View Full Version : **SPOILERS** Saturday Night Main Event Results

Role Model
05-29-2007, 04:20 AM
Source: ******************.com

The following are WWE Saturday Night Main Event taping results courtesy of Adam LeBow.

Welcome to the SNME spoilers from the Air Canada Centre. Doors said open 6:45 but 6:30 and doors open and half the arena is full. No tarped off areas.

Snme set is already out, basically a combination of the Raw set with SNME logo in the middle, bottom of the tron.

On the top of the stage is a motorcycle, and there are NBC logos all over the arena. There is only one announce table at ringside.

This crowd is really hot, and only half the arena is full, people are already clapping and the ric flair whoo chants are in full force...

Wwe opening voice over and snme logo lights up on the set.

Wrestlemania retro video of this year that showed at the end of the PPV is on the tron... Huge negative pop for Cena.

The snme logo and set is on and raw announcer john roberts is in the ring talking up the crowd. Ecw ref in the ring as chuck polumbo does his biker intro.

Chuck rides out on the bike. About 7 minute match. Michael cole comes out to smackdown music for snme announcing followed by the king...

Tyson duxx of boarder city wrestling is his opponent. Chuck looks way bigger than the last time he was on tv. Not as lean. Local fans are chanting for duxx.

Some boring chants. Polumbo hits a sequence of a over the head release german, followed by a running big boot and a dominator into a reverse stunner for the win.

No pyro yet as ashley comes down to ringside and takes a seat...

Crowd cheers for hhh video and snme is about to start so get signs up about two thirds of the arena is full right now

A huge jerry chant in the arena as they setup the pyro. We see a HHH recovery video for his new quad injury...

Pyro goes off, set lights up, a bit differemt than normal and out comes cena to a major chores off boos. Cena looks a bit bothered. Worse reaction than Unforgiven. Ashely is ring announcer. They show a package of cena kalhi
history and kalhi comes out before his intro during the video by accident.

So kalhi goes to the back to redo his intro. The snme actually looks very neat lit up, better than I previously said. Crowd is split between cena and kalhi...

Crowd is super hot. And is filling in... So far, cena had a bit of earlu offence but kalhi powers out of the stfu and the fu at different times

Crowd turns on kalhi as he conytols the match with a lot of power moves. Cena can't hold kalhi for the fu and kalhi hits chop to head and double chokeslam for the win. Kalhi defeats cena. Ashley goes to the back, as kalhi cuts a promo that gets translated to say kalhi can beat cena anywhere and will at one night stand.

Cena gets booed to the back, to a chants of you can't wrestle. Next is vince mcmahon vs lashley in an arm wrestling match

Krystal comes out to announce as they setup the ring.

Announced as the doctor of hardcore, ecw champ vince mcmahon out first. We see a vince/lashley video package dating back to head shaved at mania...

Out comes lashley to some pyro that explodes on him at the top of the ramp. Crowd about 95 percent full. Vince holds ecw belt up in front of lashley

Vince gets the you screwed bret chant and won't lock up with lashley, he keeps stalling. Vince keeps stopping locking up and has the mic but it won't work...

Vince gets a new mic and brings out mark henry to face lashley. They go for a bit, big lashley chant. As lashley gets advantage, henry slugs him, and they brawl

Lashley and kristial go to back. Edge promo with maria where he says he isn't the tallest, biggest or strangest, but he is the greatest. Biggest pop for edge.

Crowd is full. Torrie willson out to ring announce. Out comes batista to mixed reaction... Tag match next...His partner, announced from atlanta georgia, is chris benoit to a major pop. They bring out MVPs inflateable set...

Out comes MVP. And they strike mvps inflateable set in less than 30 seconds...

Biggest pop and firework show of all time at the ACC for Edge who gets a major hometown reaction.... Just amazing how pro crowd edge is. Poeses on top of corner.

Edge and mvp compare titles at ringside. Mvp and benoit start. Mvp gets to rope of crossface, tags in edhe too massive pop. Takes some benoit suplexs for a 2. All offence benoit, so he tags in batista, edge tags out, batista dominats mvp with power moves for a 2. Tags in benoit. Benoit with chops to mvp. 3x suplex.

Benoit miss flying headbut. Edge in with a reverce back breaker. Gets 2. In MVP who gets a 2 with some body slams. Edge back in and benoit now in a headlock...

Benoit powers out, hits ensurgi on edge, mvp comes in but benoit able to tag out. Batista power moves and running closeline on mvp and as edge goes to make the Save, batista scares him off and edge grabs belt and goes up ramp. Spinebuster on mvp, followed by flying headbut by benoit for the pin. Batista and benoit win

Candice comes out to announce, we see finlay and hornswoggle, as well as boogyman and little walk in the back. They both come out to their own intros...

Finlay and boogy start off, boogy has control all power moves. Crowd is split, lil boogy in and 2 bonzi drops on finlay. Lil boogy hits a ddt and eats worms...

Hornswoggle who is hiding under the ring tags in. Minis about to wrestle but finlay drop kicks lil boogy. Hornswoggle and finlay dance in ring.

Finish comes when boogyman goes after hornswoggle, and finlay gives big boot to lil boogyman for finlay to get the win.

We now have a super long wwe 24/7 promo.

They put a new mat on the ring for the next match, and out comes extreme expose to the ring...

Half the crowd went for food as extreme expose dances...

During the dance we cut backdtage and boogymen are running after hoglesworth, finlay lays out boogy... Hogglesworth and lil boogy come to the ring...

They put expose on their shoulders and expose gives us a chicken fight. It is a draw, and lil boogy runs hogglesworth to the back. Mccool comes to ring announce.

6 man tag, kane teams with eugene dressed as superman and doink the clown vs. Kevin thorn, viscera and umanga. Major pop for doink...

Doink does the point to face, get cheer point to heel boo move, ss doink and thorne start. Thorne beats down doink...

Eugene and umanga in, umaga powers on eugene and tags in vis, vis hits sidewalk slam on eugene. Vis beats down eugene in the corner... Thorne tags in...

Umaga and thorne beat down eugene, controlling him with power moves... Thorne gets a chinlock...

Eugene gets umanga to outside, tags in kane who beats up vis and thorne. Kane top rope closeline on thorne, umanga in destroys kane, doink and eugene...

In comes vis to give the love train to kane but kane gets out of the way, hits the chokeslam on vis and gets the pin, while umanga beats up eugene and doink

Kane, eugene and doink win. Now time to change ring and set for RAW. This is a major, major change. They are building the Raw set and dismantling SNME set...

While they change the set, which is an amazing change, they show us a video that has never been on TV. It must be for corporate purposes.

This video shows every celeberty (including Leno in wcw) in wrestling history, every charity event, everything in an amazing 10 minute video.

05-29-2007, 10:46 PM