View Full Version : Knightley Dress Raises Thousands for Oxfam

05-01-2006, 05:00 PM
Knightley Dress Raises Thousands for Oxfam
Keira Knightley's stunning 2006 Oscars dress is attracting bids of over $7,000 on auction website eBay, with all proceeds going to the charity Oxfam. The deadline for the Vera Wang gown has been extended to Monday in a bid to raise even more cash. A spokeswoman for Oxfam says, "We hope it will go even higher over the next couple of days. We had no idea how much interest there would be and so we are very pleased. People should be aware that £4,000 would be enough money to feed 5,000 children in Tanzania, who are facing the worst food crisis they have known, for a whole month." When the auction was announced earlier this month, Knightley said, "This is such an amazing dress and I'm really pleased to donate it to Oxfam. I've seen the television reports on the horrendous drought in east Africa and know how desperate things have become, so I'm happy to be able to do something to help."