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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default AEW Collision Report - Mar 30, 2024

    AEW Collision was recorded Thursday at the Budweiser Gardens in London, ON.

    Our commentary team is Tony Schiavone, Ian Riccaboni, and Nigel McGuinness.

    We start with Adam Copeland who says he has beaten Christian Cage and we will be putting the TNT title on the line in the Cope Open and asks who will step up.

    Adam Copeland (TNT Champion) vs Matt Cardona

    They lock up collar and elbow and move to running the ropes when Adam gets a series of hip tosses and Matt gets an upkick to separate. They lock up again, run the ropes and Matt gets a shoulder tackle, followed by them drop kicking each other. They lock up a third time and Matt is able to bear down Adam in the corner. Adam rolls to the outside and when Matt follows, Adam clotheslines him down. They fight on the apron as we go to picture in picture.

    When we return to full screen, Adam fights out of a sleeper and Matt drops him to the mat. Matt gets a rear chinlock, and Adam fights his way to his feet. They run the ropes and Adam hits a flying forearm. They then nail each other with clotheslines and pump kicks. Matt on the middle rope, and Adam sweeps.

    Adam slowly climbs to the top and Matt meets him there and they fight on the top. Adam tosses Matt off and then bulldogs Matt off the top for two. Adam gets a rear chinlock drop for two and Matt rolls to the outside. Adam follows and when he gets back in the ring, Matt kicks the ropes, and follows with an impaler for two. Matt drags Adam to the corner and slaps Adam as he yells at him.

    The crowd boos Matt out of the building, and Adam misses a spear. Adam catches Matt during the Radio Silence and tosses him into the turnbuckles, covering Matt for two. Adam goes for a spear and Matt hits Radio Silence for two. Matt sets for a spear, but instead Adam is able to hit the spear for the pin and the win.

    Winner and still TNT Champion: Adam Copeland

    After the match, the lights go out and when they come up, Malakai Black is in the ring. As they stare each other down, Buddy Matthews attacks Adam from behind. Mark Briscoe runs to the ring and Black hits a knee to the jaw. Eddie Kingston then hits the ring and the lights go out again. When the lights come up, Black and Matthews are gone.

    We then see Lexi Nair with FTR and they talk about their upcoming match with The Infantry. They say they are on a bit of a losing streak, so they can’t look past The Infantry. Dax says they have to win the tournament. They all love the Cinderella story, but tonight, they don’t get the show.

    Tony Schiavone is in the ring to talk to the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn. Tony asks Billy about how Bullet Club Gold invaded his home last night. Gunn says he is pissed at Jay White. He then says that next week on Dynamite, it’s Jay White vs Billy Gunn. Max Caster then calls out the Gunns, and while Gunn is beating down White, he will be keeping an eye on them and they won’t attack them if they don’t interfere on Wednesday. Anthony Bowens mocks the Gunns and says that next week, the demise of Bullet Club Gold begins.

    Tag Team TitleTournament match
    FTR (Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood) vs The Infantry (Carlie Bravo and Shawn Dean)

    Cash and Dean start and Cash gets an over the shoulder toss. They lock up again and move to arm bars with each getting side headlock takeovers and then breaking free with head scissors. Dean gets a hip toss and holds on for an arm bar when tagging in Bravo. Cash is able to get a tag to Dax. Bravo gets a pair of shoulder tackles. Followed by arm drags and drop kicks. This sets off the tag team siren and all four men are in the ring and FTR is knocked to the floor.

    Cash and Dean tag in and Cash gets a shoulder thrust in the ropes, followed by uppercuts. He then lays in chops in the corner. Dean reverses and throws chops of his own and slams Cash. Dean gets a leaping shoulder drop for two. Bravo is tagged in and Cash gets a power slam by surprise and tags in Dax.

    They throw hands in the corner and Dax puts Dean on the top. Dax is able to get a super plex from the drop as we go picture in picture.

    When we return to full screen, Dax rolls Dean into the ring and the Infantry keeps them from entering the ring. He leaps into the arms of FTR, but Dean then leaps onto the entire group. Dax is rolled into the ring and Bravo comes off the top onto Dax, who rolls through for two. Bravo leaps onto Dax’s shoulders and rolls him up for two. They trade two counts back and forth. FTR sets up for a spike pile driver, but Cash is knocked off the top and Dax is rolled up for two after a flying crossbody.

    Bravo gets power bombed, Cash suplexes him and holds on as Dax goes over the top for a two count only. They try a double team, but Dean spears Cash and Bravo rolls up Dax for two. Infantry gets superkicks and then a neck breaker on Dax for two. As the Infantry keeps getting near falls, Dax is knocked into Cash on the apron. FTR is able to get the shatter machine on Dean for the pin and the win.

    Winners and moving on in the tag team tournament: FTR

    Lexi is with Big Bill and Ricky Starks, and Bill says they aren’t looking past Top Flight but they are a 16 seed and they are the top seed, so they have no chance. Starks then says after that they will beat FTR.

    When we come back from commercial, Adam Copeland, Eddie Kingston and Mark Briscoe will be fighting the House of Black at Dynasty.

    Kyle O’Reilly vs JD Drake

    Drake gets in early attacks and is finally able to drop Kyle with a drop kick for two. Drake misses a Veder bomb, and Kyle then works over Drake’s leg with kicks. Kyle then drops Drake with strikes and kicks for a two count. Kyle gets an arm bar for the tap out victory.

    Winner: Kyle O’Reilly

    The Kingdom and Roderick Strong come to the ring to celebrate with him.

    Tag team tournament match
    Ricky Starks and Big Bill vs Top Flight (Darius and Dante Martin)

    Darius and Starks start the match, Starks lays in blows and Darius blocks a hip toss and gets a slam followed by an arm bar. Satarks whips Darius into the ropes and Darius gets a back slide for two. Dante is tagged in and they work over Starks in the corner with Dante getting a two count. Starks escapes and tags in Bill. Dante hits chops and runs away until Bill grabs him and tosses him into the corner.

    Dante dodges a big boot and gets a drop kick. Top Flight gets a double drop kick on Bill and then knocks him to the floor. They hit a double drop kick on Starks knocking him to the floor as well. Oddly enough, there is no dive. When Bill gets in the ring, Starks grabs Dante’s foot allowing Bill to get the big boot as we go to picture in picture.

    When we return to full screen, Bill has been manhandling Dante and tosses him into the ring. Bill charges into Dante in the corner, and when Bill tries for a second time, Dante gets out of the way. Dante comes off the top with a shoulder tackle and both men are struggling to get to their corner. Starks and Darius are tagged in and Darius cleans house. Bill goes to the outside due to a low bridge. Darius gets a rollup for a two count.

    Darius gets a DDT using his brother as a launching pad and grabs the pin and the win.

    Winners and going on in the tag team tournament: Top Flight

    The pin came after a near fall the crowd thought was the end of the match, so their near fall got a bigger reaction than the actual pin. lol

    Christopher Daniels calls out Malakai Black on Rampage.

    Thunder Rosa vs Lady Frost

    They lock up and Rosa gets a shoulder toss, but keeps wrist control. Rosa gets a two count followed by an alligator roll. Rose switches to a waistlock, they go into the ropes and Rosa gets a shoulder block. Rosa gets an armdrag and then a tejaris. Rosa lays in chops in the corner, but misses a charge in the corner. They fight in the corner and Frost goes for a hurricanrana, which, as they say, she doesn’t quite get all of it. Frost covers for two.

    Frost gets chops and kicks in the corner and after whipping Rosa to the corner, Rosa pops out with a clothesline as we go to picture in picture.

    When we return to full screen, Frost hits a shoulder block on Rosa in the corner. Rosa is able to get a surprise rollup for two and they then throw hands in the middle of the ring. Rosa gets a clothesline and follows with a back elbow. Rosa then gets a running drop kick on Frost, who is against the bottom rope, for two.

    Frost is able to hit the shadow driller (a cool move) for two. Frost misses a kick and Rosa gets a back stabber followed with a tijuana bomb for the pin and the win.

    Winner: Thunder Rosa

    In the back, Renee Paquette is with Toni Storm with Mariah May and Luthor and is told that Mariah and Thunder Rosa will be fighting to see who is the number one contender. Toni asks May if this was her plan all along, kisses her and then says she is brilliant. She tells Rosa that she should have retired because she will never be champion. As thai goes on Luther’s facial reactions of rage and calmness are fantastic. Go out of your way to watch this one.

    We get a rundown of the upcoming shows and a video giving Will Ospreay’s background.

    Lance Archer, Victor, and Dutch vs Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli, and Katsuyori Shibata

    Archer and Shibata start off by throwing hands. Shibata refuses to go down and then hits a low drop kick on Archer's legs to drop him. Archer gets to his feet and picks up Shibata who goes over the top into a sleeper, but Archer pulls him off.

    Dutch tags in and calls for Castagnoli who tags in. They lock up and Castagnoli starts to shove him to the corner, but Dutch is able to shove back and gets a scoop slam. He then hits a shoulder tackle off the ropes. They run the ropes and Castagnoli gets a shoulder tackle and hits a scoop slam. Castagnoli then gets a double stomp and tags in Bryan.

    Bryan works over Dutch in the corner. When he charges at Dutch, Dutch cuts him off and then drags him to his corner to tag in Vincent. Vincent Works over Bryan. He whips Bryan into the corner, and Bryan hits a drop kick on Dutch. Bryan goes to the outside and takes out Dutch and Archer, but Vincent is able to grab him and throw him into the barricade as we go picture in picture.

    When we return to full screen, Bryan has been in peril through the entire break. Bryan has to crawl to the corner, but is cut off by Archer and Dutch slams Archer on Bryan, then Archer slams Dutch on Bryan. Dutch goes back to work on Bryan. Bryan gets a shotgun drop kick from the top on Dutch and finally gets the tag to Castagnoli, who cleans house.

    The tag team siren goes off and everyone but Bryan is in the ring. Shibata and Castagnoli ping pong Archer with uppercuts before Castagnoli gets the big swing on him. Castagnoli locks on the sharp shooter. Dutch breaks it up and it’s time for everyone to hit a big move on the last person who hit a big move.

    Archer tags in Vincent after hitting a chokeslam on Castagnoli and hits Death from Above for two. Castagnoli tags in Shibata who works over Vincent in the corner. He hits a snap suplex for two. Shibata gets a cross arm breaker and Dutch breaks it up. Bryan hits the psycho knee on Dutch. Vincent gets a quick rollup on Shibata for two. Shibata grabs a sleeper and Shibata releases it to knock Archer off the apron. Shibata gets a PK kick for the pin and the win even though the ring announcers says it was by submission.

    Winners: Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli, and Katsuyori Shibata

    End of show.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Actually was not a bad show.

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