AEW Dynamite

This week, MJF makes his much-anticipated return to DYNAMITE. Swerve Strickland defends the AEW World Championship against Undisputed Kingdom's Roderick Strong. Plus, Saraya goes one-on-one with Mariah May.

– This week's show kicks off with a live cold open shot of the Blue Arena in Loveland, CO. where the familiar sounds of MJF's entrance tune plays as Excalibur welcomes us to the program.

– As advertised, the former longest-reigning AEW World Champion of all-time makes his way out to make his AEW Dynamite return in this week's opening segment. He settles inside the ring and says, "Cut my music, cut my music." The fans chant "He's our scumbag!"

MJF talks into the camera and says if his eyes look bloodshot and red, maybe we didn't get the memo, but MJF is in Colorado tonight, baby! He talks about a ton of people making bold claims on his show while he was out of action. He brings up Kazuchika Okada calling himself "The Rainmaker." He says he's making a lot of money but based on his body, he doesn't seem to have a gym membership.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman talks about a supposed leader "swerving" around and referring to himself as a "business mogul." He says the last time he checked, business moguls go to business school. "And if ya did, I guess you skipped your public speaking course." He brings up Will Ospreay saying "Oy, I'm the best in the world, bruv!" The fans chant "Bruv! Bruv!" and MJF quips, "'s a great word."

Friedman tells Ospreay the last he checked he ain't Chris Jericho, Kenny Omega, Adam Cole, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Bryan Danielson, Jon Moxley and many others. He says but do you know who beat everyone on that list? MJF. He says the next time you come on his show and lie with his British, disgusting teeth, "Watch your mouth, because Silly Billy, you ain't the best in the world, bruv ... I AM!"

He talks about creating matches and moments that will stand the test of time, and went from the most hated to the most loved. He talks about revisionists trying to rewrite history and change his legacy. As he continues to talk, he is cut off by the theme of RUSH. He yells at MJF that he's back and has a big moment. "Where's my big moment?!" he yells angrily. He tells MJF "when you mess with the bull, you get the horns!"

MJF tells RUSH he didn't get most of that. He asks if the crowd heard RUSH. He says when the mark Tony Khan was running this place it was bad enough, but now that The Elite are taking over, it's even worse. He tells RUSH his suit is dry, "like every woman you've ever slept with." He says he's not gonna stand here and pretend like he doesn't know him. He brings up paying him in the past to take out Bryan Danielson.

Friedman says RUSH's dad was a legend and some people might call him a nepotism baby because of that. "But not me! Not me!" Fans begin chanting "Nepo-baby! Nepo-baby!" Friedman quips back, "Don't do that, don't do that," with a smile on his face. He tells RUSH he's one of the best, but MJF isn't one of the best -- he's the best. He tells MJF he wants to let him know how he feels about RUSH cutting him off and interrupting him.

He says something insulting in Spanish and closes with, "And I'm MJF, and I'm better than you..." before he can tell RUSH, "And you know it," he is met with an attack by RUSH, which he immediately answers back with one of his own. The two have an incredibly wild brawl that dozens of officials and security try and break up. They do briefly, but then they re-collide and the whole pile of bodies falls down as the brawl reignites. They finally separate the two to end an explosive opening segment.

AEW International Championship Eliminator Match: Orange Cassidy vs. Kyle O'Reilly vs. Jay Lethal vs. Rey Fenix

After this wraps up, Excalibur sets up a video package hyping tonight's main event, which features The Undisputed Kingdom's Roderick Strong challenging Swerve Strickland for the AEW World Championship. The video package wraps up, and then we return inside the Blue Arena where Orange Cassidy's theme hits.

From there, the "Freshly Squeezed" one emerges to a big pop and settles inside the squared circle for our opening contest, which we learn will be a four-way showdown, with the winner advancing to challenge Will Ospreay for the AEW International Championship next Wednesday night on AEW Dynamite.

Out next is Kyle O'Reilly, followed by Jay Lethal, who comes to the ring accompanied by Sonjay Dutt, and finally, Rey Fenix, who comes out with Alex Abrahantes by his side. The four are in the ring and ready to rock and roll, and then the bell sounds to get this one officially off-and-running.

Lethal hits a big enzugiri to knock O'Reilly out to the floor. Lethal teases a big dive to the floor, but opts against it. Cassidy returns to the ring and knocks Lethal out to the floor. We see a standing double wrist-lock spot with Cassidy and O'Reilly, and then Cassidy starts doing his trademark hands-in-the-jean-pockets sequence of offense.

We see Lethal re-enter the mix and take out everyone standing. Fenix comes back in the ring and now all four are brawling in different spots in the ring. Fenix and O'Reilly knock Cassidy and Lethal down, turn to each other and then land kicks to each other's domes at the same time. They both crash to the canvas like Rocky Balboa and Apollo Creed in Rocky II.

On that note, Excalibur talks us into a mid-match commercial break as this high stakes opening contest continues. When we return from the break, we see spot-fest 2024, as each guy in the bout hits their finisher, one right after the other, only for Fenix to ultimately roll Lethal up to get the pin out of nowhere to earn the title shot against Ospreay next week.

Winner and NEW No. 1 Contender To AEW International Championship: Rey Fenix

– Once the match wraps up, we see Don Callis and Trent Beretta come down to the ring wearing all black. They throw a chair in the ring and a brawl breaks out with Orange Cassidy. In the end, Cassidy is left alone in the ring with Kris Statlander. Trent warns Cassidy that Statlander will knock his teeth out. She blasts him with a forearm shot that drops him. Willow Nightingale runs her off.

– We see the arrival of "For The World" Champion 'The Learning Tree' Chris Jericho, who pulls up with Big Bill and "The Bounty Hunter" Bryan Keith. Jericho is critical of the camera work by the camera man, so he takes the camera to show him how to improve his performance.

The happy-go-lucky wrestling legend heads inside the Blue Arena with his two pals, and we learn that the camera will be following him all show long. We head to another commercial break.

TNT Championship Ladder Match Qualifier Match: Mark Briscoe vs. Brian Cage

When we return from the break, Willow Nightingale is interviewed backstage. She congratulates Mercedes Mone on becoming the new TBS Women's Champion and being heartbroken now that she is no longer champion. She vows that she'll prove how dangerous she is when she has nothing. Orange Cassidy walks by and thanks her for having his back.

Back inside the Blue Arena, Interim EVP Christopher Daniels comes out and announces another qualifying match for the ladder match for the vacant TNT Championship at the upcoming AEW & NJPW: Forbidden Door 2024 pay-per-view. The theme for Mark Briscoe hits and out comes the ROH World Champion for the qualifying bout, which is up next as our second match of the evening.

The theme for "The Machine" Brian Cage hits and out he comes as the opponent for Briscoe. He settles inside the ring as the commentators remind us that Konosuke Takeshita has already qualified for the ladder match at next month's PPV. The bell sounds and we're officially off-and-running with this one.

After a good start for Briscoe, we see "The Machine" settle into the early prolonged offensive lead as we shift gears and head into a mid-match commercial break. When we return, we see Briscoe take over and ultimately hit his top-rope Froggy Bow to pick up the win and qualify for the TNT Championship Ladder Match at AEW & NJPW: Forbidden Door 2024.

Winner and QUALIFYING for TNT Championship Ladder Match: Mark Briscoe

– Backstage, we see "The Scapegoat" Jack Perry faux-clapping while watching the monitor as Mark Briscoe scores his victory. He talks about how the world has already chosen him, and he has already proven nothing can stop him and he's willing to sacrifice more than anyone. He says no matter how many times Tony Khan tries to screw him, it's already destined.

– We then cut to Renee Paquette, who is standing by with Samoa Joe and HOOK, the latter of whom is eating a bag of chips as always. Up comes Tony Nese complaining about HOOK's diet and how he's hanging around with a former champion like Joe. HOOK tries to lunge at him, but Joe stops him and tells him people like him only come at killers like us when they know nothing is going to happen.

Joe says based on the amount of security behind the camera, he can tell that Nese is well aware of that fact. He tells HOOK they'll get him and anyone like him back on their time. We head to another commercial break. When we return, the super-positive and smiley FTW Champion "The Learning Tree" Chris Jericho is backstage with Big Bill and Bryan Keith.

Jericho tries giving some pointers to "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard, who is taking over for him on the AEW Rampage commentary team after Jericho revealed last week that he was stepping down from the position to focus his TV time on AEW Dynamite and AEW Collision.

– Back inside the arena, The Acclaimed's theme hits and out they come with Max Caster rapping, only to be cut off by The Elite on the big screen. The Young Bucks talk about how as AEW EVPs, they won't tolerate disrespectful comments from employees like Caster just made in his rap on their show, so we won't be hearing from The Acclaimed tonight. They are forced to turn around and go back to the back.

– Now we shoot backstage once again where AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana are standing by with Renee Paquette. Swerve starts off by taking a quick shot at MJF, who took one at him at the beginning of the show. He also addresses Roderick Strong ahead of their main event tonight, and delivers a message to the AEW EVPs The Young Bucks.

– Excalibur hypes the "Follow Mone" contest with TBS Women's Champion Mercedes Mone on social media. He announces a title versus title bout with Mone defending her TBS Women's title against NJPW STRONG Women's Champion Stephanie Vaquer at the upcoming AEW & NJPW: Forbidden Door 2024 pay-per-view. A video package hyping the champion versus champion showdown is shown.

Jon Moxley, Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta vs. Volador Jr., Magnus, Rugido & Esfinge

Back inside the Blue Arena, "Wild Thing" plays and out through the crowd comes the Blackpool Combat Club four-man team, together for a match for the first time in quite a while, as the commentary team points out. Jon Moxley, Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta settle inside the squared circle for scheduled eight-man tag-team action in our next match of the evening.

Their entrance tune dies down and the theme for their opposition plays. Out comes the four-man Team CMLL group consisting of Volador Jr., Magnus, Rugido and Esfinge, who settle in the ring as the commentators hype up this big multi-person inter-promotional match. All eight men stare each other down before they all start slugging it out. As the wild brawl develops, the bell sounds to get it started.

When the dust settles and the smoke clears, it is Bryan Danielson for the BCC team and Rugido for the CMLL team who end up being the legal two men left alone in the ring to mix it up in the early goings. Yuta tags in after Danielson establishes the offensive lead. The CMLL team start to shift the offensive momentum in their favor after some big diving spots from the ring to the floor.

BCC fights back into the lead moments later and after each member hits a big spot, Danielson leads the Colorado crowd in a "Yes! Yes! Yes!" chant as Excalibur talks us into a mid-match commercial break as this eight-man tag-team tilt continues. When we return, Yuta pulls off the pin for his team, giving them the victory in his first performance back in over six months.

Winners: Jon Moxley, Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta

– We check in with "The Learning Tree" Chris Jericho and his crew giving some super positive tips at catering. We then see a Daniel Garcia video package where he tells his life story, with pictures, detailing the car accident that saw him break both of his legs and almost resulted in him never being able to walk again.

– From there, we shoot backstage and see The Acclaimed mocking The Young Bucks while telling them they're gonna have to run into them sooner or later, and they're not going to like it. After this, we shift gears and head into another commercial break.

– When we return, Excalibur says he understands there is another situation outside of the offices of the AEW EVPs, The Young Bucks. We cut to their office and we see them being approached by Christian Cage and The Patriarchy. Cage tells them if there's anyone he can trust to do the right thing, it's the AEW EVPs.

He talks about carrying this company on his shoulders for years and asks for another AEW World Championship shot. The Bucks say if it was up to them, they'd give them all titles. "You'd take a belt, you'd take a belt." They say they tried to do that for their friend Jack Perry but Tony Khan stooged them out and played his power card.

They promise them they'll do something good for them and also ask them for their shoe sizes as they leave, presumably to get them their new Reebok Pumps and AEW Replica Title shoes. Good guys.

Saraya vs. Mariah May

From there, we return inside the Blue Arena to a black-and-white camera shot. We hear the familiar sounds of "Timeless" Toni Storm's theme music and out comes the AEW World Champion accompanying her friend, Mariah May, for our next scheduled match of the evening.

As May settles in the ring, Storm heads over for special guest commentary. Storm's theme cuts off and The Outcasts theme plays, bringing out Saraya, Harley Cameron and Zak Knight. The trio head to the ring together, where Saraya settles inside as the other two take their spots at ringside.

Storm makes her first comments on special guest commentary as Saraya attacks May from behind before the bell. She goes to work on her with an early ambush attack and then the bell sounds to get this one officially off-and-running. May immediately fights back, hitting a fall-away slam as Storm encourages her to "smash her t*ts in" on commentary.

After some more back-and-forth action, we see Saraya throw May into the ringside barricade on the floor. We head to a mid-match commercial break on that note. When we return, we see Saraya pull off the win.

Winner: Saraya

– Once the match wraps up, Saraya and Harley Cameron attack May and Storm until Mina Shirakowa makes the save. She and Storm have a stare down until May grabs them and pulls them both head-first into her chest, the same way Storm does to her all the time in backstage interview segments.

A graphic flashes on the big screen, which they all see, which announces and confirms "Timeless" Toni Storm vs. Mina Shirakowa for the AEW Women's World Championship at AEW & NJPW: Forbidden Door 2024.

– After this wraps up, we shoot backstage where "For The World" Champion 'The Learning Tree' Chris Jericho is backstage with Big Bill and "The Bounty Hunter" Bryan Keith, when they come across Private Party. They offer them a helpful, cheery, positive tip, informing them that their parties would be a lot better if they weren't private.

He suggests they send invitations to people for their parties. They have some words and then Jericho says he's gonna help them get more TV time on Dynamite, because he's inviting them to be his guests on "TV Time with The Learning Tree Chris Jericho" on next week's show. "Thanks guys! Bye guys!" says a happy Jericho, who is mocked by Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen after he walks off. We head to another commercial break.

– When we return from the break, we see Bryan Danielson talking directly into the camera. He says tonight made him feel good to see a guy like Wheeler Yuta return and have a performance like the one he did against Team CMLL tonight.

"The American Dragon" brings up how he spoke about this being his last full-time year as a wrestler, and said things haven't gone as planned. He had an opportunity at the AEW World Championship, but came up short. He had an opportunity against Will Ospreay to win one of the best matches of all time, but came up short.

Danielson says the straw that is breaking the camel's back is that he Team AEW lost to The Elite in Anarchy in the Arena at AEW Double Or Nothing 2024. He says then he heard from Tony Khan that the winner of the 2024 Owen Hart Cup will earn an AEW World Championship shot. He says he's entering the tourney and plans to end his final year on a high note.

AEW World Championship Match: Swerve Strickland (C) vs. Roderick Strong

Back inside the Blue Arena, we see "The Dapper Yapper" Justin Roberts standing in the ring looking as dapper and ready to be a yapper as ever. He proceeds to handle the introductions for the champion and challenger for this, our final match of this week's AEW Dynamite.

With that said, Roderick Strong's theme hits and he makes his way to the ring accompanied by fellow members of The Undisputed Kingdom, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett. The theme for the former AEW International Champion dies down and then we hear the familiar sounds of the theme for the champ.

Prince Nana does his goofy-assed, but always-entertaining swerve dance to bring out the champ, and then Swerve Strickland emerges to a nice pop from the Loveland audience inside the Blue Arena. He settles inside the squared circle and his music fades off. Justin Roberts handles the final formal pre-match ring introductions for this championship contest and then the bell sounds.

Swerve and Strong immediately get after it, with Swerve getting off to a good start as Nana leads the fans in the "Who's House?" / "Swerve's House" call-and-response routine. Taven gives a distraction assist, allowing Strong to take over. He hits a wild back-breaker on Swerve, who crashes spine-first into the top turnbuckle in the corner.

On the floor outside of the ring, Swerve fights back into competitive form before whipping Strong into the steel ring post with authority. After that, Excalibur talks us into a mid-match commercial break, our final of the evening, as our AEW World Championship main event continues.

We return to some more back-and-forth action, which includes a lot of attempted outside interference, only for Swerve to hit a House Call for the win to retain. That's how this week's show goes off the air.

Winner and STILL AEW World Champion: Swerve Strickland