View Full Version : Final Numbers for "The Condemned"

05-27-2007, 06:09 PM
Steve Austins debut movie "The Condemned" officially ended its run in theaters on May 24th. The film grossed $7,371,706 domestically. All that is left now is finger pointing of who is to blame for this film flop. Vince McMahon has made it clear that he blames Lionsgate for not properly advertising the film. He pointed out the minimal advertising Lionsgate put out to put the spotlight on Steve Austin. Thus, it was not able to reach out to the wrestling fan base who are familiar with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.

While this might be true, McMahon can also be at blame. McMahon did not have Austin make live appearances to help promote the film. While WWE did do film snippets and taped interviews with Austin, they failed to bring in Austin to a live audience.

Source: 1wrestling.com

05-27-2007, 07:30 PM
Well, both are to blame...It would be alot better if there were other stars in it other then Austin...people who dont like wrestling wont go see if if theres no one in it they like...

05-27-2007, 09:53 PM
many things contributed to the failure they will just have to try to do better or stop trying at all