View Full Version : JR Speaks On Muhammad Ali, Jericho And More

05-28-2007, 01:06 AM
Source: 24Wrestling

Jim Ross has updated his daily blog at www.jrsbarbq.com. In this edition, he speaks about an altercation between Bill Goldberg and Chris Jericho where Jericho choked Goldberg out. JR also talks about being a roommate with Muhammad Ali. Here are a few things he had to say:

On Goldberg/Jericho

You read where Chris Jericho once choked Bill Goldberg out according to a story written by Bret Hart… As I understand it, Chris restrained Goldberg with a front face lock until the altercation was broken up. Sometimes boys will be boys, you know.

On Rooming with Muhammad Ali

I spent three days as Muhammad Ali’s roommate in a suite in New Orleans back in the day. He is/was an amazing man and his generosity and passion for people was awe inspiring. He once offered to give me one of his title belts and a gold jumpsuit Elvis had given him while I was on a visit to Muhammad’s home in Los Angeles in the 80’s. He even took me to his church for church services while we were there. Our days spent in New Orleans were classic. Walking with The Champ down Bourbon Street felt like tagging along with the “Pied Piper” as it related to his fans, especially his female fans who “somehow” found out we were staying at the Hyatt across the street from the Super Dome. That bit of info resulted in many knocks on our door for seemingly 72 straight hours.

Who will be GM of Raw

I have not heard of anyone being considered to be the full time G.M. of Raw. Seems like Jonathan Coachman is being groomed for that role some day.

Full Blog: http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog/2007/05/27/soccer-waylon-mercy-muhammad-ali%e2%80%99s-roommate-dallas-cowboys-jr%e2%80%99s-niagra-falls-weekend-steamboat-dvd-nba-playoff-predictions-more-jim-carrey-%e2%80%9chappy-heyman%e2%80%9d-mandatory-brea/

05-28-2007, 01:11 AM
Meh, I would like Shane to be the GM, that would be great, ot Mick Foly... John Coachman imo isnt entertaining....

Role Model
05-28-2007, 01:21 AM
The G.M. role on RAW right now is near pointless because with Vince spending so much time on the show and Coachmen making rare appearances it's fine. But, when Vince decided to leave again, I'd love to see Shane take his spot because he'd make RAW much more exciting all around.

05-28-2007, 01:31 AM
Yeah, it is. But when he does leave for awhile, to take more of a behind the doors role, I would love to see Shane as the GM...hell, he made Steph GM, Shane would be 10x better, IMO.

Role Model
05-28-2007, 01:37 AM
Yeah, it is. But when he does leave for awhile, to take more of a behind the doors role, I would love to see Shane as the GM...hell, he made Steph GM, Shane would be 10x better, IMO.

Agreed. If he wants to keep RAW going strong once he leaves for a while...making Shane as GM would boost the show completely and make it fun to watch.

And I've noticed this but I think Vince likes Steph better because she's all ways getting the better of the jobs in the company.

05-28-2007, 01:38 AM
And shes kinda married to the biggest star of the company.

05-28-2007, 05:38 PM
I would love to see footage of Jericho having that lock on Goldberg :shifty:

G.M: I would still like to see Foley back for sentimental reasons but Shane would be a good choice. A good storyline would be he screws Vince somehow once again.