View Full Version : Tired of Rematchs

05-28-2007, 06:24 PM
Is it just me or are anyone else tired of all these rematches? I would like to see some more people come into the picture.

And is there no any other option for the rematches?

05-28-2007, 06:33 PM
I was just saying earlier in another thread, i am tired of seeing Batista go for the gold, now fair enough the opponent has changed a couple fo times but when Batista does take one on, he has about 2 - 3 months of matches against them.

I am also sick of Carlito vs Flair, this feud has not been aorund much but IMO enough is enough of this.

Then we have Cena vs HBK, no disrespect to HBK and his injury but i am glad that is over, I was happy to see Cena vs Khali just for something different, i certainly hope this does not drag on, bring in Orton or someone else for a bit.

Role Model
05-28-2007, 06:34 PM
Well, it all matters on what you mean by rematches. I mean, sometimes a rematch is totally needed to keep a feud going and in that case it's totally needed. And most of the time a rematch is needed because of that and usually WWE doesn't whore out the rematches but on occasion they do but it's no big deal.

Plus, the reason we are seeing people like Batista going at the gold constantly is because WWE is running into the problem where there is no one else to put there that could put up a decent feud. If people like King Booker, Rey Mysterio, and even 'Taker were never to get hurt, I can bet you that we would not be seeing Batista go back after and after.

So, sometimes it totally needed and most of the time that is WWE does it for. So, no I really don't get mad seeing rematches like those because I'd rather see those then see someone who can't main event be there.

05-28-2007, 06:38 PM
They need to get another good fued going. Like, when it was Cena-Edge, I loved every single second of the fued. The belt went back and forth, Cena was at the top of his game, as well as Edge, the storyline evolved as the fued did (throwing Triple H and RVD into the mix...), the belt went back and forth several times...that's how a fued should be. Even the ending was perfect, because they had the set up for the Edge-DX fued in the last Edge-Cena fight. The only bad part about it is how they tried to bring it back by having Edge and Cena meet up several more times after the fued.

05-28-2007, 06:48 PM
I was just saying earlier in another thread, i am tired of seeing Batista go for the gold, now fair enough the opponent has changed a couple fo times but when Batista does take one on, he has about 2 - 3 months of matches against them.

I am also sick of Carlito vs Flair, this feud has not been aorund much but IMO enough is enough of this.

Then we have Cena vs HBK, no disrespect to HBK and his injury but i am glad that is over, I was happy to see Cena vs Khali just for something different, i certainly hope this does not drag on, bring in Orton or someone else for a bit.

carlito v flair is still going on because they stopped the feud while it was happening.. so thats why its still going.. retarded i say. they need to push benoit, mvp, kennedy, and other mid carders to main event status already.

05-29-2007, 06:03 AM
carlito v flair is still going on because they stopped the feud while it was happening.. so thats why its still going.. retarded i say. they need to push benoit, mvp, kennedy, and other mid carders to main event status already.

....really? Has everyone gone mad lately? I mean, come on, MVP? He's only been in one good fued! Sure, he has shown that he can wrestle, but he's only shown that since Wrestlemania this year. Two months of being above average does NOT mean you should be bumped up into main event level. He hasn't even won over most fans, as he gets NO reaction while coming to the ring most of the time. Let's not forget he hasn't even been in the WWE for a year. He is MILES away from being in the mian event. He needs at least a year or two more to perfect his skills, because, I'm sorry, but having good fights with one man does not redeem him for that suckfest we got with Kane.

One of two fueds being good is not main event level.

05-29-2007, 10:14 PM
....really? Has everyone gone mad lately? I mean, come on, MVP? He's only been in one good fued! Sure, he has shown that he can wrestle, but he's only shown that since Wrestlemania this year. Two months of being above average does NOT mean you should be bumped up into main event level. He hasn't even won over most fans, as he gets NO reaction while coming to the ring most of the time. Let's not forget he hasn't even been in the WWE for a year. He is MILES away from being in the mian event. He needs at least a year or two more to perfect his skills, because, I'm sorry, but having good fights with one man does not redeem him for that suckfest we got with Kane.

One of two fueds being good is not main event level.

main event doesnt necessarily mean the championship title hunt.. just a good feud on smackdown and ppvs.. smackdown is lacking main event stars.. and with hhh scheduled to return and rey also (supposedly to raw) smackdown has no other option but to push certain superstars to main events... i think mvp has improved and doing a great job as the us champion.. his promo on benoit last week was great.

05-29-2007, 11:49 PM
i know i am you need to atleast add a new stipulation to a rematch but then it should end and both guys should move on

06-01-2007, 03:22 AM
Agree with Mr. Lionden comletely