View Full Version : Rodriguez will remake Barbarella

05-23-2007, 12:09 PM
The original was directed by Jane Fonda's then-husband Roger Vadim
Sin City director Robert Rodriguez is to make a new film version of cult sci-fi classic Barbarella.

The original film, based on Frenchman Jean-Claude Forest's comic book, starred Jane Fonda as the titular mercenary and intergalactic sex-kitten.

"The possibilities are limitless," said Rodriguez. "I love this iconic character and all that she represents."

Original producer Dino De Laurentiis is in charge of the remake, which is due to be released by Universal next year.

"Barbarella is the ultimate science-fiction adventure heroine - smart, strong and sexy," De Laurentiis said in a statement.

"In our vision, the future is female, and I can't wait to introduce Barbarella to a new generation of moviegoers."

Rodriguez is in Cannes with Quentin Tarantino to promote Grindhouse
Casino Royale screenwriters Neal Purvis and Robert Wade are working on the script.

The original film was a box office flop but has since achieved cult status, constantly referred to in pop culture.

It was directed by Fonda's then-husband Roger Vadim and became infamous for the opening scene, where Fonda undresses in zero gravity.

Kylie Minogue recreated the iconic sequence in the video for her 1994 single Put Yourself In My Place.

Pop group Duran Duran also named themselves after a character in the film.

Comic reissue

Barbarella first appeared in a French graphic magazine written and illustrated by Jean-Claude Forest in 1962, and her adventures have been published around the world.

De Laurentiis has secured the rights to the cartoon creation from Jean-Claude's son Julien.

The deal will also see the first two Barbarella books be reissued, along with the publication of material previously unreleased in English.

Robert Rodriguez recently collaborated with Quentin Tarantino on the horror movie double-bill Grindhouse.

After disappointing returns at the US box office, the directors will see their movie split in two for the UK.

Tarantino's half, Death Proof, is scheduled to reach cinemas on 21 September. Rodriguez's segment, Planet Terror, is yet to receive a release date.
