View Full Version : *SPOIELRS* RAW Results - May 22 2007

Dangerous Incorporated
05-22-2007, 05:52 AM
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We start off tonight’s show with a look back at last night’s Judgment Day pay per view. We begin with a look back at the seventy-five second handicap match for the ECW Title when Bobby Lashley pinned ‘his son’ Shane McMahon, but did not win the ECW Title. We also see Umaga give Bobby a Samoan Spike.

We are live from Moline , Illinois and your announcers are Jim ‘I don’t know anything else about Randy Savage in the Hall of Fame’ Ross and Jerry ‘I think I dated someone named Moline ’ Lawler.

Bobby Lashley comes to the ring and he has something to say. Bobby wants to make sure that he understands things and that in order to become the ECW Champion he needs to defeat Vince McMahon. Bobby challenges Vince McMahon to a match for the ECW Title.

There is NO CHANCE that Lashley’s challenge would not be ignored and Vince McMahon comes out with ‘his son’ Shane McMahon and ‘his Samoan Bulldozer’ Umaga. Vince wants to know if Lashley thinks that he is afraid of Bobby. Vince says that the answer to Lashley’s challenge is no. Vince says that Bobby got his return match but he did not get the job done. Vince says that he is on to bigger and better things. Vince says that he will defend his title at One Night Stand, when every match is under extreme rules. Vince says that he will defend the title in a street fight against the number one contender, the Blue Meanie. Bobby wants to know why it should not be him as the number one contender. Vince says that Bobby needs to face facts that there is no chance in hell. ‘His son’ Shane gets on the mic and he asks Bobby if he knows who he is talking to because in addition to the ECW champion, he is the chairman of the board, and his father. Shane says that nobody defeats Vince in a street fight. Vince has defeated Steve Austin, the Undertaker, Triple H, Ken Shamrock, Shane McMahon, and ‘his sister’ Stephanie. Shane tells Bobby that if it is a street fight he wants, it is a street fight he gets. Vince takes the mic back and he says that Bobby is on, but there is a stipulation. The stipulation is that Bobby has to defeat every one of his opponents so Bobby needs to run the gauntlet.

We will get an update on Shawn Michaels’s condition after Judgment Day later in the show and we go to commercial.

We are back and Saturday Night’s Main Event is coming back on June 2nd.

Match Number One: Ric Flair versus Carlito

Carlito charges at Flair but Flair with chops and punches followed by more chops and punches. Flair with a snap mare and boot to the head. Flair with another chop but Carlito with an Irish whip and back body drop. Carlito with a clothesline to Flair and then he hits a delayed drop kick into the corner followed by more kicks to Flair. Carlito with kicks to Flair’s arm while the arm is in a hammer lock. Carlito works more on Flair’s arm with kicks to Flair’s taped elbow. Carlito turns it into a key lock and a form of a figure four arm bar and Carlito gets a two count. Flair gets to the ropes and Carlito releases the hold. Carlito with more kicks to the arm but Flair gets Carlito off of him and then he chops Carlito. Carlito with punches but Flair responds with more chops. Carlito tries for the springboard back elbow but Flair moves out of the way. Flair with a clip to Carlito and then Flair stomps on Carlito’s leg. Flair works on the hamstring and then he tries for the figure four leg lock but Carlito with a thumb to the eye and then Carlito with a clothesline that sends both men over the top rope to the floor. Flair chops Carlito on the floor and the referee makes the ten count and both men are counted out.

Winner: None

After the match, Carlito attacks Flair on the floor and hits two lung blowers on the floor. Carlito gets his apple and he stands over Flair and spits it in Flair’s face before heading to the back. We go to commercial.
We are back with the Slam of the Week: Candice Michelle defeating Victoria last week on Raw.

Match Number Two: Melina versus Candice Michelle in a non-title match

Melina with a kick to Candice in the midsection followed by a punch and a knee. Melina chokes Candice in the ropes followed by a splash into the ropes. Melina stretches Candice’s back but Candice will not quit. Melina pulls Candice’s hair and she is admonished by the referee. Melina chokes Candice in the ropes one more time and then she tries for a splash into the ropes but Candice moves. Melina is favoring her hamstring and Candice with kicks to Melina’s back and then she hits a back breaker for a two count. Candice with clotheslines and a drop kick to Melina. Melina holds on to the ropes but Candice pulls Melina into the center of the ring for a near fall. Melina hits Candice in the face but Candice fights her off and gets the three count with a bridge.

Winner: Candice Michelle

The Great Khali is in the locker room arguing with his translator about what happened at Judgment Day.

Bobby Lashley is walking in the back as he gets ready for his gauntlet match. We go to commercial.

We are back with footage from Steve Austin’s media tour to push The Condemned.

We see Vince McMahon watching Bobby Lashley from his office.

Match Number Three: Bobby Lashley versus Chris Masters

Lashley works on the arm but Masters with a punch. Lashley with a double leg take down for a near fall. Lashley with a forearm and Irish whip. Lashley misses a charge into the corner and hits the ring post with his shoulder. Masters with a divorce court for a near fall. Masters works on Lashley’s arm and then he connects with a leg drop to the arm. Masters with an arm bar on Lashley but Lashley punches back. Masters with a double sledge to Lashley and then he signals for the Master Lock. Masters waits for Lashley to get up and he applies the Master Lock. Lashley tries to fight out of the Master Lock and he is able to get to the ropes and Masters releases the hold. Masters with forearms to Lashley and the referee admonishes Masters. Masters and Lashley exchange punches but Lashley with a clothesline and back body drop. Lashley with a punch and power slam to Masters for a two count. Lashley sends Masters into the corner and he hits a number of shoulders in the corner. Masters with a boot to a charging Lashley but Lashley with a spear for the three count.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

We see Vince McMahon in the office and he is not a happy camper.

Lashley goes to the back.

We see the Hardys walking in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin join Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler at the announce table.

Benjamin says that they are scouting the tag champions during their time at ringside.

Match Number Four: The Hardy Boys versus Johnny Nitro and Kenny Dykstra

Matt and Dykstra start things off and Nitro slaps Matt in the back of the head to give Dykstra the early advantage. Dykstra with a forearm and then he punches Matt. Dykstra tags in Matt and then he catapults Matt into a punch from Nitro and Nitro with a slingshot elbow drop for a two count. Nitro punches Matt and then he gets Matt in a side head lock. Nitro with a European uppercut but Matt with a clothesline and he tags in Jeff. Jeff with a clothesline and back elbow followed by a mule kick to Nitro. Jeff with a flying clothesline to Dykstra and then Jeff hits a delayed drop kick to Nitro in the corner. Jeff with a gourdbuster driver to Nitro and then he goes up top. Dykstra stops Jeff but Matt pulls Dykstra off the apron. Nitro attacks Jeff but Jeff hits a sunset flip for the three count.

Winners: Matt and Jeff Hardy

After the match, Dykstra attacks Jeff and Benjamin and Haas join the attack. Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch come in to make the save for Matt and Jeff.

The Great Khali and the Great Interpreter walk in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and The Great Khali comes to the ring with the Great Interpreter. He presents the man who should be the WWE Champion, the Great Khali. Khali addresses the crowd and then the Great Interpreter says that he was cheated last night. He never submitted in his life. He knew that his foot was under the rope the entire time. The referee screwed The Great Khali. All of the people screwed the Great Khali. Most of all, John Cena screwed The Great Khali. We take a look at the footage from last night and the Great Interpreter says that the hold should have been broken because his foot was under the rope. He says that the tap out is irrelevant. Khali speaks some more and then the Great Interpreter says that John Cena never knocked the Great Khali off his feet. John Cena had to resort to using the steel ring steps. The Great Interpreter tells John Cena that Cena is nothing but a coward. The Great Khali should be champion. They were talking earlier and Khali says that he can defeat John Cena wherever he wants. He can defeat him inside the ring, outside the ring, in the audience, on the ramp.

We will not find out where else Khali can defeat John Cena because John Cena’s music plays and Cena comes out. Cena says that he did not come here to complain about the referees, the fans, or some eight foot crybaby. Everybody saw what just happened. Two things happened at Judgment Day. The Great Khali’s foot was under the rope and he made the Great Khali tap. Cena says that he came out because Khali called him a coward. Until Judgment Day, he was afraid of Khali. Not only did Khali take his title belt, he might have ended his career. Judgment Day was not about winning and losing. It was about standing toe to toe with the Great Khali but about surviving. He says that he can do it again. If Khali thinks he can beat John Cena anywhere, he is not afraid of Khali. Cena tells Khali that he can beat Khali anywhere in this building. Cena says that if Khali wants a rematch, he wants to give Khali a rematch. Khali with a chop to the top of Cena’s head and then Khali with a vertical choke slam to Cena.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a preview of tomorrow’s episode of ECW. Elijah Burke and Marcus Cor Von will face CM Punk and Rob Van Dam.

We see a Moments Ago Moment of Great Khali attacking John Cena with a Great Chop to the head.

Match Number Five: Bobby Lashley versus Viscera

Viscera sends Lashley to the mat on a collar and elbow tie up. They lock up again and Viscera misses a forearm in the corner. Lashley works on Viscera’s arm but Viscera with a short arm clothesline. We see Vince watching the match from his office. Viscera with a shoulder tackle as we return to the ring. Lashley with a leap frog and shoulder tackle followed by a power slam for a two count. Viscera with a clothesline and then he chokes Lashley in the corner followed by a chop. Viscera with a chop to Lashley and then he stands on Lashley’s chest. Lashley with forearms to Viscera and Viscera with a Bossman slam but he can only get a two count. Viscera with a chop to Lashley in the corner and then he chokes Lashley on the top rope. Viscera slaps Lashley in the head but Lashley responds with punches to Viscera. Viscera with a spinning heel kick but he can only get a two count. Viscera works over Lashley in the corner and then he chops Lashley again. Viscera with an Irish whip and he sets up for the running splash into the corner but Lashley moves out of the way. Lashley with a spear for the three count.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

We see Vince in his office and he is not happy about what just happened in the ring.

Bobby Lashley celebrates on the Rawest Stage in Sports Entertainment. We go to commercial.

We are back and Jim Ross announces that John Cena will defend the WWE Title against Great Khali at One Night Stand in a Falls Count Anywhere Match.

It is time for some Divas to come to the ring. Out first is Torrie Wilson. Out next is Maryse. They are followed by the members of Extreme Expose. Out next is Ashley Massaro and Ashley has a mic with her. Ashley says that recently all of them were part of Timbaland’s latest music video. Torrie says that they had such a blast filming it so they want everyone to watch it with them. We see the video.

We return to the arena and then we are told that we will find out the latest on Shawn Michaels when we return from commercial.

We are back and Jim Ross talks about how Shawn Michaels suffered a severe concussion and his history of concussions. Jim talks about how Steve Young and Troy Aikman have suffered concussions that cut their careers short. Jerry Lawler talks about the studies that have shown the other medical effects of concussions.

Randy Orton interrupts the discussion by Ross and Lawler and Orton comes to the ring. Orton has a mic and he addresses the fans. Randy says that he regrets that Shawn Michaels’s wife had to endure what happened last night. We take a look back at what happened to Shawn Michaels over the last few weeks when Michaels suffered a series of concussions. We see Michaels being taken out of the arena last night in an ambulance before we return to Orton in the ring. Randy says that you have to ask yourself if that was the last match in the illustrious career of Shawn Michaels. An injury is like a great big bulls-eye and Randy says that he took advantage of the situation. Randy points out that Shawn was told not to come into the ring and then he did what he had to do. Randy says that he beat Shawn Michaels, not because Shawn suffered a concussion. He did it because he is the legend killer.

Vince McMahon is in the back with Umaga and he tells Umaga that Viscera took Lashley to the limit. Vince wants Umaga to defeat Lashley for him. We go to commercial.

Match Number Six: Bobby Lashley versus Umaga

Umaga with a kick and forearms to Lashley. Lashley with kicks to Umaga but Umaga responds with a clothesline. Umaga with a splash for a two count. Umaga with kicks to Lashley’s back and then he connects with a double sledge to Lashley’s back followed by a punch. Umaga with a forearm to the throat. Lashley with punches but Umaga with a rake of the eyes and the back. Umaga chokes Lashley in the corner. Umaga with a punch to Lashley’s head followed by an Irish whip. Umaga charges into a boot but Umaga with a bear hug. Lashley with elbows to get out of the hold but Umaga responds with a Samoan drop for a two count. Umaga with a leg drop to Lashley and then he stands over Lashley as he prepares for a punch to the throat and head. Umaga with a head butt to Lashley and then Umaga goes to the turnbuckles and he tries for a diving head butt from the second turnbuckle and Lashley moves out of the way. Both men are down and the referee gets to seven before both men get up. Lashley with punches to Umaga but Umaga sends Lashley into the corner. Umaga with a kick and then he misses a splash into the corner. Lashley with punches to Umaga a flying shoulder tackle that sends Umaga out of the ring. Lashley goes outside to the apron and tries for a double sledge but Umaga with a super kick. Umaga grabs a chair and he hits Lashley in the head with it and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Bobby Lashley (by disqualification)

After the match, Umaga stands over Lashley with the chair in his hand and Lashley is out cold.

Vince McMahon and ‘his son’ Shane walk in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and Bobby Lashley is now in the ring. We see footage from during the commercial and Umaga with a thrust to the throat followed by the Samoan Spike.

Match Number Seven: Bobby Lashley versus ‘His Son’ Shane McMahon (with Shane-O Shuffle, Vince McMahon, and Umaga)

Shane wants Lashley brought up to his feet before the match begins. Shane with jabs in the corner followed by a series of kicks. Shane with forearms to the back followed by knees to the back. Shane with a rear chin lock on the apron to Lashley before the referee tells Shane to release the hold. Lashley is against the ring post and Shane with a baseball slide into the ribs. Shane stretches Lashley against the ring post. Vince tells Umaga to stop with the steel chair before he can use it. Umaga is sent to the back by the referee. Lashley returns to the ring and Vince tells Umaga to go to the back. Shane with more punches to Lashley but Lashley pushes Shane off. Shane comes back and he charges into the corner but Lashley moves out of the way and gets a rollup for a two count. Lashley with two clotheslines and a spinebuster for a two count. Lashley slams Shane’s head into the turnbuckles and then he connects with punches and forearms. Shane with a DDT for a two count. Shane with forearms to Lashley’s back followed by a series of elbow drops to the lower back. Shane with a Boston crab to Lashley but Lashley powers out of the hold and Shane is sent into the corner. Shane continues to work on the back. Shane goes up to the second turnbuckle for an elbow drop to the lower back but Shane can only get a two count. Shane with forearms to the lower back and then he puts Lashley in the camel clutch. Shane continues to work on the back and he returns to the camel clutch. Lashley gets to his feet and he runs Shane into the turnbuckle. Lashley punches Shane in the head and then he gets Shane up for the powerslam but Lashley’s back gives out. Shane returns to the back and then he goes up top. Shane tries for an elbow drop but Lashley spears Shane and gets the three count.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

After the match Lashley stares down Vince as we go to credits.

Source: PWInsider