisle.

They showed clips of the ECW Originals promos.

They pushed that Extreme Expose was back next.

Extreme Expose:
Extreme Expose is dancing to Warrant. 1990 says hello. Now if Snitsky chokeslammed Jani Lane through a table, we'd be in business. I've got Scatterbrain and Krokus in the betting pool for future bands. No Snitsky.

Kevin Thorn demanded to know where they were for him. Burke told him they were watching him get pinned. Burke told him not to question him because anyone else in the New Breed, including Ariel, could have beat Punk. Thorn told him that as far as Burke and the New Breed go, "I quit."

Tazz and Joey Styles said the New Breed could be falling apart, but the ECW Originals are unified against Vince McMahon. They aired more ECW.com comments from the Originals. The Dreamer and Van Dam promos were among the best they've ever given in their WWE runs.

Snitsky video feature.

Matt Striker & Marcus Cor Von vs. Brian & Brett Major

The Majors are WWE developmental stars who most recently were with Deep South. They are from the NYWC in Long Island, NY, originally using the names Matt Matthews and Bryan Myers. We noted on PWInsider.com that when DSW was shut down, some of the talents may be brought to the main roster. The Majors double teamed Striker early. Cor Von worked over one of the brothers outside the ring. He pressed one over his head and hit a Fall Away Slam. Cor Von controlled the match, then missing a flying shoulderblock in the corner. The other Major Brother tagged in and cleaned house on Striker, hitting a one man flapjack for a two count. Cor Von broke up the pin and tossed one of the Majors out of the ring. The other sunset flipped Striker, who grabbed Cor Von from the ring. Striker fell into the move but kicked up at two. They went back and forth. Striker whipped him into the corner but he came off with a bodypress and scored the pin. Burke was shocked.

Winners: The Major Brothers

Burke and Striker argued in the corner. Burke told Striker that he disgusted him and claimed he made Striker. He told Striker he should leave with his head down after that embarrassing loss. Striker was mad but eventually walked off.

They showed clips of Umaga vs. RVD from Raw.

They aired a video feature on The Condemned. I am truly surprised by how much of a bomb this is, considering that Austin has much more of a fan base than any other performer who WWE have put into films. I guess the timing was completely wrong, because I really expected it to have a good first week before Spider-Man obliterated it to pieces.

Vince McMahon walked to the ring as if he was recreating the "I Got No Strings" song from Pinocchio. McMahon bragged about being ECW champion. He said that he'll get to Bobby Lashley and will defend the title against him when he's ready. He noted that the "so-called Originals" had derogatory things to say, but it's easy to say something behind someone's back. He said it's different to say it to his face. He says he wants to see if they have the gumption to say to his face what they really feel and invites them to come to the ring.

The Originals came to the ring. The fans chanted "ECW" so McMahon thanked them. McMahon said he wanted to start Rob Van Dam. Van Dam said that he killed ECW and him wearing the belt is mockery of everything they stood for. Vince tried to get Sabu's commented, but Sabu just sneered at him. He went to Sandman. Sandman told him to read between the lines if he's so smart. McMahon went to Dreamer. Dreamer asks him if he thinks he brought back ECW in his image. He says that the fans demanded it to come back. not McMahon. He tells McMahon that his name may be on his paycheck, but the fans are the ones who pay his salary. He says that they know about the spirit of ECW.

McMahon mocked them and asked which of them had the guts to take him on, one-on-one. All of them wanted the shot. McMahon eliminated them all one by one before telling them they were going to have to compete tonight for a shot against McMahon next week. He said it would be a "one fall to a finish Four Way Dance." He demanded a referee. He said it would be an Extreme Rules match and demanded that weapons be brought to the ring.

Rob Van Dam vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Sabu vs. Sandman

This really should be a PPV match, not a main event made at the last minute with 4 minutes to go.

All four touched knuckles at the bell. Sabu tried to roll up Van Dam early. Sandman tried to backslide Sabu. All four began battling. Sandman dropkicked RVD and Sabu out of the ring. Dreamer hit a clothesline off the ropes on Sandman. Van Dam and Sabu tossed weapons into the ring, then drilled Dreamer with a chair. They drilled Dreamer with Rolling Thunder. RVD set up for Air Sabu but Sabu turned on him and legdropped Van Dam. Dreamer nailed Sandman and Sabu with a trashcan. Crowd doesn't seem to know how to react to the babyfaces fighting each other early, but popped for the big spots.

Dreamer clotheslined Sandman over the ropes. He went to the floor and tried to suplex Sandman on the guard rail. Sandman reversed it and dropped Dreamer on it. VVan Dam took out Sandman and went for his corkscrew legdrop off the apron. Sabu splashed Van Dam from behind and they crashed to the floor. It wasn't pretty but the crowd chanted ECW anyway.

Dreamer nailed Sandman with a chair, tied him to the tree of woe and dropkicked him. Dreamer got the chair from McMahon, teasing he was going to hit him. Sabu laid out Dreamer but was in turn laid out by Van Dam. Van Dam drilled Sandman with a chair then hit a skateboard dropkick in the corner. Dreamer hit a a piledriver on RVD, who took his old school bump off of it, bouncing into the air. Dreamer did his scream but was caned by Sandman. Sabu through a chair in Sandman's face and hit a triple jump moonsault for a two count.

Sabu put Sandman on a table and went to the top but Dreamer caught him and superplexed Sabu through the table. Van Dam nailed the five star frog splash off the top and pinned Sandman to earn the title shot.

Winner: Rob Van Dam

McMahon tried to walk off but Van Dam left the ring and told him that next week, the belt was coming back to him. He did his thumb posing routine, with the crowd chanting RVD. They faced off. Joey Styles ran down Vince McMahon's accomplishments but warned that McMahon has never dealt with a fired up, motivated RVD.

05-04-2007, 02:18 AM
The CM Punk vs. Kevin Thorn match was good but the Main Event was way to predictable and was ok.