Chad Gable seeks to destroy Uncle Howdy

Tonight, Gable will look to put The Wyatt Sicks behind him as he takes on Uncle Howdy in Howdy’s in-ring debut as a competitor on Raw. Will Uncle Howdy claim the win against the brash Gable?

– Before the show kicks off we get a graphic commemorating Psycho Sid who passed away.

– We see Bron Breakker make his way into the arena. As well, American Made, Braun Strowman and Bronson Reed are shown arriving to the arena.

– At ringside, The Judgement Day's music hits and the faction of Carlito, Dominik Mysterio, The World Tag Champs Finn Balor and JD McDonagh and the Women's Champion Liv Morgan make their way to the ring. Liv Morgan welcomes us to RAW and asks everyone to rise for the Judgement Day. Balor rolls a tape of the events from last week with them taking out Rhea Ripley and Damian Priest. Carlito says that was cool and JD says that beating for the Terror Twins was a long time coming. Balor says they're not the bad guys but Rhea and Damian are the bad guys for betraying The Judgement Day and they got what they deserve. He says that was just a preview. Morgan gets on the mic and says she should be thanking Ripley because without her flaws she wouldn't everything she has and says she and Daddy Dom will always be on top. Dom tries to get on the mic and the arena won't let him talk and boo the hell out of him. Carlito tells off the crowd in Spanish and Dom does the same and says Liv has done for him than Rhea had. Dom says he's entering the No Contender's Match for the IC title tonight.

Rey Mysterio's music hits and he comes out with LWO (Dragon Lee, Joaquin Wilde and Cruz Del Toro). Rey says Dom is a lost soul and he needs help - and at least when he was Rhea, one of them had a set and it isn't Dom. Rey says someone has to put Dom in his place. Dom says he's beat Rey and Rey retreated - Rey calls Dom a jackass and says he's a bigger jackass now that he's with Liv. Liv asks Dom to stand up to his dad for her. JD cheap shots Rey and the LWO clears the ring and Dragon Lee flies over the ropes and hits the Judgement Day and we cut to break.

– Back from commercial break we are told there is an 8 Man Tag Match.

8 Man Tag Match: LWO vs. The Judgement Day

Rey goes for a cover on Balor and Balor tags out after kick out. Carlito slams into the turnbuckle and Rey tags in Del Toro, Del Toro with punches on Carlito who connects with a kick and cross body for a two count. Wilde is tagged in now and LWO double team Carlito for a two count. Del Toro is back in with a big chop on Carlito. DT gets clobbered by Carlito and then gets ambushed in the corner. Dom is tagged in and he smothers Del Toro with his foot. Dom continues to stomp on Del Toro and knees him a bunch. Carlito is now tagged in who quickly tags out to Balor. Del Toro punches out but the Tag Champs double team. Wilde is tagged in and he takes down JD. All the men are in the ring and the Judgement Day gets sent to the outside and Wilde does a springboard cross body to everyone outside and we go to break.

Back from break, Carlito has Wilde in a chokehold in the ring. Carlito tags in Balor who stomps on Wilde. JD is now tagged who hits Wilde with a springboard splash for a two count. JD isolates Wilde's arm who is struggling to make a tag... he's so close for tag but JD swings him to the other side. Wilde tags in Rey and Rey goes at Dom who is the legal man. Headscissor on Dom and then hits Dom with a seated splash. Dom gets a cheap shot in and Rey kicks Dom in the face for a two count. Rey goes up to the top rope but Dom gets to him before he can fly. Dom sets Rey up for a superplex, but Rey punches out and does a top rope sunset flip but the pin is broken by the Judgement Day. All hell breaks loose in the ring and when all is said and done, Dom is alone in the ring. Dom rolls out and LWO runs to opposite ends of the ring and all suicide dive out of each side of the ring a the same time. That was wild. Back in the ring, 619 to Dom by Rey, and Liv pulls Dom out of the way before Rey can come off the top rope. Rey falls and gets rolled up for the win.

Winners: The Judgement Day

– After the match The Judgement Day beat up LWO. McDonagh clears the announce table and they lay Mysterio on the table. Dom goes up top and Rhea's music hits and The Terror Twins make their way to ring. Rhea has Liv and Damian Priest cleans house on the rest of the Judgement Day. Priest and Ripley have Dom cornered and Liv jumps on Ripley and the rest of the Judgement Day comes in and a brawl ensues. Ripley and Priest take out Carlito and McDonagh.

– We go backstage with Jackie Redmond and The Miz. The Miz is a three-way No 1 Contenders match with Xavier Woods and Pete Dunne. Redmond says things have been going wrong for The Miz. Miz says he will make things right and win the title. Bronson Reed comes in and says it's because of The Miz that Strowman is on him but when he's done, he will come after The Miz.

Xavier Woods is warming up for his match. Kofi Kingston comes in and says he's happy they can clear the air and communicate. Woods says it's great communication like when he didn't tag him last week but it's ok. They talk about bringing the IC title to The New Day.

– The Pure Fusion Collective is backstage with Kathy Kelly. PFC says they took out Dakota Kai, Zelina Vega and Kayden Carter and Kitana Chance so they've made an impact. And after tonight add Damage CTRL to that list.

Damage CTRL vs. Pure Fusion Collective

Stark and Sky start the bout. Both Stark and Sky flip around the ring and Sky comes back with some strikes. Baszler tags in and Sky gets sent out. DeVille cheap shots Sky outside the ring and we cut to commercial break.

Back from commercial break, Baszler has Sky down on the mat. Both women are down and Sky tags out and Sane comes in and takes out both Baszler and Stark. Baszler stops Sane with a boot but she takes out both Stark and Baszler again. Sane slams into both Stark and Baszler in the corner and then hits a splash on Baszler. Sane covers Baszler for two count. Sane throws Baszler in a submission but Baszler powers out and slams Sane and throws her into an ankle lock submission hold. Stark then tags in and missile dropkicks Sane for a two count. Sky takes out Baszler and then both Sky and Sane are kicked down by Stark. Stark has Sane on the top turnbuckle and outside Zelina Vega attacks Deville. Sane knocks Stark off the top and hits her inSane elbow for the win. Sky hit a moonsault out on Baszler at the same time.

Winners: Damage CTRL

– We cut to an Uncle Howdy video promo for his in ring debut later tonight.

– Drew McIntyre is walking backstage and he will be featured live, next... and we cut to commercial.

– Back at ring side, McIntyre makes his way to the ring. CM Punks chants fill the arena... as McIntyre says it's great to be alive and at RAW in Providence. Drew makes fun of how inspirational Punk is right now, as if he didn't just leave for 10 years. He sits in the middle of the ring like Punk and asks if he has our attention now. He says he's telling the truth and the truth is Punk is scared of McIntyre. He knows this because Punk attacks him from behind and questions why everyone chants his name. The arena chants CM Punk. McIntyre tells the crowd they enable Punk and it's on the fans conscience that Punk will be all battered when he's done with him. He says the fans have chosen nostalgia over a warrior who never left the fans but he forgives everyone. He then begins to trash the bracelet he stole from Punk. Punk's music hits and from behind McIntyre gets strapped by Punk. They go at outside the ring. Drew is punching out Punk on the announce table and Drew grabs the strap and comes at Punk with the strap but Punk back body drops Drew on to the announce table and then goes at him with the strap until security breaks it up. Punk then attacks security with the strap and then poses on the turnbuckle.

– Jey Uso walks among the crowds and heads to the ring, yeeting his life away.

First Round Triple Threat No 1 Contender's Qualifying Match - Jey Uso vs. Karrion Kross vs. Kofi Kingston

The bell rings and Kofi goes at Kross. Kofi beats down Kross in the corner and then Jey Uso takes his turn on Kross. Kofi and Uso decide to double team Kross and they just beat on him in the corner until Uso tries for a schoolboy for a two count. Kofi and Jey go at and Kofi gets him down for a two count. Kofi with a kick to the gut to Jey and they swing into the ropes and Kross gets back into the match by pulling Uso out of the ring. Kofi throws himself off the top turnbuckle onto the two men outside and we head to commercial.

Back live on RAW, all Kross and Jey are going back and forth. Jey comes out on top and gets Kross down with a solid blow. Kofi comes in and Jey gets him down. He slides into Kofi on one side of the ring but runs into a big boot from Kross. Kofi then splashes on Kross and get a two count. Kofi with a drop kick on Kross and then takes down Uso. Kofi delivers a leg drop on both Kross and Uso and connects with Trouble in Paradise on Uso. Kross then gets Kofi in the corner and then hits a powerbomb on Kofi for a two count but turns it into a cloverleaf submission. Kofi counters into a two count and then gets Kross between the eyes. Kross kicks Kofi but is met with a spear by Uso. Uso hits the Uso splash on Kross for the win. Uso advances to the next round in the IC Tournament.

Winner: Main Event Jey Uso

– We come back from commercial break and Randy Orton's music hits. He makes his way to the ring, signing signs and high flying all the little Vipers. He gets in the ring and gets on the mic and says he listens to the voices in his head his whole career but lately he's been listening to the fans voices and says thank you. He says he has business to get to but fans singing his music means the world to him even if it took 15 years. He says he has won lots of titles but his favorite is the world title. He says 10 yrs ago he got the honor to merge both world titles - and a year ago the new title was reborn so he has to have his name on the World Heavyweight Championship and he gets that opportunity in Berlin. He says he knows he will be facing a European legend - a man whose head is so far up his ass that he doesn't realize who his appointment is. Orton says he signed with WWE when he was 19 and we have all watched him grow up and get humbled over and over again and we watched him grow over and over again. He says he has earned every ounce of respect that comes with his name. He calls Gunther and egotistical prick and he says that's the one they both have in common. He says the difference is Gunther has never been humbled or put in his place. He says Gunther made this personal - but Orton has beat his demons and he will beat Gunther by using the three most dangerous letters in WWE history. R-K-O.

– Backstage, Pete Dunne gets ready for his triple threat match.

Braun Strowman vs. Bronson Reed

Strowman is out first and Reed follows suit. Graves and Cole hype this as a King Kong -vs- Godzilla match up. The bell rings and Strowman hits a drop kick and then hammers down Reed. Strowman has Reed in the corner and delivers some chops to Reed. Reed thrown across the ring who then collides with Strowman taking Strowman down. Reed has Strowman on the mat barrel rolls him. Reed shoulders Strowman in the corner and comes down with some elbows and chops on Strowman. Strowman counters and chops Reed and then comes at him with a splash. Reed gets on his feet and stops Strowman in his tracks and then hits a cross body on Strowman. Reed comes flying through the ropes and hits a suicide dive on Strowman and we cut to commercial.

We are back in the ring with Strowman chopping Reed but Reed comes back with a DDT. Reed gets on the top rope but Strowman comes at him and throws him off the top rope into the ring. Reed is on the apron and Strowman tries to chokeslam him but Reed pokes Strowman's eyes and starts walking out of the ring to the back. Strowman comes out after him and Reed throws Strowman into the Bash in Berlin digital screen. Reed retreats further into the back and waits behind the curtain with a garbage can. Reed throws Strowman into backstage props and security is trying to stop Reed but he isn't stopping. Strowman throws security through tables and into walls and catches up to Reed. The men are now out in the parking lot and Strowman gets thrown into metallic set props. Strowman chokeslams Reed onto a car in the parking lot and then gets another set piece and throws it on Reed who dodges it. Strowman throws Reed over another car and then onto loading boxes. Reed smokes Strowman with a pipe and climbs on top of the cement barricade and splashes Strowman onto a car and the windows all bust and the roof of the car sinks in. Officials run in and we go to commercial.

No Contest

– Back from commercial break we see a recap of the fight between Strowman and Reed in the parking lot. Backstage Strowman is saying he can't feel his fingers as medical looks at him and assesses the damages Reed laid on Strowman.

First Round Triple Threat No 1 Contender's Qualifying Match - The Miz vs. Pete Dunne vs. Xavier Woods

The Miz is out first, followed by Dunne and then Woods. The bell rings and Woods goes after Miz and Dunne goes after Woods. The men try pinning each other and Woods then sends Dunne out of the ring. In the ring Miz and Woods go at and Miz gets a roll up for a two count. Woods gets Miz down and Dunne comes and attacks Woods. Dunne stomps on both Miz's and Woods' fingers. The men spill to the outside, Dunne tries for a moonsault and Woods tries a baseball slide but Miz gets out safe and takes out both men and we cut to commercial.

We come back with Dunne getting the better of Woods. Woods nails a tilt a whirl/headscissor leg sweep combo and then smashes Dunne against the corners of the ring. Woods takes Dunne for a ride with an inverted spin. Miz comes back in and double DDT's Dunne and Woods. Pin on Dunne for a two count and pin on Woods for a two count. Miz comes at both men with the IT kicks and a basement dropkick taking out both Woods and Dunne. Miz clobbers Woods and knocks Dunne out of the ring and high cross body onto Woods who rolls out of it and slams Miz. Gutbuster on Miz from Woods and then powerbombs Dunne onto Miz. Cover on Miz for a two count. Woods covers Dunne for two. Dunne and Woods trade blows and Miz breaks it up but throws himself in the mix and all three men trade chops. Dunne gets both Miz and Woods down - Miz gets Dunne out of the ring. Miz tries for a Skull Crushing Finale but Woods counters but Miz connects, Dunne throws Miz out of the mix and goes for the cover, Miz breaks it up and Dunne slaps on a submission. Woods breaks it and attacks Miz. Woods hits an elbow on Miz for a two count. Dunne breaks it and hits Miz with his finisher for the win.

Winner: Pete Dunne

– Jackie Redmond talks to Bron Breakker about this tournament for his next challenger. Breakker tells Uso he won't win against him and says the same to Dunne.

– American Made is backstage working out... Gable calls out the Wyatt Sicks.

– Back from commercial we get a video tribute package for Sid Vicious/ Sid Justice/ "Psycho Sid".

Chad Gable vs. Uncle Howdy

Gable comes out with American Made but they only stand with him at entrance and he heads to the ring alone. Uncle Howdy comes out next with The Wyatt Sicks but they too just hang out at the entrance as Uncle Howdy makes his way to the ring by himself. Gable waits outside the ring as Uncle Howdy spooks around the ring. The bell rings and the men lock up and Howdy starts with knees to Gable. He carries Gable around the ring like they're slow dancing and Gable has had enough and hits Howdy but Howdy doesn't let Gable have the upper hand too long and slams Gable on the mat and continues to throw him around. Gable retreats to the outside and we go to commercial.

Back from commercial, Gable arm drags Howdy and gets on the top rope. He attempts a cross body but Howdy moves out of the way. The two trade right hands but it doesn't phase Howdy. Gable tosses Howdy over the rope sending him outside - Gable gets on the top turnbuckle and comes down on Howdy. Outside, Gable tries to charge at Howdy but Howdy hits a backdrop and then runs into Gable against the barricade. Howdy throws Gable over the announce table and then clears the announce table. Howdy gets on the announce table and sets up Gable for Sister Abigail but Gable counters and Olympic slams Howdy on the announce table. Howdy is laid out outside and Gable waits in the ring hoping for a count out. Howdy gets in the ring at 9 and meets a bunch of stomps by Gable. Gable sets Howdy on the top turnbuckle and throws Howdy off the top rope with a modified superplex. Two count on Howdy and Gable comes back with three German suplexes on Uncle Howdy. Uncle Howdy gets to his feet and Gable runs into a side slam for a two count. Uncle Howdy runs into Gable into the corner and tosses him to the other corner. Howdy stomps on Gable and elbows him in the corner. Howdy sets Gable up for a modified neck breaker off the ropes and taunts and stares at Gable. Howdy gets ready for Sister Abigail but Ivy Nile runs down and distracts the ref allowing Gable to lock in an ankle lock. Howdy crawls around the ring in the lock and knocks the ref out. Howdy locks on the mandible claw until the Creed brothers come out and start beating on Uncle Howdy who is laughing and the lights all go out. The Wyatt Sicks come out and attack the Creed brothers. Rowan is about to attack the Creeds and Ivy jumps on Rowans back and they all leave ringside. Back in the ring, Gable attempts a moonsault but Howdy moves out of the way and hits Sister Abigail for the win.

Winner: Uncle Howdy

– Uncle Howdy poses above a fallen Gable as the show goes off the air!