View Full Version : Breaking News: Veteran Quietly Released By WWE

05-20-2007, 12:22 AM
Source: Wrestlezone.com

Partial Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Strangely, news of this release didn't get out for whatever reason.

Mark Canterbury, who is best known as Henry O. Godwinn, was released by WWE earlier in the week. Canterbury, who is 43 years old, was basically hired last September because Triple H went to bat for him. Since being forced to retire in 1999 due to a neck injury, Canterbury had been dealing with numerous personal problems and Triple H wanted to help him out by having WWE hire him.

Canterbury's fate was pretty much sealed when they abruptly put Drew "Fake Kane" Hankinson in his place in the Hillbilly team instead of him.

05-20-2007, 12:46 AM
another victim to stephs spring cleaning

05-20-2007, 02:20 PM
I was wondering why he wasn't with Gordy on SD. Cause they were a tag team in Deep South Wrestling.