View Full Version : ECW On Sci-Fi Results - May 22, 2007

05-23-2007, 11:01 AM
Live from Des Moines, IA

- At the top of the show, they plug tonight's Rob Van Dam & CM Punk vs. New Breed's Marcus Cor Von & Elijah Burke Main Event.

(1) Snitsky vs. Tommy Dreamer. The bell rings, and fans start a "Dreamer, Dreamer" chant. Snitsky rammed Dreamer's shoulder into the ring post. Snitsky hits a massive clothesline on Dreamer, followed by the big boot, and Snitsky wins the opening contest. After the match, Snitsky grabs a chair and tosses it into the ring. Rob Vam Dam comes out and hits a Van Daminator on Snitsky. Fans chant "RVD, RVD."

- They showed recent highlights in the Vince McMahon-Bobby Lashley saga. Ho Hom.

- Extreme Expose gals came to the ring to introduce the Timbaland's "Throw it on Me" video.

(2) Kevin Thorn vs. Jobber. Thorn wins with the Original Sin.

- Backstage, Elijah Burke and Marcus Cor Von talk game plan, but are interrupted by Matt Striker. Burke tells Striker caused him to lose focus, and his patience is running thin. Burke stated that Striker has a match against one of the Majors brothers. Striker said he wouldn't disappoint.

- Puddle of Mudd is doing the official theme one for One Night Stand, how fitting.

(3) Matt Striker vs. Brett Major. Striker scores the pin fall victory.

- They showed highlights of Bobby Lashley's run through the gauntlet to earn his ECW title shot with Mr. McMahon at One Night Stand.

(4) Rob Van Dam and CM Punk vs. Marcus Cor Von and Elijah Burke. Fans start a "RVD, RVD" chant as the match started, and continued the chant during the contest. Cor Von causes a DQ when he disrepected referee Scott Armstrong, thus RVD and Punk win by disqualification. After the match, Cor Von gave RVD the pounce.

credit: wrestlezone.com