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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry WWE NXT Battleground 2024 Live Coverage - June 9th, 2024

    Sunday June 9th, 2024 7:30pm ET

    UFC Apex, Las Vegas, Nevada

    Available on:
    Peacock, WWE Network (outside of the U.S.)


    NXT Championship Match
    Trick Williams (c) vs. Ethan Page

    NXT Women’s Championship Match
    Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Jordynne Grace

    NXT North American Championship Match
    Oba Femi (c) vs. Wes Lee vs. Joe Coffey

    NXT Women’s North American Championship Ladder Match
    Sol Ruca vs. Lash Legend vs. Fallon Henley vs. Jaida Parker vs. Michin vs. Kelani Jordan

    NXT Tag Team Championship Match
    Nathan Frazer & Axiom (c) vs. The O.C. (Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson)

    NXT Underground Match
    Shayna Baszler vs. Lola Vice

    – Megan Morant and and Sam Roberts open us up as we begin our official preshow live on the Peacock network. Our hosts greet us and inform us tonight's premium live event will be the first to air from the UFC Apex. We get a quick rundown of our card.

    – A good half-hour-plus of this continues, ad nauseam, and is paired with various promos and vignettes for the upcoming WWE Clash at the Castle which will feature Scotsmen McIntyre & Piven fighting for their respective top titles. Eventually we see NXT GM Ava Raines backstage who cuts a short interview. She hypes the signing of Ethan Page and tonight's card. After much ado about nothing, we finally cut to the Then. Now. Forever. Together.

    – The PLE starts with our commentary crew hyping the UFC Apex. Sexy Redd is introduced and comes out to the ring briefly. We get a vignette hyping NXT coming to the city of sin.

    NXT Women's North American Championship Six-Pack Ladder Match: Kelani Jordan vs Lash Legend vs Sol Ruca vs Michin vs Jaida Parker vs Fallon Henley

    The first out is Sol Ruca, who gets a nice little pop. Jaida Parker is out next, followed by Michin. so far the NXT crowd is moderate. Also note it's small, like NXT's Capitol Wrestling Center may be slightly larger. Fallon Henley is out next rockin' the cowgirl gimmick to a somewhat dead/mildly booing crowd. We see the title suspended above the ring. Lash Legend comes out next to the best pop so far. Kelani Jordan is out last to a nice pop. The women pair off and immediately begin to brawl as the bell rings. Lash Legend takes an early control of the ring until Kelani Jordan and Sol Ruca send her out through the ropes to a pop. Sol and Kelani go toe-to-toe briefly. Jordan uses the top ropes to fly out, followed by Ruca, as the superstars begin to hit big spots one after another and it has it's desired effect to bring the crowd alive!

    Big spot from Lash Legend, who enters the ring and uses a steel ladder horizntally to clear house briefly. Jordan comes in and looks for a headscissors takedown but Lash powers through it. Parker and Michin join the fight in the ring and a brawl ensues in the corner. Ruca takes down everyone and sets Jordan on a ladder suspended across the ropes in the corner. Sol looks for the title but is shoved off her own ladder by Jadia Parker. Parker looks to ascend but Jordan pulls on her tights. Parker is ultimately pulled off and lands booty-first on the ladder. The ring clears briefly before Michin sets up a ladder.

    On her way to the top, Michin is topped by Lash Legend. Lash sidesteps a charge and kicks a rising Michin back down to the campus. Vic exclaims Lash is in the driver seat and Booker mumbles a reply. Legend with a sleeper hold on Michin! Legend towers over Michin as Fallon Henley hops up the back of Legend with a sleeper of her own! Kelani hops on Fallon's back with her own sleeper hold! The four-woman-tall tower of sleeper holds collapses.

    Once again, chaos ensues in the ring. Sol Ruca looks to climb one side of the ladder, with Lash on the other. Fallon and Jaida both look to climb other women's backs. Jordan and Jaida battle at the top of the ladder before Lash Legend grabs Jordan's legs from one side of the ladder. Parker holds onto Kelani's arms on the other side and they, essentially, t-bone her with the top of the ladder pressed into her back! Multiple women are taken out in various spots, with us once again circling back to Lash and Fallon. Henley drops Legend and Jordan and the dead crowd pops big with an "NXT! NXT!" chant. Multiple superstars fight around two set-up ladders, with Lash Legend yet again clearing the ring.

    No sooner can Lash start to reach for the ladder when Sol Ruca climbs the other side. Both women struggle on top of the ladder, jockeying for position. Ruca flips over the top and over Lash, attempting to suplex her. Legend hangs on until all five other superstars work in tandem to super-suplex Lash Legend to the outside floor! The UFC Apex finally wakes the fuck up with a "holy shit!" chant! Vic Joseph and Booker T speculate that Lash is hurt. Meanwhile, in the ring, Michin hits a huge DDT to a big pop. The five still-standing women again jockey over a ladder with Michin on top.

    Even the crowd gets behind this with a "this is awesome!" chant as Michin works her inner Kofi Kingston and recovers, clearing the ring. Again, Michin ascends the ladder and comes close to championship gold. Sol Ruca and Jaida Parker interrupt her. Sol and Jaida briefly struggle before fires off a pair of Sol Snatchers outta nowhere! Sol Ruca hangs in there, only to be clotheslined over the top rope. Michin is taken down, and Kelani Jordan fires off a One of a Kind! Jordan ascends the ladder and pulls the title down, making history!

    Winner and FIRST EVER NXT Women's North American Champion, Kelani Jordan!

    – We then head over to a video of Oro Mensah attacking Ethan Page as he arrived in Las Vegas, Nevada yesterday.

    – Back at ringside, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson make their way down to the ring. Nathan Frazer and Axiom follow.

    NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Axiom & Nathan Frazer vs the Good Brothers

    Axiom and Anderson begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Anderson lands a chop on Axiom, but Axiom levels him with a dropkick and tags in Frazer. Axiom locks in an Octopus on Anderson, and Frazer runs the ropes to gain some momentum to land a single leg dropkick. Axiom tags in and double teams on Anderson with Frazer. Frazer then tags back in and lands a chop on Anderson in the corner, then sends Anderson crashing into the middle turnbuckle and tags in Axiom. Axiom delivers a crossbody off the top rope, but Anderson trips him and tags in Gallows.

    Gallows fires off stomps on Axiom, then sends his arm bouncing off the mat and delivers a Fallaway Slam. Gallows then rains down Hammer and Anvil Elbows on Axiom and locksin an arm submission before he lands a right hand on him and tags in Anderson. Gallows holds Axiom in place as Anderson lands a strike on him, but Axiom delivers a chop to Anderson. Anderson levels Axiom with a chop of his own and fires off a few right hands on him, then tags Gallows back in.

    Gallows locks in an arm submission on Axiom, but Axiom once again escapes. Gallows delivers an open palm strike to Axiom, but Axiom responds with a DDT. Anderson tags in and prevents Axiom from making the tag out. However, Axiom manages to tag in Frazer. Frazer delivers a dropkick off the top rope to Anderson, then levels him with a Sling Blade before he hits a Shooting Star Press and ascends to the top. He looks to fly, but Anderson moves out of the way and lands a cutter on Frazer. Gallows tags in and delivers a running splash to Frazer in the corner, then levels Frazer with Anderson. Gallows follows it up with a sit-out powerbomb and goes for a pin, but Axiom breaks the fall.

    Anderson dumps Axiom out of the ring and tags back in, but Frazer levels him with a dropkick and tags in Axiom. Anderson lands a spinebuster on Axiom, then tags in Gallows. Gallows and Anderson then look to land the Magic Killer on Axiom, but Axiom escapes and locks in a Sleeper on Gallows as Anderson brawls with Frazer. Anderson then tags in, and double teams on Axiom with Gallows. Anderson pins Axiom, but Frazer breaks the fall.

    Frazer lands an enzuigiri on Gallows before Axiom rolls up Axiom. Axiom kicks out, and Gallows delivers a chokeslam to Frazer on top of the apron. Axiom teeters on the top rope, but Anderson gets him up on his shoulders and delivers a cutter. He goes for a pin, but Axiom kicks out. Axiom and Anderson teeter on the top rope, but Anderson knocks Axim off the top. Axiom delivers an enzuigiri to Anderon, then clotheslines Gallows out of the ring with Frazer. Frazer tags in, and Axiom delivers a Spanish Fly to Anderson. Frazer then delivers a Phoenix Splash to Anderson for the win.

    Winners and STILL NXT Tag Team Champions: Axiom & Nathan Frazer

    – We head over to a video with a cryptic message from Josh Briggs, and then to a second video from Carlee Bright and a third one from Dante Chen.

    – Shayna Baszler then makes her way down to the ring. Lola Vice follows.

    NXT Underground Match: Shayna Baszler vs. Lola Vice

    The bell rings and Vice fires off right hands on Baszler. Baszler blocks them and throws a few right hands at Vice, but Vice blocks them. The two then brawl on the ramp, and Baszler lands a right hands on Vice's spine. The pair get back inside the ring, and Baszler lands a back suplex on Vice. Baszler then cinches in an Ankle Lock on Vice, but Vice manages to escape by sending Baszler crashing into the ring post face first. Vice then locks in a Kimura Lock on Baszler, but Baszler makes her way back up to her feet and breaks the hold by sending herself and Vice crashing into a few people on the outside.

    Vice and Baszler fire off right hands on one another, and Baszler clears the announce desk. Baszler then gets Vice on top of them, and the pair fire off more right and left hands on one another. Vice and Baszler then go tumbling off the announce desk, and Baszler looks to land a knee on Vice. Vice moves out of the way, and Baszler's knee is sent crashing into the announce desk. Vice then sends Baszler's leg bouncing off the ring post and locks in a Knee Bar. Vice locks in another knee submission before fires off right and left hands on Baszler. She locks in a Kimura Lock on Baszler, but Baszler escapes and locks in the Kirifuda Clutch.

    Vice escapes by targeting Baszler's ankle, but Baszler lands a running knee on Vice. She exposes her knee and looks to land a knee on Vice, but Vice lands a spinning backfirst on Baszler that sends her crashing on top of a few people on the outside. Baszler then fires off strikes on several people on the outside and sends one of them crashing into the mat. Vice takes advantage and lands a roundhouse kick on Baszler, then gets her back into the ring. Baszler locks in a Triangle on Vice, but Vice fights her way out by firing off right hands on Baszler.

    Baszler fires off more right hands on Vice on the outside, but Vice sends Baszler crashing into the ring steps. She gets her back inside the ring and lands a spinning backfist, then rains down right hands on Baszler. The referee then calls for the bell.

    Winner: Lola Vice

    – Wes Lee then makes his way down to the ring. Joe Coffey and Oba Femi follow.

    NXT North American Championship Triple-Threat Match: Oba Femi(c) vs Joe Coffey vs Wes Lee

    The bell rings and Lee and Joe both go straight after Femi. They fire off right and left hands on him, then send him crashing to the outside. Lee sends Joe's face bouncing off the top turnbuckle, then delivers a series of kicks on him and flies to level Femi on the outside. He ascends to the top and flies to level Joe, then pins him. Femi breaks the fall, and Lee delivers a kick to his midsection. Femi lands a clothesline on Lee and fires off a knee on Joe's midsection, then delivers a double vertical suplex to both men and lands running uppercuts on them in opposite corners.

    Femi looks to land a vertical suplex on Lee, but Joe fires off right and left hands on Femi's midsection to prevent him from doing so. Lee is sent crashing out of the ring, but lands an enzuigiri on Femi. Joe dropkicks Femi into the corner, then sits him on the top rope. Lee joins Femi on top, but Femi sends him crashing on top of Joe. Lee sends Joe crashing into the corner, then delivers an enzuigiri. Joe delivers a Tornado DDT to Lee and lands a suplex, then clocks Femi on the apron and connects with a backbreaker on Lee. Joe then delivers an uppercut to Femi that sends him crashing into Lee before he lands a Vader Bomb on Femi.

    Joe gets Femi up on his shoulders, and Lee delivers a double stomp to Femi off the top rope. Joe then delivers a Death Valley Driver to Femi and levels Lee, then delivers a tope suicida to take down Femi on the outside. Joe sends Femi into the ring steps, but Femi powerbombs him onto the ring apron. Lee flies over the top looking to level Femi, but Femi catches him and sends him crashing into Femi.

    Femi and Joe exchange strikes in the ring before Lee delivers a hurricanrana and a Kardiak Kick to Femi. He goes for a pin, but Joe breaks the fall.

    Joe delivers a spinebuster to Lee and goes for a pin, but Lee kicks out. Femi clotheslines Joe to the outside, but Mark Coffey and Wolfgang appear and fire off strikes on Femi. Wolfgang gets Femi on his shoulders, and Mark delivers a running knee to level Femi. Back in the ring, Joe delivers a moonsault to Lee off the top rope and charges at him. Femi sends Mark and Wolfgang's heads bouncing off the ring apron and gets back in the ring. Lee sends Femi back to the outside and delivers a pair of double knees to Joe. He follows it up with the Kardiak Kick on Joe and goes for a pin, but Mark pulls the referee out of the ring. The referee then argues with Mark and Wolfgang on the outside, and Lee flies to level them both. He then sends Joe crashing into the mat before Lee looks to fly off the top with a pair of double knees. Femi catches him and levels him, then delivers a powerbomb to Joe and pins him for the win.

    Winner and STILL NXT North American Champion: Oba Femi

    – Jordynne Grace then makes her way down to the ring. Roxanne Perez follows.

    NXT Women's Championship Match: Roxanne Perez(c) vs TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace

    The bell rings and Grace sends Perez crashing into the mat. Perez stamps on Grace's foot and lands a strike on her before Perez looks to land a bot on Grace. Grace intercepts it and Perez slaps her to escape. Grace then delivers a pair of shoulder tackles and a sliced bread, then kips up and looks to land a powerbomb. Perez escapes and delivers a Hip Attack to Grace in the corner, but Grace ascends to the middle rope. Perez tries pulling her down, but Grace hangs on.

    Perez manages to pull Grace down and fires off a few right hands on her, then delivers a knee to her arm and wears her other arm down with a submission. She wrenches back on it, and Perez lands a Side Russian Leg Sweep. Perez stomps on Grace's wrist, but Grace delivers a kick to Perez. Perz looks to land a pair of double knees on Grace's arm, then delivers a chop block to her knee and a dropkick to her shoulder.

    Perez slaps Grace and locks in an Octopus, but Grace powers up to her feet. Perez looks to roll up Grace, but Grace blocks her. Perez looks to land a crossbody off the ropes, but Grace catches her and delivers a slam. She looks to land a Vader Bomb, but Perez moves out of the way. The two then teeter on the middle rope before Grace gets Perez up on her shoulders. Perez counters into a slam, and both she and Grace are sent crashing into the mat. Grace slaps Perez, but Perez delivers a right hand to Grace's spine. Grace sends Perez crashing into the mat, but Perez fires off elbows on Grace. Grace levels Perez with a clothesline, then lands a spinning back fist and delivers a spinebuster.

    Grace looks to land a Muscle Buster, but Perez sends Grace crashing into the mat with a DDT and follows it up with a hurricanrana. Grace fires off stomps on Perez, but Perez locks in an arm submission on Grace. Grace powers up to her feet, and Perez ascends to the top. Grace gets her up on her shoulders and delivers a Muscle Buster.

    Perez sends Grace crashing into the ring apron face first and delivers a tope suicida to Grace on the outside. She gets her back in the ring and takes her down, then locks in a crossface. Grace delivers a back elbow to Perez, then sets up for Pop Rox. Grace blocks her and delivers a Gory Bomb to Perez as Tatum Paxley appears at ringside and takes note of Perez's TNA Knockout's Championship. She grabs it, but Ash By Elegance appears on the ramp and grabs it. Ash and Paxley argue over the title, but Grace clocks both Paxley and Ash with her Knockouts Championship on the outside. She gets back in the ring and delivers a Death Valley Driver, but Perez responds with Pop Rox for the win.

    Winner AND STILL NXT Women's Champion: Roxanne Perez

    – We then head backstage and see Gallus attack Wes Lee.

    – Back at ringside, Ethan Page makes his way down to the ring. Trick Williams follows.

    NXT Championship Match: Trick Williams(c) vs Ethan Page

    The bell rings and Page wastes no time going after Williams. He fires off right hands on him, but Williams fires off several right hands of his own on Page. Williams delivers a bodyslam to Page, then fires off forearms on him and delivers a cutter. Williams looks to land a kick on Page, but Page low bridges him out of the ring and sends Williams crashing into the ring steps shoulder first.

    Page clears the announce desk, then rains down right hands on Williams. He fires off stamps on him in the corner, but Williams lands a jawbreaker on Page using the top rope. Page delivers a hanging backbreaker to Williams and goes for a pin, but Wiliams kicks out. Page then delivers a back suplex and goes for another pin, but Williams kicks out. Page then sends Wililams crashing into the mat and pins him once again, but Williams kicks out.

    Page fires off shoulders on Williams' midsection, then sits him on the top turnbuckle and pulls him down. He then sends Williams crashing into the mat with a slam and a pair of double ax handles to his spine. Williams sends Page crashing into the mat with a DDT, then follows it up with a flapjack and looks to land a roundhouse kick. Page rolls out of the ring, and Williams joins him. Page sends Williams crashing into the ring apron spine first, but Williams dumps Page over the barricade and flies over it to level him.

    Williams gets Page back inside the ring and levels him with a kick. He ascends to the top, but Page trips him and goes for a pin. Williams kicks out and exchanges forearms with Page before Page lands a kick on Williams's head. Williams delivers a uranage to Page, and the pair end up back on the outside. Williams gets Page up on the ring steps next to the announce desk, but Page gets Williams up on his shoulders and delivers a powerslam to Williams through the announce desk. He gets Williams back inside the ring and delivers Ego's Edge. He goes for a pin, but Williams kicks out.

    Page gets in the referee's face and fires off a flurry of right hands on Williams in the corner. Williams catches Page with the Trick Shot Knee for the win.

    Winner AND STILL NXT Champion: Trick Williams

    – After the match, Sexyy Red joins Williams in the ring to celebrate him retaining the "NXT" Championship as the show goes off the air.

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    NXT Women's North American Championship match

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    First ever NXT Women's North American Champion Kelani Jordan

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Your Winners and STILL NXT Tag Team Champions: Axiom & Nathan Frazer

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Oba Femi(c) defeated Joe Coffey and Wes Lee

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    Roxanne Perez(c) defeated TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace

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    Trick Williams(c) defeated Ethan Page

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    NXT Tag Team Championship match

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