View Full Version : WWE Heat Report (05/27/07) Taped in Moline, Illinois

Role Model
05-28-2007, 01:33 AM
WWE Heat Report-27th May 2007
By Shaun Best-Rajah.com Reporter
Commentators: Todd Grisham & Jonathan Coachman
Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts

Welcome aboard. Cryme Tyme have the week off this week as does Val Venis. Nonetheless we have someone making a WWE/Heat return, a Heat debut and there's some Tough Enough representation so without further ado let's go straight to the ring. We start proceedings this week with....

The Highlanders vs Jeff Michaels & Wyatt Lara
Michaels begins by waistlocking Robbie. Robbie stomps out then applies a side headlock. Rory blindtags as Michaels sends Robbie off the ropes. Robbie gets Michaels to turn into a Rory headbutt. Rory punches Michaels to the corner where Rory slaps him a little. Robbie lands an uppercut. Michaels ducks a clothesline off the ropes but Robbie catches him with a dropkick. Robbie slams Michaels. Rory slams Robbie onto Michaels. Michaels pokes Rory in the eyes and tags out. Lara lands a punch, Rory ducks a second and delivers a headbutt to the back of Lara's head. Rory sends Lara's head into three separate corners. The Highlanders hit Lara with a double backelbow off the ropes followed by falling headbutts in stereo. Robbie slams Lara but misses with an elbow from the second rope. The Job team work over Robbie's arm with various shots and armwringers. Robbie uses punches and a jawbreaker to escape a Michaels armbar. Both men tag out. Rory takes down Lara with a punch, clothesline and two double axehandle sledges. Lara walks into a flapjack. Michaels lunges at Rory with a clothesline but Michaels ends up getting clotheslined over the top rope. Robbie tags back in and Lara gets polished off with the Scot Drop. Robbie drops down into a cover. 1-2-3. Here Are Your Winners: THE HIGHLANDERS. A short squash. That's two squash wins in a row now for the Highlanders who build some momentum. Hopefully they don't get squashed in under a minute tomorrow night on Raw.

Eugene vs Dan Rodman
Third Heat appearance for Rodman who receives a generic entrance. Eugene asks the referee who Rodman is. Eugene's obviously forgotten he's wrestled Rodman before in a losing debut match for Rodman. On a sidenote Grisham informs us Eugene has a beautiful girlfriend. Good for him. Eugene shakes hands with the referee then hugs him. Rodman slaps away Eugene's offer of a handshake. Eugene gets upset. The crowd boo Rodman. Eugene can't slam Rodman to begin. Rodman shows him how it's done. Rodman takes Eugene to the corner with his hands around his neck. Rodman backs up with a smile on his face so Eugene wiggles his ass. This riles Rodman who displays some Rod rage before playing catch-as-catch can with Eugene in and outside the ring. As Rodman steps back onto the apron to argue with the referee, Eugene bites his hand. As Eugene plays to the crowd, Rodman gets in and levels Eugene with a clothesline. Rodman delivers stomps, two elbows, a choke with his hands then a boot choke in the corner. After gaining a nearfall from a suplex, Rodman traps Eugene in a bearhug. After briefly releasing to drive Eugene's back into the corner, Rodman re-applies the hold. Eugene eventually gets down and punches free. Eugene tries to slam Rodman again but Rodman falls back and covers for a nearfall. Rodman makes the rookie mistake of ramming Eugene's head in the corner. Eugene Eugenes up, lands punches and finally slams Rodman much to his own amazement. Eugene covers 1-2-no. Eugene goes for a Rock Bottom, Rodman elbows the head, hits a full nelson slam and gets the 1-2-3. Here is Your Winner: DAN RODMAN. Post match Rodman talks trash to the fallen Eugene before smiling.

Charlie Haas vs Chuck Palumbo
Haas comes out alone while Palumbo rides out on his motorcycle to a positive response. Welcome back Chuck Palumbo after several non-televised matches. Palumbo revs the bike up on the ramp before riding out to the ring. Coachman informs us during the match that Palumbo is back after taking time out to travel the world. He strangely neglects to mention Palumbo sitting at home waiting a whole year under contract for an idea from creative. Palumbo (looking a bit heavier) poses in the corner before pointing and yelling at Haas. Palumbo starts brightly with a side headlock. Off the ropes, Palumbo blocks a hiptoss and lands a clothesline. Haas grabs the left arm and goes to work with some shots. Palumbo elbows free from a hammerlock, Palumbo turns to forearm Haas before hitting a shoulder tackle off the ropes. Haas kicks at Palumbo's leg before leaping over the top rope and bringing Palumbo's left shoulder down across the top rope. Back inside Haas lands a high running kick to the shoulder. Following punches, wrenches and a ram to the corner Haas starts to punch on the shoulder again. Palumbo reverses an Irish whip, Haas falls down but manages to dodge a charge resulting in Palumbo crashing shoulder first into the ringpost. Following a second ram to the ringpost Haas delivers battering rams to the gut in the corner then lands punches to Palumbo's face. Haas brings Palumbo out of the corner with an armbar. Palumbo forearms free. Palumbo drives Haas into the corner but runs into a boot to the shoulder. Haas with an armbar takedown for a one count. Haas goes back to the armbar stomping on Palumbo's leg and elbowing his arm as Palumbo gets up. Haas backs Palumbo to the corner where Haas pulls at the arm. Both men exchange stomps and forearms with Haas winning out. Haas applies a third armbar, Palumbo forearms free, Haas lands some headbutts. Haas runs the ropes into a backelbow. Palumbo catches a Haas boot attempt and reels him in for a clothesline. Haas is slightly cut open on his forehead. Haas gets caught in a belly-to-belly suplex throw off the ropes for a nearfall. Palumbo sets Haas up and hits a big boot off the ropes. Palumbo hoists Haas upside down on his shoulders and hits a spinning front facedrop for the win. 1-2-3. Here is Your Winner: CHUCK PALUMBO. Post match Palumbo sells the shoulder and poses in the corner. Coachman says Palumbo has his confidence back. Bad match. A squash match not to mention a promo would have been best for Palumbo on his latest (overdue) comeback. By doing that Palumbo would have gotten his moves over better not to mention his new gimmick. At the moment the fans have no reason to care about him as he's just another guy WWE have thrown out there riding a motorcycle. Why is he riding one? What are his thoughts? This is a similar problem that Dan Rodman has too. Poor character development from WWE. Coachman said during the match that Palumbo is now a fan favourite. Not everyone will pick up on that.

Santino Marella vs Shelton Benjamin (Non Title)
Main Event time. Benjamin comes out first followed by Marella. Bienvenuto (Welcome) to Heat Marella. Marella gets an encouraging response. Marella kisses his belt before handing it to the referee as the commentators reflect on his title triumph in Italy. Benjamin gets a one count off of a side headlock takedown. Marella tries the same move, Benjamin counters out with a legscissors and Marella nips up. Benjamin hits a knee and punches. Marella telegraphs a backbodydrop off the ropes with a boot to the head. Marella throws Benjamin down by the arm and gets a one count. Grisham speculates on locker room resentment towards Marella. Benjamin gets Marella in the corner and starts to punch. Marella fires back with forearms so Benjamin pushes him back to the corner. Marella sees a charge coming and puts his feet up but Benjamin catches, places Marella's leg on the top rope and kicks it. Following a reverse kick to the leg, Benjamin kicks the leg then drops his weight down onto it along the bottom rope for a nearfall. Following a chopblock, Benjamin wrenches and twists at Marella's foot/leg. Marella uses his other leg to push Benjamin off. As Marella gets up Benjamin takes down the leg with his hand and applies a single leg boston crab. Benjamin breaks the hold to drop a knee onto Marella's leg for a one count. Marella uses the ropes to help himself up in the corner. Benjamin lands knees and stomps to put Marella back down. Marella fights back with forearms, Benjamin simply kicks the leg to regain the advantage. Benjamin ties the leg up by sitting on another single leg grapevine maneuver. Marella manages to turn over to land some punches onto Benjamin's head. Both men get up, Benjamin knees the gut then goes for another chopblock but Marella lifts his leg to avoid it. Benjamin quickly scoots back round and grabs the leg again so Marella swings his other leg round to land an enziguiri kick which knocks Benjamin down. Marella lands a reverse slap and two forearms before using his good leg to kick Benjamin in the chest. Benjamin goes to reverse Marella off the ropes but Marella collapses to the mat. Benjamin dropkicks the leg then goes for an oklahoma roll but Marella sits on top and hooks the leg. 1-2-3. Here is Your Winner: SANTINO MARELLA. A very boring match. I suppose the finish worked well enough here but Marella needs to get a finisher. He is the Intercontinental Champion after all. Marella is another superstar that needs a squash match to get some of his moveset over. Post match Marella rolls outside and gets his belt off the referee as Benjamin looks on in disbelief.

Grisham thanks us for watching to end the show.

Best Match: None. At a push I'll give it to Eugene vs Dan Rodman.
Worst Match: Santino Marella vs Shelton Benjamin.

I have nothing positive to say about this week's show. Heat would really benefit from some pre-match/backstage promos which in turn would get over the new wrestlers and the lower ranked forgotten wrestlers back over with the crowd. I think I've made some valid points during this week's report. Agree/disagree I'd love to hear from you to discuss further.

Heat may be a special edition next week as Saturday Night's Main Event is being taped alongside Raw tomorrow night.

05-28-2007, 01:35 AM
wow, did you write this? if so, nice job. And it is heat, so it wont be the most exciting.

05-28-2007, 02:00 AM
its hilarious how the intercontinental champion had two matches neither good and then goes to heat