View Full Version : 5/6 WWE Smackdown/ECW brand house show results from Binghamton, NY

05-07-2007, 02:14 PM
5/6 WWE Smackdown/ECW brand house show results from Binghamton, NY

- Rob Van Dam d. Marcus Cor Von in an "ECW Extreme Rules Match"

- Mark Henry d. Jimmy Yang Yang and Funaki

- Michelle McCool d. Jillian Hall (with Kristal as the special guest referee)

- Deuce and Domino d. Brian Kendrick and Paul London and William Regal and David Taylor to retain the Tag Team titles

- The Boogeyman d. The Miz

- CM Punk d. Elijah Burke

- Batista, Benoit and Kane defeated MVP, Mr. Kennedy and Finlay
