View Full Version : RAW Gauntlet Mastermind, More

05-25-2007, 11:29 AM
- In the new issue of License! Magazine, there is a full page WWE ad with the face of Umaga, saying "A Face only a fan could love," pushing WWE products to licensees with the big licensing convention next month in New York City.

- The idea to have Bobby Lashley involved in a gauntlet match on RAW to earn him a ECW title shot at One Night Stand was Bruce Pritchard.

- The Miami Herald has an article on Matt Hardy, talking about how he psyches himself up for his matches, and says he enjoys working with Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch. He put over his brother Jeff for his comeback, but said his goal is a run with a singles world title and said he's asked management to book him as a single. He thinks he needs to improve his personality and get some depth to his character to be a champion, but things his ring skills and mechanics are good enough

05-25-2007, 10:52 PM
matt definately has potential to be world champ

05-25-2007, 10:55 PM
true, matt has the potential.. but can he capitalize? will he be over enough with the fans on a constant basis?

05-26-2007, 12:40 AM
Should you really say the gauntlet idea was a mastermind? Or just a very boring segment of RAW??

Role Model
05-26-2007, 01:00 AM
It would be much better to see Matt Hardy get a singles push as long as they keep him on SD!. I say this he will get buried on RAW since they don't like pushing people with wrestling talent or it seems like that as of late. As much as I like the Hardy Boyz tag teaming I hope they do split them up as they can and will do just fine on there own.