View Full Version : JR Comments on Arn Anderson,Orton and More

Y0UR Messiah
05-02-2007, 10:30 PM
JR has posted a new blog today where he answers viewers questions. Some topics that were answered if JR had heard about Orton being transferred to ECW, Arn Andersons possible return to the ring and more, here are a few excerpts of what he had to say:

On the Four Horsemen

The Horsemen quote you mentioned, meant that the 4 Horsemen became the first nationally faction to become the top drawing entity on the broadcast (TBS) and for the company they worked for (NWA). It proved to all that with the necessary elements in place that a faction could become the headliners in any wrestling territory if executed properly. The Freebirds should also be considered as forerunners to successful factions, as there were three `Birds on the team instead of the traditional two-man team. The Horsemen with 4 members and a manager were definitely a faction and paved the way for others that followed them in my opinion.

On another national wrestling organization

I would seriously doubt that a 3rd national, wrestling promotion will ever succeed in the United States. I think a 2nd national promotion is in a challenging spot as well. The start-up cost of doing a promotion correctly, and the years it takes to develop home grown stars, makes some investors uneasy—and rightfully so.

On Orton being transferred to ECW?

I have heard zilch about Randy Orton going over to ECW.

On Arn Anderson's return to the ring

I would say that the chances of Arn Anderson getting back in the ring are slim and none—and slim just rode out of town. I would love to see it, but I don't think AA's neck would allow it.

To read his full blog, click here (http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog/2007/05/02/faq-coming-dibiase-book-luv-atlanta-johnny-valiant-on-sopranos-horsemen-lead-the-way-technique-vs-charisma-and-then-some/)