View Full Version : Paul Roma Baited In DVD, Raw Rating Stays Down

05-10-2007, 04:22 AM
Paul Roma was actually baited into making the comments he did for the Four Horsemen DVD. At first, Roma actually did most of his interview completely favorable to his experience in the group and to Flair & Anderson. It was only when producers riled him up by saying they were negative towards him, that he came back as a reflex and changed his tune towards then. Roma would go on to say, "Ric Flair wanted to be me, but never could." Flair & Anderson didn't say anything negative about him at first, but once they shot the footage and showed it to them, it was very easy to get Anderson & others to knock Roma as a gym rat who wasn't fit to be in the group. The producers did all this to create controversy and to create an on-screen heel for the DVD.

Raw did a 3.6 rating on Monday night.

sources: Wrestling Observer Newsletter, f4wonline

05-10-2007, 11:39 PM
thats still a really good rating compared to other things and wrestling shows

05-12-2007, 06:05 AM
I have actually seen this DVD,and since The 4 Horsemen are my ALL-TIME favorite faction,I was pretty impressed that McMahon did that good of a job with something that took place,as well as started,well before WCW was ever thought of(even with a buck to be made,I figured personal vendettas would've come into play from Vinnie Mac...see next paragraph!).

The fact that they didn't take the time to contact other members of the group(Luger/Vicious/McMichaels/Sting not to mention Ole!!!)and get their sides of the story tells me that 2 out of 5 of those guys aren't exactly on McMahons wishful thinking list(Luger/Vicious).Also,why didn't they have something from Dean Malenko?He could've easily added to the "Benoit"(why wasn't there more from him?) interview portion of it.

Other than those simple facts about former members,I enjoyed this presentaion greatly,as its one of the better dvd collections I've seen lately from the WWE,as it seems like they are putting out most DVDs just to make a buck off of the names being put on them(Hogan/Piper/Rhodes...etc),the only exception I've really seen was the Brian Pillman DVD,that also,IMO was a great production.