View Full Version : JR Comments on Great Khali, Edge & Orton And More

05-04-2007, 10:14 AM
Jim Ross has updated his blog over at www.jrsbarbq.com. In todays edition, he answers viewers emails on subjects such as if Great Khali could be WWE Champion, The Edge vs. Orton match on Raw, and Paul Heyman. Here is a few things he had to say:

On Great Khali has Possible Champion

You may hope Khali wins the WWE Title some day, but I would surmise, going out on a limb here, that you are in the minority. Nonetheless, stranger things have happened over the years.

Edge vs. Orton on Raw

I loved the Edge vs. Orton Match from Raw. I thought it rivaled the Cena vs. HBK match from London, which is probably the best match of the year so far on Raw in my opinion. Orton and Edge have great chemistry, either as partners or foes.

The Smackdown Title

I would suggest that the World Title featured on Smackdown shares lineage back to the WCW Title. The WCW Title had lineage to the old NWA Title that men like Thesz, Brisco, Funk, Race, Flair and Rhodes held once upon a time.

Source: W-E

05-04-2007, 07:33 PM
I agree with him on the WHC. It is the WCW title, Bischoff brought that title back to have a RAW champion. Some are just not willing to do so because then that title has a much longer and perhaps more prestigous lineage than that of the WWE championship.