View Full Version : WWE Adopts New Policy For Divas

Dangerous Incorporated
05-07-2007, 12:40 PM
Say goodbye to the days of “slutty” WWE Divas, at least for now.

WWE has adopted a new policy to present its female performers in a classier light.

While the Divas’ sex appeal will not be completely downplayed, the company will present women in a more professional light. An image consultant was hired to advise the women on how to “look classy and not come across as slutty on television,” the Observer said.

In addition to hiring new stylists, WWE provided the women with less revealing outfits.

The new policy is likely part of a plan to appeal to mainstream advertisers.

Source:Wrestling Observer Newsletter

This would have been handy for Lita after all the comments she got.

05-07-2007, 04:18 PM
This is good and bad at the same time...Good obviously for them...but I was kind of looking forward to another back to school fight with Torrie in a school girl outfit with a paddle....

Big Evil
05-07-2007, 04:43 PM
Yeah I'm sure a lot of guys will be upset with not having the divas showing of their great bodies every week, but I wouldn't mind seeing some more wrestling from them. I mean, its nice to have some eye candy, and we will still get that, but hopefully we will see better representing Divas now.

05-07-2007, 05:37 PM
I would be interested to see if this results in the firing of some of the Divas who have zero wrestling skills. I mean, if this is their new position...what will happen to Extreme Expose? Or Maryse, all she does is try to be sexy welcoming us back to smackdown. On RAW, Victoria, Mickie, and Melina are safe, as they wrestle, and Maria's the interviewer, and Im' pretty sure they won't ever get rid of Torrie until she leaves...but what about Candice Michelle? She's an awful wrestler, and, to be honost, she isn't good looking at all IMO.

If they are serious about this change, then we may be seeing some releases soon.

Big Evil
05-07-2007, 05:54 PM
That's definitely a possibility, and I think they should cut the dead weight like Maryse. She and others are just a waste of contract dollars, and there is no reason to really have characters like that anyways.

05-07-2007, 06:31 PM
I really don't understand this... other than some revealing outfits, very few of the divas come off as "slutty". Torrie, Candice, Ashley, and Maryse are the only ones that come off as that and two of them are fairly slutty in real life anyway.

And considering most of the divas are not good enough to get by on wrestling alone, I do not see the logic in this move. Also, since when has the mainstream audience been against slutty? Look at all the soaps and reality TV that do good numbers; most of them are either downright raunchy or have half naked women (and men) all over them.

There must be some problems with some feminist group or the PTA again. It didn't bother McMahon in the Attitude Era, but he now seems to be bowing to the puratanical pressure some groups. If the divas are fine with it, everybody else should be fine with it.

05-07-2007, 09:11 PM
damn im gonna miss matches where the girls butts are sticking out for half the match well atleast we will see refined womens wrestling

05-07-2007, 09:46 PM
damn im gonna miss matches where the girls butts are sticking out for half the match well atleast we will see refined womens wrestling

With who? The diva roster isn't exactly loaded with talent. Aside from Hall, Melina, and Mickie there is no ability. Maria and Candice are trying, but are far from the level needed. The rest don't have ability and are not trying to gain the wrestling talent necessary to be just a wrestler.

05-08-2007, 12:51 AM
I thought before I reed it that the new rule was that they had to have a certain bra size.

05-08-2007, 04:20 AM
I thought before I reed it that the new rule was that they had to have a certain bra size.

No thats the old rule. Thats why Sable was able to get hired twice.

05-08-2007, 04:41 AM
I am very saddened by this :sad:

Dangerous Incorporated
05-08-2007, 05:07 AM
^^ Thats your official statement? :)

05-08-2007, 03:04 PM
No thats the old rule. Thats why Sable was able to get hired twice.

Thats right they did hire twice even after she sued the WWE. So ya I guess u are right that was the old rule. lol