View Full Version : when kennedy would have cashed in the money in the bank?

05-12-2007, 09:10 PM
WWE was thrown into disarray this week by a rash of injuries to major stars. When the smoke cleared, Edge was the new World Heavyweight Champion representing the Smackdown brand.

Things began falling apart when Undertaker went down with a torn biceps. It was a major tear, to the point where one head of the muscle rolled up his arm and you could see it through the skin. He is scheduled to undergo surgery soon and will be out of action at least six months. Undertaker had been told that this would be the first long-term championship run of his career, and there were no imminent plans to take the belt off of him. He had trimmed down significantly and was in the best physical shape of his career, largely in preparation for working his hardest house show schedule in years.

Taker was insistent that he drop the title in the ring as opposed to vacating it due to injury. The decision was made to book a cage match between Taker and Batista for the May 8th Smackdown tapings. Batista, however, was not scheduled to win the belt. Although he had appeared on Raw the night before to announce that he was going to use his Money in the Bank title shot at WrestleMania, the plan was actually for Mr. Kennedy to cash in after the Undertaker vs. Batista match, when both were bloody and defeated, and win the title. But then Kennedy went down with a triceps tear and those plans went out the window for the time being.

Because the decision had been made internally not to put the belt back on Batista at this point, someone was needed to take Kennedy's place. Edge was chosen because of the feeling that there is no one else on the heel side that can draw at this point (Orton is out of the question for all the reasons written about each week, plus he'll be fed to Hunter upon Hunter's return), and Vince McMahon doesn't want any other babyface champions at the moment outside of Cena.


05-12-2007, 09:27 PM
I take it Hunter is gonna return alongside HBK and start feuding with Orton blaming him for putting him out of action, I totally agree with the descision not to let Batista hold the title again because in my (and many others) opinion he has slipped from his once awesome form like in 2005, would have been nice to see Kennedy as champ though.

05-13-2007, 02:09 AM
It's a shame for Kennedy, but now we get to see an Edge vs Kennedy fued. Also, we don't have to put up with another Kennedy vs Batista fight like we would have had to see.