View Full Version : Edge Wants To Lead A Stable, Backlash Bombs

05-28-2007, 08:05 PM
Last week during an interview with SkySports WWE World Champion Edge said he would have liked to have been a leader of a stable. He said that he would have liked to of had Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch under him. With his move to SmackDown, it doesn’t appear this will be happening anytime soon.

WWE officials are said to be very disappointed with the buy rates for this year’s Backlash pay-per-view. More-than-likely the event did more buys than last year’s but far fewer than most three-branded pay-per-views. The official numbers are not yet in.

Source - Wrestling Observer Newsletter

05-28-2007, 08:06 PM
i would love to see Edge lead a stable it would probably be like Evolution since Edge would do anything to keep the title

05-28-2007, 08:14 PM
Poor ol Edge, always a follower, not a leader. He has plenty of time to have a stable and I would love to see more stables come back like the old days. Just not the same without them IMO.

05-28-2007, 08:17 PM
I love stables I also think Edge would be a good leader for one. Randy Orton could be a good one for this. I think Flair should mange one also. :wink:

05-28-2007, 08:23 PM
Edge doesnt need a stable though.. He is fine by himself. I think, someone like Carlito should start a stable.. maybe with nitro and worlds greatest tag team.. it could get them some air time.

05-28-2007, 08:31 PM
I actually think Edge would work good with a stable IMO.

05-28-2007, 08:42 PM
it would make him look weak. look at hhh when he was with evolution... he needed their help to win matches when he was in a stable.. by himself, he wins the matches by himself. that shouldnt happen just cause you run a stable but it does.. thats why i want edge to stay by himself.

05-28-2007, 08:45 PM
But Flames, Edge is a cheat, or so the bookers want us to believe, I think him in a stable where he had his minions doing the cheating for him would not be any diff to what he does now and please everyone stop saying Falir should run a stable again lol.

Maybe when the horsemen DVD is out for a while, he earns a bit more money, he will retire :shifty:

Flair Country
05-28-2007, 08:51 PM
But Flames, Edge is a cheat, or so the bookers want us to believe, I think him in a stable where he had his minions doing the cheating for him would not be any diff to what he does now and please everyone stop saying Falir should run a stable again lol.

Maybe when the horsemen DVD is out for a while, he earns a bit more money, he will retire :shifty:

Man, I sure do hope they put Flair in a stable again! Just like the good ole days. :)

05-28-2007, 08:58 PM
But Flames, Edge is a cheat, or so the bookers want us to believe, I think him in a stable where he had his minions doing the cheating for him would not be any diff to what he does now and please everyone stop saying Falir should run a stable again lol.

Maybe when the horsemen DVD is out for a while, he earns a bit more money, he will retire :shifty:

who mentioned flair except fc just now? and... it would be a difference.. when he does it by himself, he's outsmarting the refs. if someone does it for him, it's because either he's too weak or not too good.

05-28-2007, 09:05 PM
Flair will probably be fully retired this time next year, so I don't see him in a faction. I think Edge could increase the ratings by leading a faction. Though the questions remains who will be in it, and who will they fued with? I bet the draft lottery will have an effect on this, if Edge is going to start a faction.

05-28-2007, 09:09 PM
Well I happen to be a Flair fan and I would like for hi to be a manger of a stable. I don't actually want him in the stable.

05-28-2007, 09:19 PM
^ In the dying last months of Evolution, wasn't Flair a manager like? He was baisically Triple Hs b*tch. And I didn't enjoy seeing him in that position, IMO.

05-28-2007, 09:24 PM
Well I don't think he would be manging HHH again. I would assume it would be a younger group of wrestlers.

Role Model
05-28-2007, 11:06 PM
Backlash was bad? It wasn't the worst PPV was put in the past year, I'll tell you that.

As far as Edge leading a stable I would be all for it, but it would have to be a strong stable. I don't know who would work well with Edge though.