View Full Version : ECW Results - 8th May 2007

05-09-2007, 05:09 AM
ECW Results - 8th May 2007

Warning: Do not read if you do not want Smackdown spoilers this week.

ECW on SciFi opened up with footage filmed earlier today of Bobby Lashley arriving at the building. He was greeted by a wheelchair-bound Armando Alejandro Estrada, who was flanked by four police officers. He told Lashley that if he enters the building or lays a hand on Armando, he will be arrested. Lashley said he actually wanted to apologize to Armando, then proceeded to shove his wheelchair down a ramp and into some garbage dumpsters. Lashley told the cops they had to arrest him, and they escorted him off.

The ECW opening aired, and Joey Styles & Tazz welcomed us to the show.

It was announced that CM Punk will face Elijah Burke at Judgment Day.

CM Punk vs. Marcus Cor Von, with Elijah Burke.

Cor Von has new entrance music, very funky. There was a CM Punk chant as the match started. They announced that Edge was the new World Heavyweight Champion, and said they would have more on the story later as they scrolled a graphic about it across the screen. So much for spoilers! Punk hit a pair of dropkicks to send Cor Von to the floor. Cor Von reached in and dragged Punk to the outside and decked him with a punch, then scooped him up and rammed him back first into the ringpost. Cor Von rolled Punk back in for a two count, the stomped Punk. Cor Von put Punk in a bear hug, then hit some forearms to the back and a backbreaker for a two count. Cor Von dropped some knees into the back, then went back to the bear hug. Cor Von hit a belly to belly suplex, then applied a reverse bear hug. Punk escaped it and hit some kicks to the chest, then bulldogged Cor Von, but hurt his side doing so. They scrolled across the screen that Edge had won the World Title "moments ago". Punk hit a neckbreaker and cradled Cor Von for a two count, but Cor Von pulled Punk through the ropes by the trunks to the floor. Punk got back on the apron, and pulled Cor Von throat first across the top rope. Punk then hit Cor Von with a springboard clothesline for a two count. Punk was favoring his ribs. Cor Von came back and threw Punk to the floor. Burke kicked Punk on the floor, then moved away. Punk was almost counted out, but rolled back in at nine. Cor Von hit some punches and then delivered the Pounce for the pin at the eight minute mark.

Winner: Marcus Cor Von.

Punk was lying on the mat clutching his ribs as Burke & Cor Von left.

Tazz and Joey Styles explained some of the World Title situation, with Tazz claiming he got a "mobile alert" about Edge becoming the World Champion moments ago. Uhhh.... aren't they in the same building where it happened? Or are we not supposed to know that? Anyway, they reviewed the events on Raw last night, where Edge defeated Kennedy for the Money In The Bank contract.

The Sandman vs. Snitsky.

Sandman seemed to hurt his arm somehow during his entrance, but it wasn't shown on camera. Snitsky shoved Sandman in the corner at the start, but Sandman fired back with some punches. Snitky put Sandman in a double underhook and swung him around, then threw him in a corner. Snitsky hit a clothesline, then lifted Sandman off the bat and hit him with a big boot for the win in under a minute.

Winner: Snitsky.

Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon and Umaga were watching a monitor and were happy for Snitsky, since he squashed an ECW Original. Vince McMahon said Bobby Lashley is the only hope for ECW, and Shane joked that he hoped they had a TV in the jail cell for him to watch tonight. Vince said they would now crush the "original spirit of ECW", Rob Van Dam.

Extreme Expose danced, wearing cutoff Pittsburgh Steelers jerseys, to a Britney Spears song. So many jokes, so little time. Just pick your favorite and insert it here.

They reviewed how Vince McMahon won the ECW World Title nine days ago at Backlash, then reviewed Vince's mocking of Bobby Lashley last night on Raw. Then we reviewed the Lashley-Armando confrontation from ... 28 minutes ago.

Backstage, Elijah Burke was with Matt Striker, bragging about how his leadership led Marcus Cor Von to victory. Burke told Striker how he let down the New Breed last week. Striker was trying to apologize for losing last week, but Burke didn't want to hear it. Burke said he was facing one of the Major Brothers tonight, and he wanted Striker to come out with him and "see how it's done".

Elijah Burke, with Matt Striker, vs. Brian Major, with Brett Major.

They reviewed how the Major Brothers upset Striker & Cor Von last week, leading to Burke screaming at Striker. They announced that CM Punk had been taken to the hospital for X-rays on his ribs from his match earlier. Brian and Burke exchanged slaps at the start, then Burke started to pound Brian. Brian came back with a sunset flip and a backslide for two counts, but Elijah decked him with a punch and hit a kneedrop. Burke delivered a short-arm clothesline, then kicked Brian in the gut. Joey Styles kept putting over that the Major brothers were huge fans of the original ECW. Brian came back with some punches, but missed a cross bodyblock when Burke ducked. Elijah pulled down his kneepads like he was going to hit the Elijah Express, but instead grabbed Brian in the Elijah Experience (Stroke) for the pin at the three minute mark.

Winner: Elijah Burke.

Striker came in and raised Burke's hand (and gave Brian a kick). Striker kept talking to Burke, apparently still making amends for losing last week, as they walked off.

Kevin Thorn was backstage with Ariel, who had her tarot cards. Ariel said the cards held "chaos" and "turmoil". Thorn stopped her, and said his future wasn't with the New Breed, and his future wasn't in the cards. He said his future was in "fresh blood". Ariel was wearing a cut-up Cobra Kai T-Shirt. I wonder if this means she's a fan of the Karate Kid movies?

ECW World Champion Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon & Umaga vs. Rob Van Dam.

Shane McMahon came out first, then took the mic and personally introduced Umaga. Shane then did the introduction for Vince McMahon as well, mentioning that Vince will beat Bobby Lashley again at Judgment Day to retain the ECW Title. They went to commercial before RVD's entrance.

After the break, Rob Van Dam made his entrance. There was a big RVD chant, as Shane McMahon told Umaga he wanted to start the match. Vince was already on the apron. Shane and RVD exchanged arm wringers, with both men rolling out of them. Shane hit an armdrag, and danced. They exchanged waistlocks, and Shane grabbed a hammerlock, but RVD tripped him with a legscissors for a two count, then gave him two armdrags. RVD did his pose, and the crowd said his name. Shane charged, and RVD hit a spin kick. Van Dam gave Shane a monkeyflip, then hit a spinkick in the corner. Umaga started to come in, but Van Dam kicked the middle rope into his groin, then dropkicked Umaga to the floor.

RVD slid to the outside and tripped Shane, then stalked Vince on the outside. Umaga charged RVD on the floor, but RVD hit him with a savate kick. RVD grabbed Vince, but Shane hit him with a baseball slide kick. Umaga threw RVD back in the ring, and Shane hit an elbowdrop to the back. Shane hit some elbows in the corner, then kicked RVD in the gut. Shane applied an armbar, but RVD fought up. RVD flipped over a Shane backdrop attempt, caught an attempted kick, and delivered a spinkick. RVD hit a corkscrew legdrop on Shane, then went to bounce off the ropes, but Umaga pulled down the top strand and RVD fell to the floor. Umaga threw Van Dam into the ringsteps, then back into the ring.

Shane tagged in Umaga, who decked RVD with a punch. Umaga picked him off the mat, then headbutted him back down and dropped a leg. Vince then tagged in and went for a cover, but Van Dam kicked out at one. Vince tagged Shane. Shane hit a legdrop to the back of Van Dam's head, then hit two elbowdrops. Umaga tagged in, but RVD fought back with some punches. Shane kneed RVD in the back from the apron, and Umaga gave RVD a Samoan Drop. Vince tagged in and covered, but RVD kicked out at two. Umaga tagged back in, and pounded Van Dam down in a corner. Umaga charged, but RVD dropkicked Umaga's legs out from under him. RVD hit some punches, then a clothesline and a spinkick. RVD kicked Umaga's leg, then dropkicked him.

Shane ran in, but RVD tossed him over the top rope to the floor. Umaga grabbed RVD and called for the Spike, but Van Dam kicked free (to a big pop) and then hit Umaga with a springboard kick. Van Dam went to the top rope, but Shane McMahon crotched him. Shane McMahon hit a top rope superplex, then crawled over and tagged Umaga, who hit a top rope splash. Umaga hit RVD with the Samoan Spike, then tagged in Vince, who covered RVD. Vince cradled RVD's legs, and actually pulled up his shoulder accidentally on the two count, so the referee had to stop then start again to count the three, ending the match at the nine minute mark.

Winners: ECW World Champion Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon & Umaga.

Sabu and Tommy Dreamer ran out to make sure the McMahons and Umaga couldn't beat up RVD after the bout. The McMahon and Umaga left triumphant as the show ended.