Quote Originally Posted by scorpion
True story his Brother is the main offender in the he's ok department he needs help & TNA Need & his family & friends need to help him
Totally agreed, if his family can't see he's got a problem or care, why would anyone on the outside

Quote Originally Posted by eel
TNA should fire him then WWE can demand that he takes them up on their offer for free rehab.
Eel I do believe you're onto something with that statement

Quote Originally Posted by phekirstehnal
You can't help someone who doesn't want help. If he doesn't want to see his daughter grow up then fine, so be it. He can only blame himself for his actions.
I feel the same way...you go girlie!

Quote Originally Posted by metalitia
It is affecting TNA whether people wanna believe it or not.

Of the 8 or so people I regularly see and chat about wrestling only 3 of us are currently still watching TNA.

On the poor line up for Wrestlemania "Could be worse, TNA could be running it"

"I'd rather see Snooki than Jeff Hardy"

etc etc.

Sad to hear tbh
You hit the nail on the head, except I wish Snooki/Cookie and Jeff Hardy would just go away permanently from TNA, They are both bringing TNA down in their own ways!