View Full Version : WWE Bringing In More Celebrities, ECW Talent Change

05-29-2007, 11:02 AM
Partial Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

- A suggestion made to WWE from the USA Network was for them to use another celebrity to help improve their ratings. It was also noted to officials that WWE had success using both Kevin Federline and Donald Trump.

- Michelle McCool will be having a special photo shoot that should be on WWE’s website in the future. The photo shoot was awarded to her after she won the Memorial Day Bikini Beach Blash Battle Royal on RAW. WWE’s website has an article on this topic.

- A suggestion made by Dusty Rhodes is that ECW be used as a youth oriented show, basically using mostly wrestlers that are in the final level of development. ECW head writer Dave Lagana is in favor of staying on the course its taking.

if they do use a celebrity, i just hope they use a celebrity that people actually like

05-29-2007, 02:58 PM
I was actually kind of surprised that Michelle McCool won the battle royal on Raw.

05-29-2007, 03:33 PM
As was I. It's okay though...she's a hottie.

Role Model
05-29-2007, 04:04 PM
What I don't like is that WWE is relying on celebritys to pick up the ratings, which is total crap because what WWE should be doing is using wrestlers to lift the ratings and actually doing stuff with the main event division and other divisions that are being over-rided by people don't know how to wrestle and leaving the guys we want to see out. It's WWE fault that they're done but on the other hand they could easily raise them if they decided to do the right things.

05-29-2007, 07:59 PM
ECW is just a stepping stone lol, does not make it sound to good. IMO atleast saying it like that makes ECW look weaker but I guess it is also good to see who the next talents will be on one show, Poor ol ECW :( Still waiting for its 2 hours.