View Full Version : Is RVD Finishing Up Tonight?

Dangerous Incorporated
05-22-2007, 11:58 PM
There was a net report last week that RVD was done with WWE and given a farewell party. That report was never confirmed and some people in WWE say that never happened.

RVD was originally scheduled to finish up his WWE duties at the One Night Stand PPV in 2 weeks, but WWE is thinking about finishing him up tonight and taking him off road in the next month.

Word is there HASNT been talks with TNA but if WWE take him off road its to get him out of the public eye for the next month.

Source: PWPIX

Maybe RVD will just take the time off he wanted and then come back to WWE. Well this news story doesnt give you a defenitive answer to the thread question though does it?

Role Model
05-23-2007, 12:04 AM
What I don't understand is why is WWE still putting him in storylines when he won't be in the company much longer when they could be focusing more on bringing up some new talent to fill his role.

But, hopefully he isn't done tonight because I like seeing him on ECW, but most likely won't happen so I'm not getting my hopes up.

05-23-2007, 12:43 AM
I'd like to see Punk vs RVD at One Night Stand. Either due to one of them attacking the other, or maybe have RVD make a speech about how he will be leaving and he wants to take on Punk just for competition...

05-23-2007, 12:45 AM
RVD is still on good terms with WWE so it is definately possible he will rest and spend time with his family then return