View Full Version : 5/5 WWE Raw brand house results from Greenville, SC

05-06-2007, 10:10 PM
5/5 WWE Raw brand house results from Greenville, SC

Would estimate well over 5000 in the arena.

Kofi Kingston b. Shelton Benjamin with a flying bodypress.
This was the worst house show match I've ever seen, dating back to 1978
with Crockett, from a mainstream promotion. An absolute mess with no

Eugene b. Dan Rodman

It was "Attack of the Clones" as Rodman looks like all of the other
muscleheads with tats they have. Eugene brought a kid with him. Eugene
won with a Rock Bottom. Crowd loved Eugene.

Carlito b. Val Venis
Carlito got a big pop coming out but turned the crowd by burying the
Four Horsemen. He again got a good pop when he pinned Venis after faking
a knee injury and hitting the back cracker.

Intercontinental Champion Santino Marella b. Chris Masters
Masters got a pop for saying he was from the U.S., but the crowd turned
on him once he started to wrestle. Marella was shocklingly good playing
small babyface in peril against "Clone" Masters. Marella used some
shoot-style moves that looked cool. Marella got the pin with a rollup
when Masters missed a shoulder in the corner.

Great Khali b. Hacksaw Jim Duggan
I hit the loos during this one.

CrymeTyme b. Kenny Dykstra & Johnny Nitro
Dykstra & Nitro had great chemistry and carried CT to an excellent
match. Shad made the hot tag and pinned Nitro following their fireman's
carry/neckbreaker finisher.

Women's Champion Melina b. Mickie James
Another strong match. Melina used a rollup with a handful of tights for
the win. Since Melina had interrupted Maria during intermission, she
came back out to help Mickie post-match. Mickie helped Maria out of her
Cena T-shirt and threw it to the crowd, much to the delight of the

World Tag Team Champions The Hardyz b. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch
The first Superstar reaction for the night was for The Hardyz. When
their music began playing, they shut off the lights on the trellis and
used spotlights for their entrance. The crowd chanted "Hardy" at least
10 times during the match. Heat was on Jeff. Matt hot tagged and
eventually disposed of Murdoch. Poetry In Motion, Twist of Fate (Matt),
tag, Swanton (Jeff) for the pin on Cade. Monster pop and more Hardy
chants. Each brother got the crowd to chant the others' name. They did
the comedy deal at the end like in Johnson City. They took time to slap
hands around all 4 sides of the ring before they left. Match was

WWE Champion John Cena b. Umaga w/ Armando Alejandro Estrada
Didn't see all of it, but what I saw was good. Greenville is definitely
Cena country as I heard no boos.

In general...
Lots of Hispanics in the crowd, even more than in the past...Most
t-shirts were Cena, DX, new Jeff Hardy/old Hardyz/mass-market
Hardyz...Lots of teenagers wearing Hardyz necklaces, leading me to
believe there may be yet another generation of kids who want to become
wrestlers because of The Hardyz...They announced Edge & Orton would not
be at the show and that people had until the end of the second match to
get refunds if they wanted them...They were selling Cena autographed
copies of "The Marine" unrated DVD for $20.

by Thomas Simpson

05-07-2007, 03:42 AM
No Khali attacking Cena, wonder if he was there.