View Full Version : WWE Giving Edge The Ball, Rey's Return Date, More

05-29-2007, 10:49 AM
Edge has been told that he will have a long reign as champion and that for the first time in his career, the show will be centered around him. He's had pressure before as champion, but even when he was champion before, John Cena and Triple H were always considered the stars of the show.

Rey Mysterio plans on wrestling on Raw's tour of Mexico during the first week of July. It's something of a test to see how his knee is doing. He's still aiming August for a full-time return. WWE is doing a lot of advertising and ticket giveaways for the Mexican tour, something they've never done in the past.

WWE is about to sign another bodybuilder type. His name should be coming out soon.

source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

05-29-2007, 11:00 AM
i'm glad edge will get a long run as champion as i think he is the best wrestler in the wwe

05-29-2007, 03:38 PM
Kennedy must be furious...he was in line for a huge push, then gets a minor injury that they think is a lot worse and loses it all in two consecutive days. His title shot was taken from him and used, and now Edge is the main man of Smackdown.

I personally love Edge, and think this is a good call, but I hope there is a great Kennedy-Edge fued where the belt does bounce around at least once.

05-29-2007, 03:54 PM
kennedy is furious. this could have been his time to shine.. long term too. i say, have kennedy turn face.. (hes got a large portion of the crowd to his side anyways) and have him face edge instead of batista.. kennedy and edge sounds like a good feud to me. gives some more experience to kennedy.. and will be the 8th world champ that kennedy beats?

i'm glad edge will get a long run as champion as i think he is the best wrestler in the wwe
:whacky: :lmao: i dunno what else to say afc :( edge is a good wrestler.. and should be a long term champ.. but the best wrestler in wwe?

Role Model
05-29-2007, 04:01 PM
Excellent, Edge really deserved this, even if he was not supposed to win the WHC. Anyways lets hope the draft we see Punk go to smackdown where we can see Punk/Edge.

05-29-2007, 10:28 PM
about time he was givin a long run and the show is centered on him i cant think of anybody better to fill the role kennedy must want to kill that doctor