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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default RAW LIVE Coverage and Discussion - 18th Nov, 2014

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    RAW LIVE Coverage and Discussion - 17th Nov, 2014
    Location - Roanoke, Virginia
    Announcers - Jerry "The King" Lawler, JBL, Michael Cole.

    We begin this week’s show with a look back at Ryback’s apparent refusal to join Team Authority.

    Team Authority makes their way to the ring and Stephanie McMahon and Triple H lead Seth Rollins, Kane, Rusev, Mark Henry, and Luke Harper to the ring. They are joined by Jamie Noble, Joey Mercury, and Lana.

    Hunter says three weeks ago, the Chairman and CEO of the WWE, Vincent Kennedy McMahon came to this ring and he added a stipulation to the match at Survivor Series. That stipulation was if the Authority lost, they would be out of power. No more Raw, no more Smackdown, no more Authority, no more power.

    Hunter asks if the people would like to see them without power and relegated to ‘regular employees’, like all of you.

    Stephanie tells everyone to enjoy this feeling because she asks how does it feel to want.

    Hunter says that you have no idea what you wish for. You are sheep and you need to be led, even if it is right in front of you.

    Vince comes to the ring and he is a hero, but when he ran the WWE with an iron fist, he was the evil ‘Mr. McMahon’. Now that is their role. They are seen as the evil empire. You cannot see what they do for you. You are just sheep.

    You would rather have the inmates run the asylum? Inmates like John Cena and Dolph Ziggler. The last place the inmates ran the asylum, it was called WCW. We picked them up at auction. They will not let that happen. It all comes down to one match at Survivor Series.

    Team Authority, the most dominant and most lethal team ever assembled. Led by the future and standard bearer of the WWE, Seth Rollins. They will square off with Team Cena. A group of self righteous malcontents led by the golden boy of malcontents, John Cena.

    If they win, the WWE thrives and everyone benefits. If they lose, they cannot lose. Hunter says that he is glad that the WWE Network is free for November so you can all see the greatest victory that the Authority and he ever has. The Authority will win and we will go on and on under their leadership.

    Stephanie says that is Sunday, but what about tonight? In spite of attempts to get Team Cena on their side to do what is best for business, they continue to side with their captain, John Cena.

    Hunter says they have no choice. Team Cena will be decimated, either figuratively or literally. Tonight, we will have the biggest contract signing in the history of the WWE. We will see who is left and who has the guts to sign their name next to John Cena.

    Stephanie talks about the members of Team Authority. First, their captain Seth Rollins. Then the World’s Strongest Man, Mark Henry. We have the most twisted and sadistic monster the WWE has ever seen, Kane. We have the new United States Champion, Rusev. Then there is the man who personally delivered a decimated Dolph Ziggler to their feet last week, Luke Harper.

    Luke says that he is a Team Player.

    Stephanie says that she is proud to have Luke and all of them on their team. It seems like John Cena is down a competitor.

    Stephanie addresses Ryback. Last week, they thought they had Ryback locked up as a member of Team Authority, but some things went awry. Things got in the way and the important thing to note is that Team Authority is not going anywhere.

    Ryback’s music plays and he makes his way to the stage. He says the Authority wants what is best for business while John Cena wants what is best for the WWE Universe. Ryback wants what is best for Ryback.

    Stephanie says that she respects that while tensions ran a little high last week and we made some decisions that we may regret. Isn’t that right Kane?

    Kane says that he regrets what transpired.

    Stephanie says that Ryback doesn’t have to believe her but does Ryback want to join a man who has no respect for Ryback?

    We see footage of Ryback being addressed by John Cena last year on Raw.

    Stephanie says the footage does not lie. John Cena speaks for himself. She doesn’t know why John Cena would say that. It is because Cena is jealous of everything that Ryback can do. Stephanie says that she thinks John Cena loathes him. Do you want to go into battle with a man you cannot trust. You need to make a decision about who to side with.

    Ryback says he plays for the one team that he can count on and that is Team Ryback.

    Hunter tells Ryback that is a wise decision. Stay neutral and stay out of the fight. For everyone who is already in the fight, the decimation starts now.

    Luke Harper will stay in this ring and he will start the decimation. He will decimate a man who is a suck up, a show off, and a man who shows no respect to the Authority.

    We go to commercial.

    Seth Rollins joins the commentary team with Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble standing behind him.

    Intercontinental Title Match
    Dolph Ziggler (c) vs Luke Harper

    Noble and Mercury attack Ziggler before the match starts and then Rollins hits Ziggler with the briefcase.

    Ziggler struggles to get to his feet and the referee finally starts the match after asking Ziggler.

    Harper with a boot to the head but Ziggler kicks out. Harper with a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Harper with an Irish whip but he misses a boot into the corner and Harper goes over the top rope to the floor.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Harper is still in control as he sends Ziggler to the mat. The referee checks on Ziggler. Harper tries for a delayed vertical suplex but instead he lets Ziggler back to his feet and he connects with an uppercut. Ziggler is sent into the ropes with a slingshot during the break as we see footage from the WWE App. Harper with a Gator Roll to Ziggler.

    Harper with a reverse chin lock. Ziggler with a jaw breaker and Harper is staggered. Ziggler moves out of the corner and Harper goes shoulder first into the post. Ziggler with a Fameasser for a near fall. Ziggler has a kick blocked and Harper with a Bossman Slam for a near fall.

    Harper goes for a discus clothesline but Ziggler with a super kick and he gets a near fall. Harper gets to his feet first and he connects with a knee to the midsection. Harper sets for another power bomb but Ziggler with punches. Harper sends Ziggler to the mat and Harper with a discus lariat for the three count.

    Winner: Luke Harper

    After the match:
    Rollins says something to Ziggler and he hits Black Out on Ziggler.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Miz removes his sunglasses. He says that they will be the blockbuster of Summer 2015. Miz cuts a voice over and he asks Grumpy Cat what he thinks.

    Miz shows him a Grumpy Stunt Cat.

    Miz says that he is like everyone else. Sitting there with that smug look on its face. The last time the cat had a good idea, it was left in its litter box.

    Miz walks away and then he returns to tell the cat that he follows the cat on Facebook.

    The bunny tries to do Adam’s fall of trust and Rose yells at the bunny. Rose shows the bunny how to do it.

    We see a video showing the new WWE 2K15, because it will be available tomorrow on new gaming systems.

    We go to commercial.

    Adam Rose vs Tyson Kidd (with Natalya)

    The bell rings and the bunny is told to stand at ringside.

    They lock up and Rose with a punch and forearms in the corner followed by kicks. Rose with mule kicks to Kidd but Kidd with a kick and boot to the head. Kidd sends Rose into the turnbuckles and he punches Rose in the corner. Rose with a spinebuster and he gets a near fall.

    The bunny hops around the ring to talk to Natalya. Rose tells the bunny to get back into its corner and Kidd with a double leg take down and Kidd puts Rose in the Sharpshooter and Rose taps out.

    Winner: Tyson Kidd

    After the match:
    Rose has the bunny come into the ring and the bunny explains what it was doing. Rose tries to hit the bunny but the bunny with a waist lock and he tries to mark his territory on Rose.

    We see footage from the Wrestlemania On Sale Party in Santa Clara.

    We go to commecial.

    We are back and Bray Wyatt says they lied to us all from the beginning. They said that love will make you rich, more than any dollar bill could. They said that love was the most precious gift you could receive. They never told you that everything you loved could be taken away at the drop of a hat.

    A man that has nothing to love or nothing to lose is the most dangerous man in the world. Poor Dean Ambrose. For Dean every day is a pathetic attempt to show love out of obligation, not out of desire. Dean will always be alone. If Dean takes anything away from this, he prays that Dean does not mistake his generosity for something malignant.

    At first, he had to get Dean’s attention by any means necessary. Bray says that he promises that he comes in peace. He knows that Dean still feels the torment that he suffered at Bray’s hands. That suffering was a gift. He knows the pains that Dean has endured. A mother who drowned herself in her own miseries than take care of her baby boy. A father who abandoned him. A life of desolation. Bray says that he can safe Dean. He says their souls are intertwined. He tells Dean to embrace him and it will all go away.

    Dean appears on the TitanTron. He tells Bray he doesn’t have to babble because he heard him the first time at Hell in a Cell, then the night after. He heard it on Smackdown. Every rambling meandering word, he hears it. It is like nails on a chalkboard.

    Dean says that he is trying to listen to Bray. Bray will not get an edge at Survivor Series by bringing these things up. He does not care. Dean says that he learned a spooky magic trick from Bray. Magic video recording because he is not right here because he filmed this on his friend’s phone earlier today.

    The lights go on and Ambrose attacks Wyatt and he punches Bray. Dean kicks Bray to the floor.

    Dean says he doesn’t need any saving. Bray needs to worry about saving himself at Survivor Series.

    We go to footage from the first member of Team Cena to be Decimated by the Authority as Dolph Ziggler became a former Intercontinental Champion.

    Michael Cole mentions that Dolph Ziggler was taken to a medical facility after the post match attack.

    Ryback makes his way to the ring.

    We go to commercial.

    Ryback vs Cesaro

    Ryback with a front face lock but Cesaro with a hammer lock. Ryback with a side head lock and shoulder tackle for a near fall. Ryback with a waist lock but Cesaro with a side head lock. Ryback with a side head lock and Ryback blocks a hip toss and he slams Cesaro and hits a splash for a near fall.

    Ryback pushes Cesaro into the corner and he chops him. Cesaro with a kick and chop. Cesaro with a European uppercut and suplex. Ryback sends Cesaro face first into the mat and then Ryback with a delayed vertical suplex for a near fall. Ryback with a knee to the back followed by a punch. Cesaro with an Exploder to Ryback.

    Cesaro kicks and punches Ryback.

    We see Cena watching from the comfort of the monitor room that is not watching the Monday Night Football game.

    Cesaro chokes Ryback in the ropes and then he hits a Thesz Press and he slams Cesaro’s head into the mat and then into the corner. Ryback with shoulders in the corner and then he punches Cesaro. Cesaro with a Baldo Bomb to Ryback. Cesaro with a double stomp and he gets a near fall. Cesaro with a reverse chin lock and Ryback punches Cesaro. Cesaro with a slam and he kicks Ryback in the head and gets a near fall.

    Cesaro punches Ryback but Ryback sends Cesaro into the corner and he connects with shoulders. Cesaro with a hard Irish whip and he kicks Ryback. Cesaro with a reverse chin lock. Cesaro with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot and Ryback tries for another splash but he lands on Cesaro’s knees. Cesaro clotheslines Ryback over the top rope to the floor.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Ryback with punches but he misses a splash into the corner. Cesaro with a European uppercut followed by a clothesline for a near fall.

    John continues to watch the match from the back.

    Cesaro with a reverse chin lock. Ryback with a punch but Cesaro with an Irish whip. Cesaro is sent to the apron and he goes up top. Cesaro is caught by Ryback and Ryback with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Ryback with a clothesline and spinebuster. Cesaro rolls to the apron to avoid the clothesline. Ryback is dropped on the top rope but Ryback with a hip toss and then he hits a belly flop from the turnbuckles onto Cesaro. Ryback picks up Cesaro and hits a power bomb and he gets a near fall.

    Cesaro with a German suplex and he holds on for a second one but Ryback with an elbow. Cesaro moves and Ryback goes into the ring post shoulder first. Cesaro with another German suplex and then he holds on for another one. Cesaro holds on and hits a third one and he bridges to get a near fall.

    Cesaro goes up top for the elbow drop and he connects but Ryback kicks out. Ryback with a press power slam for a near fall. Ryback sets for the lariat and he runs into a European uppercut followed by a pop up European uppercut but Ryback kicks out. Cesaro takes too much time for the Neutralizer and Ryback sets for the muscle buster but Cesaro counters into a sunset flip.

    Ryback with a lariat and muscle buster for the three count.

    Winner: Ryback

    Renee Young is in the interview area with John Cena and John says that everyone knows that their future is on the line at Survivor Series, especially those bold enough to stand up to the Authority. He knows that they are trying to keep his team from getting to Sunday. They will get the Authority out of power on Sunday.

    Renee asks John about Ryback and John says that Ryback has said that he is on Team Ryback.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Lana says that while they had to handle the disrespect of Vladimir Putin at the G20 summit. You Americans showed your lack of taste when you drooled over the photos of Kim Kardashian. All of you know that no American woman can compare to this ravishing figure and her body. Lana says that she is the best. Lana says that she has a topless photo of her own to show you and it will leave all of you American men drooling. She asks if you want to see it.

    She shows the photo and it is of Vladimir Putin without a shirt, riding a horse.

    Heath Slater comes out and he is dressed like Uncle Sam. He tells Lana that everyone in America wants her to shut up. The American spirit flows through each and every one of us. As you can see, he has the red white and blue running through this bad ass country boy right now.

    Slater tells Rusev it ends tonight. He quotes Carl Weathers from the end of Rocky III and calls Rusev a son of a bitch.

    Non Title Match
    Rusev ( with Lana) vs Heath Slater

    Rusev with a jumping thrust kick. Rusev stomps on Slater’s back and applies the Accolade. Slater taps out.

    Winner: Rusev

    After the match:
    Rusev takes his time releasing the hold.

    We go back to the cat and Miz is still there with Sandow and the stunt cat. Miz says they do a buddy company. The cat can get the girl, but he wants to stay alive for the sequel.

    Rowan enters and he says ‘Here Kitty’. Rowan says he wants that cat.

    Rowan takes the stuffed cat and leaves.

    Big Show makes his way to the ring.

    We go to commercial.

    Stephanie McMahon makes her way to the ring before Big Show’s opponent makes his way to the ring. Stephanie says hello to Big Show and she says that she was watching the Monday Night War on the Network and she saw Show’s debut. He was billed as Andre the Giant’s son. Show has always been in somebody’s shadow. He has always wanted to be the guy, the man who brought the people into the building. It is not up to the people to decide who the main event is. It is the Authority who makes that decision.

    Big Show doesn’t know if he should pander to the people or resent them. He has flip flopped when he should have listened to his boss. To show how the Authority can benefit him if Cena steps away from Team Cena, he will make Show an inductee into the 2015 WWE Hall of Fame. Stephanie says it is a giant offer for a giant man.

    Stephanie asks Show for his answer and Show tells Stephanie . . .


    Sheamus makes his way to the stage and he tells Stephanie that he is proud to be part of Team Cena. He will be proud to make history when they drive the Authority out of power. At this time next week, the only way he will see Stephanie or her husband is if they buy a ticket.

    Stephanie thanks Sheamus for entertaining her and interrupting her. Stephanie says that there was an issue at the office this week. Stephanie says that there was an issue with Sheamus’ passport. It turns out that he is not an American citizen. What if Sheamus was deported and couldn’t make it to Survivor Series.

    Stephanie gives Sheamus and Show another reason to give them a chance to back out of the match at Survivor Series. They will face each other and the winner will get a chance to wrestle for the WWE Championship.

    Number One Contender Match
    Big Show vs Sheamus

    They lock up and Show with a clean break. They lock up again and Show backs Sheamus into the corner and he gives another clean break. They lock up again and Show with another clean break. They push each other and then Show with punches and a chop in the corner.

    Show with another chop in the corner. Show with another chop as they go across the ring. Sheamus with a kick and punches but Show sends Sheamus over the top rope to the floor with a back drop and Sheamus hits his shoulder on the apron as he goes to the floor.

    Show sends Sheamus over the ringside barrier into Yeatonville.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Show signals for the choke slam as Sheamus struggles to get back to his feet. Sheamus with a kick and then he connects with forearms to the chest. Sheamus with a boot to the chest followed by a knee drop and he gets a near fall. Sheamus tries to slam Show but Show stops him and Show slams Sheamus. Show with an elbow drop for a near fall.

    Show with a slam to Sheamus. Show with another slam as he continues to work on Sheamus’ back followed by an elbow drop for a near fall. Show with a Calf Killer and Cloverleaf combination and Sheamus tries to get to the rope and he finally gets there. Sheamus punches Show and he hits two running double sledges followed by a third one that knocks Show to the mat. Sheamus with a shoulder into the corner followed by a knee lift. Sheamus runs into a boot from Show but Show misses an elbow drop when Sheamus moves.

    Show tries to stop the slingshot shoulder but Sheamus drops Show on the top rope. Sheamus goes up top and he is met with a spear when he tries for a shoulder tackle. Show gets a near fall and he signals for the choke slam. Sheamus gets out of the hold and he gets Show up for White Noise and he gets a near fall. Show blocks the Brogue Kick and Show hits a choke slam for a near fall.

    Show goes to the turnbuckles and Sheamus recovers and he hits Show with forearms to the back. Sheamus gets Show on his shoulders for an Electric Chair drop.

    Rusev comes into the ring and he hits a jumping thrust kick on Sheamus and the referee calls for the bell.

    Winner: Big Show (by DQ)

    After the match:
    Rusev attacks Big Show while Mark Henry rearranges the announce table. Henry picks up Sheamus for a World’s Strongest Slam through the announce table. Rusev applies the Accolade on Show.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and on the Survivor Series Kick Off Show, Fandango will be in action with Rosa. Wade Barrett will have some bad news for you. Paul Heyman will be on the Kick Off Show Panel.

    AJ Lee’s music plays and Brie Bella makes her way to the ring dressed as AJ and does all of the mannerisms.

    Before the match starts, the real AJ Lee makes her way to the ring and joins commentary.

    Exhibition Match
    Nikki Bella vs Brie Bella

    They lock up and Nikki yells at Brie. Nikki with an arm drag. They lock up and Nikki with a shoulder tackle. Nikki with a back breaker and she holds on for a second back breaker for a near fall. Nikki drags Brie around the ring and then sends Brie into the turnbuckles. Nikki tells Brie to watch but she hits Brie’s shoulder. Nikki yells at Brie and slaps her.

    Nikki gets Brie up for Shock Treatment but AJ gets on the apron and distracts Nikki. Brie with a rollup for the three count.

    Winner: Brie Bella

    After the match:
    Nikki attacks Brie but AJ goes after Nikki and hits a Shining Wizard. Brie starts a Yes chant and AJ with a thrust kick and DDT.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with the Big E New Day video. He talks about seeing your dreams in the distance. All things are possible. With the power inside you, there ain’t no stopping you. He asks if you feel it.

    Ryback is in the locker room and John Cena says that he knows that Ryback doesn’t need anybody but the WWE needs him. He asks Ryback if he has thought about it.

    Ryback says that he is The Big Guy. He cannot see Team Cena. He says that he will not take John’s insults.

    John reminds Ryback that he said it to his face and that led to Ryback stopping his whining.

    What happens if Triple H doesn’t think that Ryback is an A+ player any more.

    Ryback says that he sees what the Authority is doing and he is still saying no.

    Cena says that Ryback is not stupid, he is selfish. For a man who wants to be fed more, when he is given the chance to sit at the big table, he isn’t hungry.

    We go to commercial.

    Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso, Fernando, and Diego (with El Torito) vs Goldust, Stardust, Miz, and Damien Sandow

    Miz and Fernando start things off and they lock up. Miz with a side head lock. Fernando with a top wrist lock into a side head lock. Fernando with a drop toe hold and Sandow falls into the ropes as well. Fernando with a splash to the back and Fernando with a slingshot senton for a near fall. Miz with an arm bar on Fernando.

    Goldust tags in and he sends Fernando into the turnbuckles and chops him. Fernando with more chops but Goldust with an Irish whip. Diego with a head scissors. Miz is sent to the floor and Sandow does a flip bump in the ring. Fernando and Diego with a suicide dive onto Goldust while Torito hits a dive onto Miz.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Goldust and Diego are in the ring and Goldust sends Diego into the ring post. Goldust punches Diego and Stardust kicks Diego. Stardust with a gourdbuster to Diego for a near fall. Stardust kicks Diego and Miz tags in and he kicks Diego. Miz with a snap mare and boot to the head and he gets a near fall.

    Diego with a sunset flip but Miz rolls through and he goes for a figure four leg lock but Diego rolls through for a near fall. Goldust tags in and he kicks Diego. Goldust with a snap mare and elbow drop for a near fall. Goldust works on the shoulder. Stardust tags in and he kicks Diego while they keep Sandow from getting into the match. Stardust with knees to the midsection. Diego with punches but Stardust with a kick.

    Miz tags in and he kicks Diego. Sandow is tagged in and Miz tags back in before Sandow can do anything. Diego with chops but Miz blocks a rana attempt. Miz is kicked to the floor and Sandow falls next to him. Stardust tags in and he keeps Diego from making the tag. Stardust with a back heel kick but Diego with a flapjack and both men are down.

    Jey tags in and so does Jimmy and they knock Stardust down with a shoulder tackle and then they take care of Goldust. Jimmy with clotheslines and super kicks followed by a Samoan drop. Jimmy with the running butt splash into the corner but Goldust with a power slam. Fernando with a lungblower to Goldust. Miz with the Skull Crushing Finale to Fernabdo. Diego with a drop kick to Miz. Stardust sends Diego to the apron.

    Jimmy super kicks Diego off the apron and then Stardust hits Dark Matter on Jimmy for the three count.

    Winners: Stardust, Goldust, Miz, and Damien Sandow

    We see Grumpy Cat watching the match from the Official WWE Arena Monitor.

    We are told that Sheamus has been taken to the hospital and he is out of Survivor Series.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and it is time for the Official Contract Signing because we have the official contract signing table in the ring with the official contract signing carpet.

    Team Authority makes their way to the ring.

    Hunter says Sunday at Survivor Series, live in front of the world, history will be made. Team Cena versus Team Authority and the Authority will stand tall. When it comes to the WWE . . .

    Hunter says that you don’t get it. You love the WWE. John Cena will tell you he loves the WWE. The truth is you have no idea. You have no idea what it is like for them. Every molecule of your being is this. Every fiber of who you are as a person, for your family, is this. You have no idea. Your great-grandfather, your grandfather, your kids. You have no idea. This is the air they breathe.

    Hunter says that they cannot lose.

    Stephanie says that they won’t lose.

    Hunter says that Stephanie is right. They won’t lose. Hunter tells everyone they won’t lose. He says that they cannot lose. This is the last chance for every member of supposed Team Cena. This is your opportunity to back out. If you don’t back out now, you will wish that you had.

    Stephanie says that there is no shame in backing down. Some times it is better to back down than to accept a fight. Her father challenged her and they have put together the strongest team ever. This team has been decimating and annihilating Team Cena all night long.

    Stephanie has the surviving members of Team Cena make their way to the ring.

    John Cena comes out first and he is joined by . . .

    John Cena makes his way to the ring and he walks alone.

    Hunter says that it is kind of ironic because he cannot see the rest of John’s team.

    John says that Hunter’s got jokes but the jokes stop on Sunday. He says that he can see it in Hunter’s eyes. The most important day of their lives. The WWE Universe will see Team Authority lose and they will be out of power.

    Stephanie asks John him and what army will beat them? Sheamus has been taken to the hospital. No one is standing with John because they value their careers. John is too myopic. No one will join John’s crusade.

    John tells Stephanie not to give anyone advice because Team Authority will lose. John says that the Authority is smug after what happened. They took care of everyone except for the one man who will make sure that the Authority loses. He sees that the Authority has put people to sleep. Every decision is not what is best for business, but what is best for yourself.

    John says that he will get four people out of the crowd if he needs them. Even if he went to war with four people in the crowd, every member of his team would have passion for the WWE. Team Authority is a bunch of suck ups and sell outs.

    John will give everyone a preview of what they will get. John reminds everyone it is free. This is why you need to see it.

    The queen and king will saunter to the ring, with their noses up watching their dream team trying to stop John Cena. They will take their ringside seat as it is all but a formality. Then their team, one by one will fall.

    John says Kane will be the first. The former firebreathing monster, kin to the Undertaker, controlled by the urn. Now he is a boot kissing Drew Carey lookalike. Then they will see Luke Harper fail. He is from the swamp so he will have a swamp in his pants when he fails. Then Rusev will not be able to get the job done.

    Then you get the red eyes and Stephanie won’t be able to help because she will be puking in the corner. Then he will feed them Sexual Chocolate. That leaves just one, the sell out golden boy. The bleached blonde brunette with the latex fetish. Then he will get his attitude adjusted and the referee will make the three count and it will feel like three years because all of your dreams will be crushed. It will be fitting that you will spend the rest of your time in the WWE cleaning toilets.

    Stephanie slaps John and John tells her to get out of the ring because it is go time.

    Dolph Ziggler’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring, but he is holding his neck.

    Big Show makes his way to the ring to join his teammates.

    Hunter counts the number of people that they have compared to the three on Team Cena.

    Erick Rowan makes his way to the ring and he is the fourth member of Team Cena.

    Stephanie says that is a big surprise, but there are still only four men. She gives everyone one more chance.

    Cesaro comes to the ring and it looks like we have our fifth . . .

    but Cesaro joins the Authority.

    Stephanie chuckles and she wonders if there are any more surprises.

    Ryback comes to the ring.

    It is pandemonium in the ring and it looks like we have our teams. Rollins with a kick but Cena gets Rollins up for an Attitude Adjustment until Hunter stops him. Hunter sets for a pedigree on Cena but Ryback gets in the ring. Ryback and Hunter stare each other down and Cena sends Hunter through a table with an Attitude Adjustment.

    We go to credits.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Well, I really did not expect Harper to become champion.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Grumpy should have scratched Miz, that would have pleased me

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    lol Bunny hitting on Natalya

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    LMAO just nature guys, bunny doing what bunnys do to Adam Rose.

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I find it kind of funny the WWF organization have an ad during WWE on Sky channel lol

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Tough one to call with Ambrose vs Wyatt at Survivor Series but at the moment I would have to say Wyatt.

  9. #9
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I hope there is a point to this Ryback vs Cesaro match because it making me fall asleep.

  10. #10
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
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    Cena the only one taking notice of this match lol

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