View Full Version : A Fan Recalls Owen Hart Tragedy

05-24-2007, 06:07 AM
Source: 1Wrestling.com

5/23/2007 9:17:06 PM

Dear Mr. Apter, Thank you for your unbiased, yet very informative platform that you have given us.

I just read your account of the day that Owen died and I do agree it feels like it was just yesterday.

I was at the event that night. I was excited because I was going to be able to go to my very first WWF PPV and at the time I was a huge New Age Outlaws fan and was eager to Billy Gunn and Road Dogg go at it. In the middle of the match before it(I think it was Al Snow vs Hardcore Holly) I went to get me a Hot Dog and I was walking back to my seat prior to the Blue Blazer/God Father IC title match. Right when I got to my seat I just happened to look towards the ring and saw what I thought at the time was a store window maniquin hit the top turnbuckle go down to the canvas. At first the arena erupted with laughter thinking it was another attempt to poke fun at the blazer character, until the emergancy crew showed up and the crown went really silent when the King got up from his broadcast position to check on him.

While the EMT's were working on Owen there were a few idiots behind me chanting "nugget" and saying some vulger comments towards Owen and they were dealt with by security.

They got Owen on the stretcher and then went on with the show. I did not enjoy the event as much as I thought I would due to this and that is understandable but the thing that upsets me the most is I had no idea Owen had died til I get home and heard about on the replay of the 10:00 news at midnight.

After I heard that I was ill to my stomach that they waited until the arena and halfway emptied out before they told anyone of the fans in attendance. But then reality set in and I started thinking about the man who had just died needlessly. A guy who I had been watching since he was originally the Blue Blazer. A guy who really did not want to be there after the Montreal Screw Job. Long story short, I felt like I had lost a friend even though I never had the honor of meeting the man. It was very similar to when Derrick Thomas of the KC Chiefs passed away cause I always knew I would see him the next week on TV and the fact that I witnessed Owens felt very eery. To this day I miss seeing Owen on TV. He was truly one of the greats.

I hope that Vince puts him in the Hall of Fame soon, Eddie is already there and Owen should be there right beside him. There will never be another like him.
Must of really sucked for the guy to witness the accident....R.I.P. Owen :(

05-24-2007, 08:20 PM
i cant imagine seeing anyone dieng those guys behind him can go to hell