View Full Version : Too Cold Scorpio's Firing, Kennedy Irate, Cena's Reign of Terror

05-20-2007, 05:59 PM
Charles Skaggs aka Too Cold Scorpio was largely hired as a favor to Booker T back in September. He'd been under contract for months without being used before finally starting in developmental in March, and then being let go. His main problem is that he had too many enemies in high places, and no matter how well he wrestled, he'd be buried for not being in the best of shape. That also explains why he did the Flash Funk gimmick, because the costume covers up his body. Also, people would bring up his track record from many years ago of being unreliable, although he didn't cause any problems during his latest run. There were just too many people negative on him, and he was never going to get a fair chance.

Mr. Kennedy is said to be irate at the Pennsylvania doctor that misdiagnosed his right triceps injury on 5/7. Dr. James Andrews determined that the injury was a severe hematoma, and not a muscle tear on 5/9. Had they known that injury wasn't as serious as it was first thought to be, he probably would have gutted it out because the original plan called for him to win the title at the 5/8 SmackDown taping. Also, the Money in the Bank gimmick is over because he already cashed it in. The working idea is for Kennedy to return to action around the first week of July.

John Cena's reign has gone on so long that he is now in sixth place for most time spent as WWE Champion. Those ahead of Cena are Bruno Sammartino, Hulk Hogan, Pedro Morales, Triple H, and Bob Backlund. He recently passed Bret Hart on the list. Providing that he doesn't lose the title at any point this year, he'll surpass Triple H's seemingly endless "Reign of Doom" at around the end of the year.

sources: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

05-20-2007, 11:30 PM
I say better off for Cena. With the exceptions of Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Kurt Angle, and Chris Jericho, no one he fought desereved to beat him. Jericho was leaving, Triple H was joining DX, Michaels may still win it, and who knows about Kurt Angle. Kurt may have been the only person who truely jobbed to Cena for no reason.

Edge isn't on the list casue he won the title twice.

05-21-2007, 12:57 AM
kenendy will probably win it from edge so im not complaining that edge is now champ again

05-21-2007, 11:20 PM
Edge Vs. Kennedy fued for the WHC... now that would make me tune into Smackdown!!

05-21-2007, 11:24 PM
They'll hold Kennedy off a title chase at least till SummerSlam. Makes sense keeping the belt on Edge for now as theres Batista, Benoit and even Mysterio when he returns to keep Edge busy until the inevitable bout wit Kennedy

05-22-2007, 11:21 AM
Edge vs Kennedy would be great.

The Major
05-22-2007, 12:05 PM
Well regarding CEna, the so called superman. i say when Trips returns, as a heel he will say something like HBK couldnt get the job done. so hes gunna show him how the the 11 time champ came to be, shocking cena and betaing him HOPEFULLY

Trips is and will always be a better champion than Job Cena. i mean john sorry

And as for kennedy, well he should come back around summerslam. after edge beats batista and mysetrio in a triple threat for the WHC. after edge actually WINS, mr kennedys music shoudl hit and there should be a stare down, starting up hopefully one of the best fueds in wrestling history leading to the bloody title win kennedy deserves!

Role Model
05-22-2007, 07:20 PM
Cena passing Bret Hart and HHH for longest reign is absolutely ridiculous. At least they didn't overcome the odds as predictable as Cena does.

Kennedy really have to be pissed about this injury situation. This could bring a legitimate grudge against Edge for giving him the MITB. This all adds fuel to the fire.