View Full Version : RAW Results - 7th May 2007

05-09-2007, 05:00 AM
RAW Results - 7th May 2007
Location - University Park, Pennsylvania

We start off with Jonathan Coachman in the ring and he brings out the ECW World Champion, Vince McMahon. Vince walks to the ring as only the ECW World Champion can. Vince takes the mic and he says that he does not come here only as the ECW champion, but as the chairman of the board. He says that he has never seen anything like what happened last week. There was one dominant individual who destroyed four WWE superstars in one night. That has never ever been done before. In case you missed the show, it is time to see what the Great Khali did to Shawn Michaels, Edge, Randy Orton, and John Cena.

We return to Vince in the center of the ring and he is smiling with Jonathan Coachman. Vince says that one man taking on Edge, Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels, and John Cena all in one night. As a result, at Judgment Day, the man who will face WWE Champion John Cena is . . .

Shawn Michaels comes out and he interrupts Vince McMahon’s announcement. Shawn tells Vince not to finish his last horrific line. Shawn wants to remind Mr. McMahon that it was the Heartbreak Kid who was supposed to face John Cena last week. He says that he was going to beat John Cena once again to become the number one contender. However, the Great Khali attacked him from behind and took him out.

Vince says that we will never know if Shawn Michaels would have beaten John Cena last week, but he asks Shawn if he wants to be named the number one contender. Shawn assures Vince that he never made Shawn anything. For Vince to make him anything, that would imply that he did something for Shawn or did him a favor. Shawn says that Vince has never done anything for him. Shawn says that he is here to earn what he wants. Shawn says that he has officially lost it because he wants to wrestle the Great Khali tonight.

Vince says that he always thought that Shawn had more guts than brains because we might see it tonight. Vince says that tonight Shawn Michaels will face the Great Khali in a No Disqualification match with the winner facing John Cena at Judgment Day.

Vince says that everyone is talking about the ECW World Heavyweight Title and Vince McMahon. Vince is interrupted by Bobby Lashley and he comes to the ring. Vince wants to know why Bobby Lashley is in the ring. Bobby says that Vince gave Shawn what he wanted so he wants what he asked for. Vince tells Bobby Lashley that he cannot touch Vince, ‘his son’ Shane, or Umaga unless physically provoked or he will never get another shot at the title. Vince asks Lashley how it feels and then he asks Bobby if he wants to hit him. Vince tells Bobby that he is glad that he is here. Vince says that everyone was going to enjoy some footage. It is time to take a look at what happened at Backlash and we see Vince McMahon winning the ECW World Title.

Vince asks Bobby how it feels to be in the ring with a champion. Vince wants Bobby to call him ‘champ’. Vince asks Bobby if he wants to knock his block off and then Vince tells Bobby to calm down. Vince says that he has something else to show Bobby Lashley. We go to footage from right after Wrestlemania that is now outdated. We see a photo of the three champions after Wrestlemania, but now it is a collector’s edition because it is all wrong. Vince tells Bobby to look at him and he says that something is not right. Vince says that it is time to make it right and we see Vince’s head on Bobby Lashley’s body. Vince asks Bobby if he wants his rematch. Vince asks Bobby if he never heard of the grapefruits. Vince says that he will take Bobby Lashley on at Judgment Day. He will be Bobby’s judge, jury, and executioner. Vince says that his tag team partners will be Umaga and ‘his son’ Shane. Vince asks Bobby how that sounds. Bobby says that it sounds good. Bobby tells Vince that he wants to tell Vince what he thinks of him but he cannot put his hands on Vince. Vince taunts Bobby to ‘send a message’ but reminds Bobby that it cannot be physical. Vince says that Bobby Lashley was humbled before the champion. Vince leaves the ring and Coach remains in the ring. Lashley pulls Coachman back into the ring and Lashley punches Coachman. Lashley throws Coachman out of the ring and then he goes out after the executive assistant. Lashley slams Coachman’s head into the ring steps and then he grabs a cord and he chokes Coach with it. Lashley returns to the ring and then he signals for Vince, but Vince stands at the top of the ramp with the belt over his head. Lashley leaves the ring and he spears Coachman to add insult to injury.

We go to the Diva’s Locker Room and Mickie James checks to see if Candice is ready for their match and she asks Mickie to help her get ready. We go to commercial.

We are back with the WWE Rewind: Candice Michelle and Mickie James defeating Melina and Victoria last week on Raw.

Mickie James and Candice Michelle vs Melina and Victoria

Victoria wants Candice in the ring and Mickie complies with the request. Victoria with a kick and forearm to the back followed by another kick. Candice blocks a hip toss and Victoria does the same. Candice with an arm drag and drop kick and Melina is tagged in. Mickie is also tagged in and the ladies push each other before slaps are exchanged. Mickie with a snap mare and drop kick. Mickie with an arm bar and then Candice is tagged back in and Candice comes off the turnbuckles onto Melina’s arm. Melina with a rake of the eyes and then Victoria helps Melina with a hot shot on Candice. Melina misses an elbow and Mickie is tagged in. Mickie with a series of clotheslines to Melina followed by a Louise Thesz Press. Mickie with an elbow to Victoria followed by a rana. Mickie with a neck breaker to Melina before knocking Victoria off the apron. Candice makes the blind tag and Candice hits a spinning heel kick for the three count.

Winners: Candice Michelle and Mickie James

We take a look back to Raw from three weeks ago when Santino Marella defeated Umaga with help from Bobby Lashley to become the Intercontinental Champion. Santino will defend the title tonight. We go to commercial.

We are back with footage of different WWE wrestlers meeting with fans.

Intercontinental Title
Santino Marella vs Chris Masters

Masters throws Marella down on a collar and elbow tie up. Masters with a side head lock and shoulder tackle and Marella is visibly frustrated. Masters slams Marella but misses an elbow drop. Marella with a series of slaps and a flying back elbow and drop kick for a near fall. Marella tries to Irish whip Masters, but Masters holds on to the ropes and he hits a short arm clothesline. Masters works on Marella’s back and chokes him in the ropes. Masters has Marella draped over the edge of the apron and he hits an elbow from the apron to the floor. Masters gets a two count when he returns to the ring. Masters with a cravate before stomping on Marella’s head. Masters pulls down the knee pad but he misses a knee drop. Marella works on the leg with kicks to the thigh and an enzuigiri. Marella with a drop kick to the knee for a two count. Marella with a neck breaker and then he goes up for the punches of ten but Masters pushes him off at five. Masters with a back elbow and then he charges into the corner but Marella moves out of the way and Masters runs his shoulder into the post. Marella with a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Santino Marella

We go to commercial.

We are back and we are reminded that this Friday we will see the Undertaker defend the World Title against Batista inside a steel cage.

Ken Kennedy comes out and he has the Money in the Bank briefcase with him and the mic falls from the ceiling by the TitanTron. Kennedy says that last week he came out and made a bold statement. He wanted to remind everyone tonight because he is that type of guy. The official countdown is now at 328 days until Ken Kennedy cashes in his Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania 24. That is 328 days until he cashes in the briefcase and 328 days until there will be a new champion and his name will be Mr. Kennedy. He tells the fans to wait for the second Kennedy.

Maria is in the interview area and she is with Randy Orton. Maria asks Randy how he feels about his match with John Cena later tonight. Randy says that he requested this match to show why he is the most hyped third generation superstar to enter the WWE. He will not cry and complain like Edge. After tonight, people will not remember that Shawn Michaels defeated John Cena two weeks ago because it will not take an hour. His career, his title hopes, and his life get back on track tonight. We go to commercial.

Handicap Match
The Highlanders versus Umaga

Rory goes after Umaga’s leg while Robbie tries to go high. Umaga pushes Robbie off and then kicks Rory. Umaga with a clothesline to Robbie followed by punches in the corner. Umaga with a kick to Rory’s midsection and then he hits the running butt splash into the corner. Umaga picks up Rory and hits the Samoan Spike. Umaga grabs Robbie and hits a Samoan Spike on him. Umaga puts Robbie on top of Rory and then he goes up top for a frog splash and gets the three count.

Winner: Umaga

We go to a video package for The Condemned.

The Great Khali walks in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back with a look at tomorrow night’s main event on ECW on SciFi as Rob Van Dam faces Vince McMahon.

Edge is walking in the back and he finds Ken Kennedy. Kennedy says that he is sick of people like him and Shawn Michaels. Edge talks about Shawn’s number one contender match. Then Ken Kennedy comes on his show and reminds us of how many days until he gets his title shot. Edge points out that he was Mr. Money in the Bank and he cashed it in and won the title. Edge says that Kennedy will not get the title. Edge points out that he put the title shot on the line. Edge suggests that Ken Kennedy put the Money on the Bank shot on the line against him, but Kennedy says no. Edge wonders if Kennedy is afraid. Kennedy tells Edge to shut up. Kennedy asks Edge if he wants a shot at the briefcase. Kennedy says that Edge only had to ask. Kennedy says that he is confident in his ability and he will walk out of Raw tonight as Mr. Money in the Bank. In 328 days, he will become the champion at Wrestlemania 24.

Jerry Lawler wonders what Ken Kennedy is doing because of the consequences.

No Disqualification Match for the Number One Contender Spot at Judgment Day
Shawn Michaels versus The Great Khali

Michaels tries to attack Khali as Khali enters the ring but Khali pushes him off. Michaels punches Khali and has the giant tied in the ropes. Khali gets out of the ropes and he kicks Michaels in the face with a big boot. Khali slams Michaels and then he tries for a leg drop but Michaels rolls out of the way and out of the ring. Michaels grabs a chair and he hits Khali in the head with it. Michaels with a clothesline to a seated Khali and Michaels with a kip up. Michaels goes up top for an elbow drop and he hits it. Michaels sets up for Sweet Chin Music but Khali blocks it and he hits a chop to the top of Michaels’s head. Khali slams Michaels into the turnbuckles and then he kicks Michaels and chokes him with a boot. Khali with a back elbow in the corner. Khali with a chop in the corner followed by an Irish whip but Michaels does the Michaels’s flip and returns to the ring. Khali with a clothesline to Michaels. Michaels goes to the apron and Khali grabs Michaels for a choke, but Michaels with a rake of the eyes. Michaels with a choke of Khali while Khali is hanging over the ropes. Khali falls to the floor and Michaels with punches to Khali. Khali pushes Michaels off and then Khali tosses Michaels back into the ring. Michaels with a baseball slide that sends Khali into the announce table. Michaels rearranges the announce table and then he sets up a chair in front of the table. Michaels tries for a DDT through the table, but Khali blocks it and Khali throws Michaels at one of the cameramen. Khali grabs Michaels and hits the vertical choke slam through the table and the referee signals for assistance. The referee stops the match.

Winner: Great Khali

While Khali celebrates in the ring, the medical staff checks on Shawn Michaels. We go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of the highlights of the Shawn Michaels/Great Khali match including the choke slam through the announce table.

Todd Grisham is with John Cena in the interview area. Todd asks John for his comments on the new number one contender for his title. Cena calls Todd Grisham ‘King of the Stupid Question’. Cena asks Todd how he would feel if someone wanted to fight them and was seven foot five and over four hundred pounds and talked like Charlie Brown’s teacher. Cena says that he does not back down from any challenge. Randy Orton wants his career back but he picked the wrong person to do it again. In two weeks, the Great Khali gets a title match. Cena says that in two weeks he will show that the only thing ‘great’ about Khali is the size of the skid mark in the toilet bowl. Cena says that it does not matter your size and if you want some, come get some.

Cryme Tyme is in the back and they talk about some gift ideas for Mother’s Day. They suggest a nice steak dinner for your mother. We see Viscera getting ready to eat some steak but that steak is missing. Another gift idea is some medication. We go to Eugene who is looking for his pills and he freaks out in the locker room. It is time for another gift and it is a Hummer. We see Ron Simmons looking for his vehicle in the parking lot and it is time for a ‘DAMN’ moment. Big Dick Johnson appears in a Spiderman costume. Shad calls him ‘Tobey Maguire’. Shad introduces himself as ‘Batman’ and he hits ‘Spidey’ in the midsection. JTG adds an elbow drop and they take his wallet. We go to commercial.

We are back and Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch have joined Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler at the announce table (or what is left of it)

The Hardy Boys vs Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas

Matt and Benjamin start things off with a waist lock take down. Benjamin with a punch to Matt but Matt with a back elbow. Matt slams Benjamin’s head into the turnbuckle. Benjamin with an Irish whip and Matt with a back elbow and slam. Matt gets distracted by Haas and that allows Benjamin to hit Matt and Haas drops Matt’s arm on the top rope. Haas tags in and he works on the arm. Haas with a Northern Lights suplex with the arm in a hammer lock. Haas continues to work on the arm and then he tags in Benjamin. Benjamin with a boot to the arm and then he puts Matt in an arm bar. Matt gets to his feet and he punches Benjamin. Benjamin with an Irish whip and then he gets Matt up for a slam but Matt floats over and hits a reverse DDT. Jeff and Haas tag in and Jeff with kicks and a suplex. Jeff with a gourdbuster of Benjamin onto Haas. Jeff with a double leg drop to the midsection and he gets a near fall. Jeff with Whisper in the Wind but Benjamin breaks up the cover. Matt hits a Twist of Fate on Benjamin and then Jeff goes up top. Haas with a head butt to Jeff but Matt makes the blind tag. Matt with a belly-to-back suplex followed by a Swanton from Jeff. Matt makes the cover for the three count.

Winners: The Hardy Boys

After the match
Cade and Murdoch enter the ring and they offer their hands to Matt and Jeff. Matt and Jeff hesitate before they shake their hands. Cade and Murdoch leave the ring after shaking Matt and Jeff’s hands.

It is time to take a look back at the problems between Ric Flair and Carlito. We see footage from last week when Carlito apologizes to Ric Flair and then he talks about their match against Haas and Benjamin.

Carlito and Torrie are walking in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back with a Gene Snitsky video package.

Carlito comes to the ring with Torrie Wilson. He wants to get a few things straight. Ric Flair embarrassed him in front of his girl by saying that Carlito had no passion for the business and was taking up space on the Raw roster. Carlito let Flair continue because he was a sixteen time champion. Flair said that by teaming with him, Carlito could learn and grow. Flair embarrassed him again because they lost almost every match they were in. Carlito says that he should have been in the Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania and he should have been the WWE champion by now. Last week, he showed Ric Flair about passion. Carlito tells Ric Flair to come out. Carlito says that Ric Flair has no guts. He says that he is tired of carrying around dead weight. He got rid of Ric Flair last week. He is going to continue to get rid of the dead weight in his life. He says that Torrie Wilson is next because she always took Ric Flair’s side. Carlito yells at Torrie in Spanish and then he backs her into the corner. Torrie pushes Carlito and she leaves the ring. Carlito tells her to leave as Torrie runs to the back. Carlito continues to speak in Spanish and he says that he will be champion. Carlito goes to the back.

We see a video package for The Condemned and then we go to commercial.

Money in the Bank Briefcase
Ken Kennedy vs Edge

Edge attacks Kennedy as Kennedy comes to the ring. Edge punches Kennedy and then he Irish whips Kennedy into the ringside barrier. Edge chokes Kennedy with his shirt and then he runs Kennedy’s back into the ring post. Edge grabs a monitor and he hits Kennedy in the head with it. Edge picks up a lifeless Kennedy and rolls him into the ring. The referee holds Edge back as he checks on Kennedy. The referee checks to see if Kennedy wants to wrestle and then he tells Edge to get back. Kennedy returns to his feet and he tells the referee to ring the bell. Edge with a spear for the three count.

Winner: Edge

After the match
Edge grabs the briefcase and he hits Kennedy twice in the head with it.

We go to commercial.

We are back with an Earlier Tonight Moment showing highlights of the Shawn Michaels/Great Khali match to explain why the announce table looks the way that it does.

Randy Orton vs John Cena

Cena tries for a rollup after the collar and elbow tie up. Cena tries for another rollup for a quick victory. Cena with a kick and fisherman’s suplex for a two count. Cena charges into the corner but Orton moves out of the way and Cena hits the ring post with his shoulder. Orton with punches to Cena and then he does the Garvin Stomp and knee drop for a two count. Orton with a reverse chin lock on Cena but Cena gets back to his feet. Cena with a kick to Orton and he ducks a clothesline and hits two flying shoulder tackles and two clotheslines. Cena with a Blue Thunder Driver and it is time for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena looks at The Great Khali who comes to ringside. Cena gets Orton up for the FU but Cena lets Orton go when Khali picks up the title belt and goes to the back. Orton punches Cena and then Cena with a kick and drop toe hold into the STFU. Orton gets to the ropes and then Cena chases after Khali. Cena taps Khali on the shoulder and then Khali turns around and hits Cena in the face with the belt. Khali walks to the back while Cena is down on the ramp. We go to credits.