View Full Version : RVD Released Early

05-17-2007, 10:05 PM
Wade Keller is reporting that RVD is officially done with WWE as of yesterday. WWE felt that keeping RVD around and burying him on TV was not worth it and it was better to get him off TV as soon as possible.

His contract wasn't going to expire until until late June at the earliest but WWE cut that short considering RVD said he would not resign and they had nothing for him until then.

He is expected to sign with TNA after a long deserved summer break, although he may end up back with WWE as the two are still on good terms. Never say never.

Source: www.wrestling-edge.com

Needless to say that with Rob Van Dam out of the picture (as I fully expected) this definitley damages ECW and now can officially be a new ECW Oriiginal show with the likes of CM Punk, Elijah Burke benefitting greatly off of ECW and developing their characters to a further extent. But with RVD gone this definitley hurts the WWE and any chance of restoring any credibility into ECW is this news is exactly true. RVD was a great asset for the WWE and I hope he does well in TNA if he does decide to go down there but I fear that like so many that RVD's character and in ring style will be tainted by the antics of Russo and Mantle. If Rob Van Dam does happen to reappear with the WWE again after this extended break then hopefully he can return on better terms and have more creative control. Maybe with the WWE going through some spring cleaning that they can sign more stars from ROH and the indy underground scene.

05-17-2007, 10:09 PM
its good that wwe will stop dragging dead weight (in this sense, rvd) and its even better for tna to pick him up. pluses on both companies.

05-17-2007, 10:16 PM
agreed flames rvd was just trouble for wwe at this point its good he is taking a break too

05-17-2007, 10:38 PM
How was RVD trouble for the WWE? I think a guy who is always hugely over with the fans,even when Vince is burying him, and sells a ton of merchandise which in turn brings in huge profits for the company is the exact opposite of trouble. Who cares if the guy likes to smoke weed, this is a business and the fact is that RVD makes the company money which is exactly what his job is.

Dangerous Incorporated
05-18-2007, 12:09 AM
I'll believe this when I see it!

05-18-2007, 12:12 AM
How was RVD trouble for the WWE? I think a guy who is always hugely over with the fans,even when Vince is burying him, and sells a ton of merchandise which in turn brings in huge profits for the company is the exact opposite of trouble. Who cares if the guy likes to smoke weed, this is a business and the fact is that RVD makes the company money which is exactly what his job is.

he was not hugely over with the fans since he was ecw champ. rvd does not make money. cena makes money.

05-18-2007, 12:17 AM
I'll believe this when I see it!

Well, we'll have our Answer this coming Tuesday if your American. Otherwise I'd wait till the next ECW show to see if RVD even appears if he doesn't, then he got released if he is on then thats obviously a sign that the news is fake at this point. I've herd speculation of Rikishi and Jericho return but thats all been just speculation.

Flair Country
05-18-2007, 12:49 AM
its good that wwe will stop dragging dead weight (in this sense, rvd) and its even better for tna to pick him up. pluses on both companies.

RVD = Dead Weight :lmao:

You've got to be kidding me. He saw that WWE was never going to give him another title run and he jumped ship. I can't really blame him for leaving and I hope no matter where he lands, moving on will be a plus for his career.