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  1. #1
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry WWE Smackdown Live Coverage - September 27th, 2024

    Solo Sikoa Returns En Route to Epic WWE Bad Blood Showdown

    Just one week after Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes and Roman Reigns met at Georgia Tech and gave their word to have each other’s back at WWE Bad Blood, Solo Sikoa is set to return to Friday night. With the Ula Fala in his possession, what will "The Tribal Chief of The Bloodline" say about the unlikely union of The OTC and The American Nightmare?

    Your announcers are Michael Cole and Corey Graves.

    Randy Orton makes his way to the ring.

    Randy says he had some business to deal with on Raw but he says he misses being in the ring on Friday night. Randy welcomes everyone to Smackdown. He says he can count the number of people he trust in the business on one hand. Cody Rhodes is one of those people he can trust. He says they have known each other a long time and they know each other so well. Randy says he was surprised to see Cody agree to team up with Roman at Bad Blood. It doesn't sit right with him and he needs an explanation.

    Randy asks Cody to come to the ring to give him the explanation.

    Cody Rhodes' music plays and he makes his way to the ring.

    Cody asks Oklahoma City . . . and Randy Orton . . . what do they want to talk about. Cody says Randy wants an explanation and he deserves one for everything he has been through with the Bloodline. Perhaps, Cody looks a bit a fool teaming with Roman Reigns. Would you rather be a fool or a coward? He says this got tasked to him and Roman looked him in the eye and he gave his word. Cody says Roman gave his word that he would do anything to keep the title. He gave his word that you wouldn't see him if he lost the title. Cody says he is going to take Roman at his word. Cody says a lot of other people are going to take Roman at his word.

    Cody says of all people, he is standing with the Apex Predator, the Legend Killer, and why he would hope that Randy understand. The legend of the Rogue and Outlaw Bloodline. It is time for it to be killed. Cody says he hopes that is not a problem for Randy.

    Cody offers his hand and Randy shakes it.

    Randy says he has no problem with Cody . . . unless, you make it a problem.

    Kevin Owens' music plays and he makes his way to the ring.

    Before Kevin can talk, Solo Sikoa's music interrupts and he makes his way to the stage with Tama Tonga, Tonga Loa, and Jacob Fatu.

    Solo says he is happy the three of them are in the ring at the same time. Before he gets started, he tells Oklahoma City to acknowledge him. Solo says he will acknowledge the fact that Roman gave you his word. You should trust him because you are going to need him. The two men in the ring with you are not going to be any good for you at all. How long have you been trying to take out the Bloodline? When you try with those two men, they have let you down. You can't stop them together and they can't stop them with you. The reason you are going to team up with Roman Reigns is because every time you try to take the Bloodline down with those two men, they have let you down. He asks Cody to acknowledge that.

    Kevin says the only thing they need to acknowledge is that no one cares what you have to say. Let's see what happens when they have a tag match tonight.

    Cody says there are more than two of them, but Kevin says Cody already has his match next week so it is going to be him and Randy against Jacob and Solo.

    We take a look back at last week's tag match where Naomi and Bayley got the double pin last week on Nia.

    Nia says she doesn't understand. They had the opportunity to get rid of Bayley or Naomi but they are still here. They have a chance to face her for her title. She wants to know why this is happening. Nia grabs Tiffany by the throat and Tiffany says she was hurt and she is sorry. Nia says if this ends bad for her, it ends really really really bad for you. Nia says now they can be friends again and she walks away.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and the tag match is made official.

    Number One Contender Match
    Naomi vs Bayley

    Naomi with a rollup for a near fall. They lock up and Bayley backs Naomi into the ropes and Bayley with a clean break. Naomi with a single leg take down and a jackknife cover for a near fall. Naomi with a sunset flip for a near fall. Naomi misses a splash into the corner and Bayley refuses to punch Naomi because they are friends. Naomi tells Bayley not to hold back and she pushes Bayley. Bayley pushes back and Naomi likes that. Naomi lands on her feet on a belly-to-back suplex. Naomi goes for an O'Connor Roll and Bayley holds on to the ropes. Naomi misses Rear View and Bayley with a clothesline for a near fall. Naomi misses a clothesline and Bayley with an arm drag off the turnbuckles. Naomi with a Tiger Feint bulldog. Naomi with a thrust kick that sends Bayley to the floor. Naomi with a twisting pescado onto Bayley.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Bayley with a springboard elbow to Naomi in the Tree of Woe. Bayley with a Saito suplex and Naomi rolls to the floor. Bayley with a suicide dive onto Naomi. Bayley sends Naomi back into the ring and Naomi with Rear View for a near fall. They exchange forearms and Naomi with a jumping thrust kick and another kick. Naomi with a head scissors driver for a near fall. Bayley avoids a German suplex and Naomi with a springboard kick from the turnbuckles. Naomi goes up top and hits a Blockbuster for a near fall. Naomi holds on and goes for a suplex but Bayley blocks it and hits a gourdbuster. Bayley with a running sunset flip power bomb into the turnbuckles for a near fall. Bayley gets another near fall.

    Bayley goes for a belly-to-belly suplex but Naomi escapes and she kicks Bayley and hits a bulldog into the turnbuckles. Naomi misses a move off the turnbuckles and rolls through after landing on her feet. Bayley with a belly-to-belly suplex and elbow drop from the turnbuckles for the three count.

    Winner: Bayley

    After the match:
    Naomi congratulates Bayley on her win.

    We take a look at highlights from Andrade's match against LA Knight and what happened after the match with Carmelo Hayes to resume the best of five series that has already had five matches.

    Andrade walks in the back and LA Knight is standing there. Andrade says he respects that Knight beat him last week, but where he comes from a real man shows respect by shaking hands. Andrade says that he lost respect for Knight. Carmelo Hayes attacks Knight from behind.

    We go to commercial.

    Match Six of a Best of Series
    Andrarde 3 - Hayes 2

    Andrade vs Carmelo Hayes

    Andrade drop kicks Hayes and punches him. Hayes drops Andrade in the ropes but Andrade power slams Hayes on the apron and they go to the floor. Andrade sends Hayes back into the ring and gets a near fall. Andrade with a chop and a back body drop. Andrade kicks Hayes in the corner and sends him into the turnbuckles. Andrade with forearms from the turnbuckles. Andrade with a knee but Hayes pulls Andrade off the turnbuckles and Andrade lands on the top turnbuckle. Hayes chokes Andrade in the ropes. Hayes with a forearm and head butt. Hayes with a chop and Andrade with a kick. Hayes with a clothesline and he poses on the turnbuckles. Hayes with a snap mare and kick to the back.

    Hayes with a reverse chin lock. Hayes lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex and he connects with a forearm. Hayes gets a near fall. Hayes with forearms to the lower back followed by an arm bar. Andrade with a chop and Hayes with a springboard clothesline and he gets a near fall. Hayes with a sleeper and Andrade with elbows to escape the hold. Andrade with a chop. Hayes with punches. Andrade with a shoulder tackle and forearm. Hayes misses a springboard clothesline and both men with clotheslines at the same time. They exchange forearms. Andrade with a back elbow and a dragon screw. Andrade goes for a flying forearm and Hayes with First 48 for a near fall.

    Hayes mocks Andrade and misses the running double knee strike when Andrade moves. Andrade with a flying forearm. Andrade sets up to show Hayes how it is done and he hits the running double knee strike. Andrade gets a near fall. Andrade sets for The Message but Hayes escapes and hits a springboard DDT for a near fall. Hayes sets for a figure four and he locks it in. Andrade rolls over to reverse the hold but Hayes gets back to the initial position to regain control. Andrade reverses again. The hold is eventually released by Hayes but both men feel the impact. Andrade and Hayes exchange chops. Hayes goes for a springboard move but Andrade anticipates it and he pushes Hayes over the top rope to the floor.

    Andrade goes up top for a moonsault but Hayes gets on the apron and he crotches Andrade. Hayes with punches to Andrade and Hayes goes to the turnbuckles with Andrade. Hayes sets for a superplex. Andrade blocks it ad Andrade with punches and a head butt to send Hayes to the mat. Andrade sets for the moonsault and he misses but he hits the AndradeSault for a near fall. Andrade sets for the Three Amigos but Hayes lands on his feet on the first one. Hayes with a La Mistica facebuster followed by a suplex into a TKO for a near fall. Hayes goes up top and Andrade chops Hayes. Andrade goes up top and he sets for a superplex but Hayes counters with a cutter for a near fall.

    Hayes goes up top and he sets for Nothing But Net but Andrade moves. Andrade with a back elbow and Hayes rolls to the floor. The referee starts his count and . . .

    LA Knight's music plays and he makes his way to the ring and Hayes gets back in the ring and Andrade with a boot. Knight gets in the ring and Hayes pushes Andrade into Knight and Hayes with a rollup for the three count.

    Winner: Carmelo Hayes (Andrarde 3 - Hayes 3)

    After the match:
    Hayes gets out of the ring as fast as possible while Andrade wants to know what the hell Knight did. Knight offers his hand and Andrade walks past him.

    We take a look at what happened at the start of the show.

    Kevin and Randy are in LOCKER ROOM and Cody enters and he says they need to talk. Kevin says they need to talk, but not now. They have a match in a half hour. They can talk another time. Kevin says they will talk but not now. He tells Cody not to come out during their match. Randy tells Cody if the Tongans come out, he says he would love for Cody to help them if it is four on two.

    Michin walks in HALLWAY.

    We go to commercial.

    We have a video for AJ Styles and he is coming back next week.

    Michin vs Piper Niven (w/ Chelsea Green and a trash can)

    Michin with forearms and Piper pushes Michin down. MIchin with a drop kick and Piper blocks an Irish whip. Piper with a shoulder tackle. Piper runs into a boot in the corner and Michin with a head scissors out of the corner. Piper with a uranage when Michin charges intot he corner. Piper misses a leg drop and Michin is distracted on the apron by Chelsea. Piper with a cannonball onto Michin.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Michin with forearms but she runs into a shoulder tackle and Piper follows with a cannonball for a near fall. Piper misses a splash when Michin moves. Michin with a back elbow and chops. Michin adds some forearms and then she kicks Piper and hits a Pele Kick. Michin goes for a Saito suplex and Piper blocks it. Michin goes for an O'Connor Roll but Piper holds on to the ropes. Piper catches Michin and Michin counters with a crucifix driver for a near fall. Michin with kicks to the head. Piper with a Black Hole Slam for a near fall. Piper pulls Michin into the corner and sets for a Vader Bomb but Michin rolls out of the way. Piper avoids Eat Defeat and hits a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Green tells Piper to use the trash can. Michin with a back heel kick and Michin goes up top but Piper slaps Michin off the turnbuckles.

    Green gets on the apron and PIper goes to the floor to try for a cannonball against the trash can but Michin moves. Michin kicks Green off the apron. MIchin with Eat Defeat for the three count.

    Winner: Michin

    Next week, Michin faces Chelsea Green in a Dumpster Match. AJ Styles returns to Smackdown. The Bloodline defend the tag titles in a ladder match against DIY and The Street Profits.

    Video package for the ladder match.
    Tama says that DIY and the Street Profits have their chance to climb the ladder of success for the titles, but Tonga says that won't happen. Gargano says they won the tag titles and they were taken from them. Ciampa says these matches make legends. Ford says they have been climbing for a long time and they are not reaching any more next week. Dawkins says they will be the new tag champions.

    Solo Sikoa and Jacob Fatu walk in HALLWAY with Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa behnd them.

    We go to commercial.

    Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill say that they will be hosting Bad Blood.

    Naomi walks in the back and Bayley says she is sorry for what happened. Naomi says that Bayley was happy she won. She says she would be excited if she won and things are okay between them. Naomi says Bayley will win and they will run it back again. Tiffany stops Naomi and she says Nia won't be facing Naomi at Bad Blood. You will have the perfect view of Nia destroying Bayley. Naomi says if Nia is taking care of Bayley that means her side kick won't have anything to do. Naomi says she is going to talk to Nick about a match for next week.

    Jacob Fatu and Solo Sikoa (w/ Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa) vs Kevin Owens and Randy Orton

    Kevin and Fatu start things off. They exchange punches and Owens with a forearm and Fatu with a back elbow. Owens with a back elbow of his own and a back senton. Kevin sends a crotch chop in Solo's direction. Solo tags in and Owens avoids a clothesline and Kevin with a chop. Solo with a punch and head butt. Orton asks for the tag and Kevin obliges. Fatu wants to be tagged in and Solo lets him face Orton. Orton with punches and a European uppercut. Fatu with a head butt and punches. Fatu with another head butt and thrust to the throat. Fatu with a clothesline that sends Orton over the top rope to the floor.

    Fatu goes to the floor on Solo's instructions. Orton with a back drop driver onto the announce table but Fatu pops off the table and tosses off the hood. Orton with three more back drop drivers to stop Fatu. Solo goes after Orton but Orton with a back drop driver onto the announce table.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Solo puts Kevin on the turnbuckles and sets for a superplex but Corey reminds us of the success rate for those moves. Solo with a head butt but Kevin with punches. Kevin knocks Solo off the turnbuckles and he goes for a swanton but Solo gets his knees up.

    We see footage of Fatu hitting a Samoan drop on the announce table during the commercial break.

    Solo with a running hip strike in the corner and he head butts Kevin. Solo with a punch and Fatu tags in. Fatu sends Solo into Kevin with a running hip. Fatu follows with a running hip of his own. Fatu with a hard Irish whip and he gets a near fall. Fatu with a head butt and another one. Kevin with a forearm but Fatu sends Kevin into the corner and tags in Solo. Solo with a punch. Fatu with a punch to Kevin from the floor and the referee keeps Randy from helping out Kevin. Kevin with a reverse atomic drop and clothesline. Solo keeps Kevin from making the tag and Kevin punches Solo to try to get free. Kevin with more punches and Solo still keeps Orton from making the tag.

    Kevin tags in Orton and he punches Solo and then connects with a clothesline and he ducks a clothesline and hits a power slam. Orton looks for the push ups but Fatu tries to get involved and Orton with a power slam to Fatu. Orton with an IEDDT to Solo and he looks around to twist to the mat. Orton with the RKO push ups and Fatu gets on the apron and Orotn punches Fatu off the apron. Solo with a Samoan drop to Randy and both men are down. Solo charges at Randy and Randy drops down. Solo goes over the top rope to the floor. Kevin tags in and he hits running Wacky Lines on Solo and Fatu and follows with back sentons. Kevin with a splash to Fatu off the apron.

    Owens kicks Solo from the apron and Kevin goes up top for a swanton and he hits it for a near fall.

    Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa distract Owens to allow Solo to hit a uranage for a near fall.

    Cody Rhodes' music plays and he goes after Tama and Loa. Cody with a DDT to Loa on the floor. Cody sends Tama into the ring and Orton with an RKO to Tama. Fatu with a super kick to Orton and a suicide dive to Cody. Kevin with a stunner to Solo and Fatu sends Cody into the referee to keep him from making the count. Fatu with a series of super kicks to Owens and Solo makes the cover for the three count.

    Winners: Solo Sikoa and Jacob Fatu

    After the match:
    Cody tries to talk to Kevin and Kevin pushes Cody. Randy plays peacekeeper. Cody and Kevin hug.

    End of show.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Geez Orton looks fit and great. Looks like he could go for many more years, if not injured. I really hope he gets that 15th title eventually. He deserves it.

    Good opening to SD but if Reigns had come out, would have been perfect.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Bayley defeated Naomi

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Carmelo Hayes defeated Andrade to tie their match series 3-3

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    WWE has announced AJ Styles return for next week on SmackDown in Nashville

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    The Bloodline defeated Randy Orton and Kevin Owens

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Good beginning and a good ending.

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