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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry WWE NXT Live Coverage - September 17th, 2024

    CM Punk comes to NXT

    Monday Night Raw’s CM Punk comes to NXT ahead of his appearance on NXT's CW premiere on Tuesday, Oct. 1, in Chicago.

    – We are live! The show kicks off with a video recapping the events of last week's edition of "NXT".

    – Vic Joseph and Booker T then greet audiences at home as "NXT" General Manager Ava is waiting inside the ring.

    – After announcing that Sexxy Red will be making her return to "NXT" on October 8, Randy Orton will be competing in his first ever match on "NXT" on that same show, and The Miz will be hosting a special edition of "Miz TV" on October 1, Ava introduces Trick Williams.

    Williams makes his way out and says he's the Last Man Standing after defeating Pete Dunne last week. He says two weeks from now, more history will be made when he wins back the NXT Championship from Ethan Page.

    Page's music hits and he makes his way out. He mocks Williams' fans for cheering for him, and Williams tells Page that he and the fans don't like it. Page says while Williams has every right to be confident, he's not Dunne. He says he happens to be Williams' kryptonite, as is evident with the NXT Championship. Williams says since Page stole the NXT Championship from him, he's been running from him but that stops on October 1.

    Page disputes Williams' statement that he stole the NXT Championship from him and says he both earned it and won it. He says he remembers the shocked and surprised looks on everyone's faces when he won the NXT Championship including Williams, then says on October 1, Williams will have a different look on his face when he retains his title to continue the "Era of Ego".

    Williams says Page is crazy and tells him that when they meet for the NXT Championship, people won't be cheering him on. Page responds by delivering an Ego's Edge to Williams though the table set up in the ring, then leaves the ring without signing the contract (Williams not having done so himself either).

    – We then head over to a video from last week of a frustrated Tony D'Angelo confronting Hammerstone after he paid him to dethrone Oba Femi as North American Champions but being unable to do so. D'Angelo demands that Hammerstone get himself a rematch for the title, but Hammerstone declines to do so.

    – Back at ringside, Lyra Valkyria and Tatum Paxley make their way out to the ring. Wendy Choo and Rosemary follow.

    Tatum Paxley and Lyra Valkyria vs. Wendy Choo and Rosemary

    Rosemary and Paxley begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Paxley sends Rosemary crashing into the mat face first, but Rosemary responds with a mat return. Valkyria tags in and trips Rosemary, then connects with a double elbow drop on her with Paxley and goes for a pin. Rosemary kicks out.

    Paxley tags back in and delivers a double ax handle off the top as Valkyria holds her in place. Rosemary rolls up Paxley, but Paxley kicks out. Choo then tags in and Paxley lands a crossbody on her in the corner, then tags Valkyria back in. Rosemary tags in and looks to land a double suplex on Valkyria with Choo, but Paxley saves Valkyria. Valkyria and Paxley then land a double dropkick on Rosemary and Choo and hit a second one through the middle rope.

    Back from the break, Paxley fires off forearms on Choo. Rosemary tags in and Choo suplexes Paxley before the two double team on her. Rosemary goes for a pin, but Paxley kicks out. Paxley rocks Rosemary with an enzuigiri and looks to tag in Valkyria, but Choo tags in and prevents her from doing so.

    Paxley manages to tag in Valkyria, and Valkyria delivers a Northern Lights suplex to Choo. She pins her, but Choo kicks out. Paxley tags back in and hits a backbreaker on her, and Valkyria follows it up with a leg drop off the ropes. Rosemary dumps Valkyria out of the ring as Paxley gets Choo up on her shoulders, but Choo escapes.

    Choo and Paxley teeter on the ropes, but Choo connects with a superplex to Paxley off the middle rope. Rosemary (now the legal competitor) follows it up with a spear to Paxley and goes for a pin, but Paxley gets her foot on the bottom rope to break the hold. Choo and Rosemary then look to double team on Paxley, but Valkyria trips Choo as she runs the ropes. Paxley sends Rosemary crashing into the mat and tags in Valkyria, who then delivers a leg drop for the win.

    Winners: Tatum Paxley and Lyra Valkyria

    – Backstage, Sarah Schreiber comes up to Ava and Trick Williams and they say the contract will be signed tonight.

    – We see the D'Angelo Family walking to the ring for their upcoming match

    Hammerstone vs. Tony D'Angelo (w/ The Family)

    The bell rings and the two lock up. We see Oba Femi watching the action from backstage as D'Angelo delivers a pair of suplexes and a spinebuster to Hammerstone. Hammerstone responds with a pair of clotheslines and sends D'Angelo crashing into the corner, then fires off strikes on him and whips him into the opposite corner. He then lands a belly-to-belly suplex on D'Angelo. D'Angelo then slides out of the ring and the referee begins a ten count, but instead of trying to beat it, D'Angelo stays on the outside and slowly heads to the back as the referee finishes it and calls for the bell.

    Winner: Hammerstone (via countout)

    – Zachary Wentz jumps in the ring and says he has something to show everyone. He shows security footage of Miguel walking to his car and being attacked by Wes Lee. He says this is the reason they couldn't compete last week. He tells Wes Lee that he is garbage for attacking Trey Miguel. He tells Lee that he deserves everything that'll happen to him in Chicago. He says if Lee thinks losing to Wentz at No Mercy was embarrassing this will 10 times worse and this ends in Chicago.

    – Ava Raine is talking to Tyrese Haliburton and she says she's had a rough night. Stevie Turner and Robert Stone look on as Tyrese tells Ava to give him the contract and he'll get it signed. Ava scolds Stone as we head back to the ring for our next match.

    – Sarah Schreiber is backstage with The Fatal Influence. Jacy Jayne talks about how Lola Vice needs to be put in her place. Sarah asks about Jaida Parker and Fatal Influence say they have nothing to worry about.

    – In the locker room Lola Vice is warming up and Jaida Parker comes by and they talk about Fatal Influence and Vice says they will be Parkers after Vice is finished with them.

    Eddy Thorpe vs. Ashante Thee Adonis

    Adonis wastes no time going after Thorpe. He fires off stomps in the corner, and the bell sounds. Thorpe responds with a series of strikes to Adonis in the corner and sends him crashing into the mat with a back suplex, but Adonis delivers a couple of knees to Thorpe's midsection and levels him. Adonis then lands a drop toe hold on Thorpe that sends him crashing into the ropes, and the two exchange strikes with each other. Adonis dropkick Thorpe out of the ring and ascends to the top, then flies to level him and dumps him back in the ring before ascending back up to the top and looking to fly. Thorpe sees him coming and catches him with an elevated flatliner for the win.

    Winner: Eddy Thorpe

    – CM Punk is shown walking into the building.

    – Back from commercial break, we get a video package from Chase U. Thea Hail says Holland gave them the biggest wake up call and seeing how he broke Mr. Chase and hurt Duke - he broke Hail's heart. Riley Osbourne says he'll end Ridge Holland next week.

    Punk says he wanted to get his business out of the way last night on "Raw" in order to have some fun tonight. He admits to seeing some familiar faces in the audience after watching "NXT" from ringside while he was recovering from his torn triceps at the Performance Center, then rattles off a few names he hopes to share the ring with one day in the future. He then says he asked Shawn Michaels to be part of the "NXT" show on October 1 in Chicago, Illinois to be on the show, and Michaels agreed to let him do whatever he wanted. He then adds that he came up with a special idea.

    Roxanne Perez's music hits and she makes her way down. She apologizes to Punk for interrupting him and says 13 year old her would be freaking out if she could see her sharing the ring with Punk. She tells him that he's one of the main reasons she's in WWE, and says that as the "Voice of the Voiceless", he was always her voice. She tells Punk that she always preferred AJ Lee to him, then says she was excited to see him return to WWE at WWE Survivor Series: WarGames last year. She says now that she's standing face-to-face in the ring with Punk, she realizes she should've been a Drew McIntyre fan in the first place. She says Chicago will no longer be Punk's town when she retains the NXT Women's Championship against Giulia on October 1.

    Perez says she doesn't care how big Giulia is in Japan because she's big around the globe and is untouchable. Punk then tells Perez that while she might think he's upset she interrupted him, he actually appreciates it. He says he used to have a chip on his shoulder like Perez does, then says the NXT Women's Championship makes her the best in possibly all of WWE. He recalls thinking that Perez would've fit perfectly into the match between IYO SKY and Bianca Belair last night, but that doesn't matter with her title defense against Giulia quickly approaching.

    Giulia' music hits and she makes her way out. She stares down Perez and tells her that the countdown is on until she dethrones her as NXT Women's Champion. She tells her that she has two weeks left and looks to leave the ring. Perez then looks to clock Giulia with the NXT Women's Championship, but Punk stops her.

    – Backstage Sarah Schreiber talks to Kelani Jordan. Jordan talks about Fatal Influence and how they're targeting her and she's going to only give women who deserve to challenge her. She is thinking of holding an open challenge like Jordynne Grace did. Wren Sinclair comes up and tell Jordan she's making an opportunity for herself and slaps Jordan and we cut to commercial.

    We come back and The D'Angelo Family is backstage and they ask Tony when he'll challenge Oba Femi. They ask him what's wrong and he says nothing is wrong and then cracks and says he's afraid. He says Femi is a machine and he can't beat him - that's why he hasn't challenged Femi.

    No Quarter Catch Crew vs. Cedric Alexander and Je'Von Evans

    The bell rings and Evans wastes no time going after Tavion Heights. Alexander and Myles Borne then begin brawling before Heights and Borne double team on Alexander and Heights wear down with a submission hold. Borne and Evans tag in, and Evans lands a Sliced Bread on Borne using Alexander as a launching pad. Alexander and Evans then send both Borne and Heights crashing to the outside, and Evans flies over the top to level the pair and Dempsey.

    Back from the break, Borne wears down Evans in the ring and connects with a scoop powerslam to him. He goes for a pin, but Evans kicks out. Heights tags in and double teams on Evans with Borne, but Evans levels Heights with a right hand.

    Alexander tags in and lands a Dragon Screw on Heights, then follows it up with a right hand on him in the corner and a dropkick before landing a Michinoku Driver. Borne tags in as Heights gets Alexander up on his shoulders. Heights then lands a Fallaway Slam on Alexander as Borne hits him with a neckbreaker.

    Kelani Jordan appears and begins brawling with Sinclair after a backstage verbal confrontation between them tonight as Alexander delivers Lumbar Check to Borne in the ring. Evans tags in and ascends to the top, then delivers a Tornillo to Borne and pins him for the win.

    Winners: Cedric Alexander and Je'Von Evans

    – Ridge Holland is talking about how he is going to take out Chase U... Brooks Jensen walks backstage and Shawn Spears wishes him luck. Jensen asks if Spears is with him and they both walk towards the ring.

    Brooks Jensen (w/ Shawn Spears) vs. Dion Lennox

    The bell rings and the two lock up. Jensen throws Lennox across the ring twice, but Lennox returns the favor. He then dropkicks Jensen out of the ring and catches him with a spinebuster when he gets back in, then goes for a pin but Jensen kicks out. Jensen then delivers a back suplex to Lennox and fires off right hands on him before he delivers a suplex to him and grabs Lennox's glasses. He puts them on and mocks Lennox, but Lennox gets fired up. He rains down right hands on Jensen and levels him, then connects with a back body drop to him. Spears looks to take Lennox's glasses, but Lennox stops him and rolls up Jensen. Jensen kicks out and lands a belly-to-belly suplex on him for the win.

    Winner: Brooks Jensen

    – Wes Lee addresses the whole Trey Miguel attack and says it's now really one on one against Wentz.

    – Fatal Influence then makes their way down to the ring. Lola Vice follows.

    Lola Vice vs. Jacy Jayne (w/ Fatal Influence)

    The bell rings and Vice wastes no time going after Jayne. She connects with a pair of kicks on her midsection, sending her crashing to the outside with a second one. Jazmyn Nyx and Fallon Henley get in Vice's face, and Jayne takes advantage. She dumps Vice back in the ring and mocks her, then connects with a cannonball on her in the corner and goes for a pin. Vice kicks out. Vice fires off a series of rapid kicks on Jayne, then connects with a Hip Attack on her in the corner and follows it up with the 305 for the win.

    Winner: Lola Vice

    – After the match Fatal Influence triple team on Vice. Jaida Parker runs down to make the save and clears the ring of Fatal Influence. Vice comes up to Parker and Parker almost smokes Vice and the two argue.

    – Tony D'Angelo is backstage and Rizzo comes up to him and says shes scared too. Tony says he's failed them, Rizzo says he'll be remembered as a coward if he's afraid to lose, but when all is said and done, no matter what he will always have the family. She says she knows he wants another shot at Femi. Tony agrees and Rizzo says let's do this and if he loses, he did it through the fear. Stacks, Luca and she all believe in him but Tony has to believe in him. Rizzo suggests special training and they hug.

    – Haliburton slinks around backstage with the contract. We go to a break.

    – We are back from commercial and Trick Williams is coming down to the ring to meet Tyrese Haliburton for the contract signing

    Haliburton says he's here to make sure Williams and Page put pen to paper for their October 1 bout, then says he brought back up in his Indiana Pacers teammates. He then introduces Williams and Page, and they both make their way down to the ring.

    Williams signs the contract as Page enters the ring, and Page tells Williams he gave him an out earlier tonight. He says if Williams wants to force him to sign the contract, then he'll do it. He calls himself the Boston Celtics of NXT Champions, and tells Williams that he'll be like the Indiana Pacers and the rest of the NBA when he retains his NXT Championship. He then signs the contract.

    Haliburton says he forgot one more thing, and CM Punk's music hits. Punk makes his way out and informs both Williams and Page that the announcement he looked to make earlier tonight concerned them both. He then informs Williams and Page that he will be the special guest referee in their NXT Championship on October 1. He then encourages the pair to fight, and they begin brawling with one another. Security guards and officials then run down to the ring to break the two men apart as they continue yelling at one another and the show goes off the air.

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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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