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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation Live Coverage - TNA PPV 'Turning Point'

    Join us for LIVE Coverage!
    Dec 10th 8 PM/ET

    NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match
    Abyss(c) vs Sting vs Christian Cage.

    Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe.

    X Division Championship Match
    Special Guest Referee: Jerry Lynn

    Christopher Daniels (c) vs Chris Sabin.

    Flag Match
    NWA World Tag Team Champions LAX vs America's Most Wanted.

    AJ Styles vs Rhino.

    Elimination Match.
    The Paparazzi Championship Series

    Bikini Contest
    Ms. Brooks vs Eric Young.

    Pre-show Match:
    Ron "The Truth" Killings & Lance Hoyt vs Serotonin.


  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
    Please feel free to comment in this thread about the PPV.
    No spoilers before they are posted in this post.

    Turning Point Pre-Game Show:

    The pre-game opens with a video feature on the top matches for the PPV. Christy Hemme welcomed everyone to the countdown show and plugged the NWA title match and Joe vs. Angle II. Hemme asked several fans who they expected to win Joe vs. Angle.

    Jeremy Borash interviewed Robert Roode and Ms. Brooks about the intergender bikini match between Brooks and Eric Young. Roode said that the fans treat Young like he's some sort of God when he's a joke. Brooks said she's willing to do anything and everything to win, including stripping down Buck naked. She flashed Borash to give him a preview and he said, "Oh, good gracious." Brooks walked off as Borash said to Roode that the fans really love Young. Roode said that it won't matter. OK interview.

    Mike Tenay and Don West introduced themselves and began running down the lineup for Turning Point.

    TNA aired a video feature on the Abyss vs. Christian Cage vs Sting match, pushing the "secret" that Tomko knows from Abyss' past. Backstage, Jeremy Borash interviewed NWA champion Abyss and Jim Mitchell. Mitchell said that it's been a rather interesting several weeks. He said that on one hand, you have a crybaby in Christian Cage, who's upset Abyss emasculated Cage in his own home. Mitchell said Cage had to bring in a hooligan from his past with stories of a secret. Mitchell then noted that Sting is trying to offer his hand in friendship in Abyss, but is secretly trying to steal the title. Mitchell said that he owns Abyss' heart and soul. Abyss turned his back on Mitchell. Mitchell asked him what his problem was and asked him if he remembered everything Mitchell has told him the last three weeks. Mitchell said that he saved Abyss' soul and dragged him out of the gutter all the way to the NWA championship. He said that the second he saved Abyss' soul, he took possession of it. He asked Abyss if he was listening to him, then dragged him off by his hair. Great delivery by Mitchell as always, teasing what was going on with Abyss.

    Handicap Match
    Serotonin vs Ron Killings & Lance Hoyt

    Kazarian started off with Hoyt, beating him down. They worked over Hoyt in their corner. Hoyt came back with a big slam on Matt Bentley, then tagged Ron Killings. Killings worked over Bentley, but Johnny Devine broke up a pinfall attempt. Hoyt tagged in but was Serotonin took over. Devine tried to hit a springboard clothesline but instead sort of crashed into Hoyt and began peppering him with punches. Kazarian began chopping away at Hoyt's lower extremities with kicks. Hoyt finally made a tag to Killings, who unloaded on all three members of Serotonin. Killings nailed a flying forearm on Devine. Hoyt and Killings brawled with Kazarian and Bentley. Hoyt tossed Bentley out of the ring and hit a big boot on Kazarian. Killings hit the Ax Kick for the pinfall. Too short to be anything of note but it was well paced.

    Your winners: Lance Hoyt and Ron Killings

    Backstage, Jeremy Borash interviewed Jerry Lynn, who will be the special referee for TNA X-Division champion Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin. Lynn said that he was going to call the match right down the middle, but Sabin interrupted him asking how that could be with his glaucoma and diaper rash, among other maladies. Lynn said that he was doing X-Division matches when Sabin was on the other side of the rail and paved the way for performers like Sabin, who don't get it. Sabin blew off what Lynn had to say. I get the idea behind the segment but Lynn didn't have the fire in his promo to get over the idea (not to mention enough TV time off late to make newer viewers care; they really could have used a Lynn history package here). Sabin's demeanor as a heel is really good. He's finding himself.

    Mike Tenay and Don West reviewed what had happened as Kazarian was dragged back to the ring by the other members of Serotonin. Raven began caning Kazarian as punishment for losing the match. They showed a closeup on Kazarian's ripped up back.

    They aired the awesome Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle II video feature from Impact. There was no mention of Angle pinning Joe on Impact. I hope they continue to ignore that, because Angle beating Joe there really hurt the luster of the rematch in my opinion.

    Backstage, Jeremy Borash interviewed Samoa Joe about tonight's rematch. Joe said that for the last three weeks, he's had the same nightmare of tapping out on the mat. He said for the last three weeks, he's woken up in a cold sweat. Last night, however, he didn't have a nightmare. He had a dream about snapping Angle's neck and popping his tendons. He said it would be a prequel to tonight and when Angle hears the bell and sees Joe's ahnd raised in victory, he'll know it's "damned real." The typical good and intense Joe promo you'd come to expect.

    Leticia said that Kurt Angle's car just pulled up and she was going to try and get a word with him. She opened the door and someone handed her a sledgehammer. She said that she may be new around here, but they weren't fooling anyone. Letitica seemed nervous. Obviously that was a VKM tease.

    Don West did his best hard sell.

    They closed the pre-game show with a music video.

    TNA Turning Point PPV Results - 10th Dec 2006
    Location: Orlando, Florida
    Commentators: Mike Tenay & Don West

    The new TNA opening hits. A video package airs with a Christmas theme showing various TNA stars shaking hands and then later turning on each other. All of the main matches at the PPV tonight are highlighted such as Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe II and Abyss vs. Sting vs. Christian Cage for the NWA World Title.

    A graphic opening hits welcoming us to TNA Turning Point. We then go live to the Impact Zone in Orlando, Florida where a display of pyro goes off above the ring and in the entrance area.

    Paparazzi Championship Series
    Jay Lethal vs Senshi vs Alex Shelley vs Austin Starr vs Sonjay Dutt

    Kevin Nash came out and joined Don West and Mike Tenay on commentary. All five competitors came to the ring. Nash put over Austin Starr. Shelley and Lethal started the match, with the other competitors outside waiting to be tagged in. Ales Shelley stepped between the ropes to force Lethal to break a wristlock, but Lethal kicked the ropes between Shelley's legs. They noted that the Series would continue over the next several weeks of Impact with a point system. Shelley stomped Lethal's face.

    Starr tagged in and tried to get a quick fall on Lethal. The announcers noted that Kevin Nash jumped off Alex Shelley's bandwagon for Austin Starr. Lethal tagged out to Dutt, who scored a near-fall with an elbowdrop. Shelley and Starr worked over Dutt in the corner.

    Lethal tagged back in. Lethal and Dutt worked as partners, hitting Shelley with a ton of offense. Dutt tried to walk the ropes, but was crotched. Shelley dragged him across the ropes, giving Dutt a "rope burn" to the nether-regions. Senshi blind tagged in while Shelley was preening and began unloading on Dutt.

    Senshi went back and forth with Dutt, not realizing Starr blind tagged him in. Senshi ended up outside the ring. Dutt teased a dive but was cut off by Starr, who then kicked Senshi back to the floor. Shelley tagged in and got into it with Starr. They called for Nash. Lethal charged between them to dive onto Senshi on the floor. There were a series of dives.

    Back in the ring, Dutt locked Shelley in a camel clutch. The referee admonished Senshi, giving Starr a chance to get in the ring and pull Shelley away from the ropes he was struggling to reach. Shelley tapped and was eliminated, so the storyline continues to be that Shelley feels betrayed by his "partner" Starr as they vy for Nash's attention.

    Lethal went right after Dutt. Dutt hit a sunset flip for a near-fall, but Lethal scored a near-fall of his own. Dutt hit a spinebuster. He springboarded off the ropes, with Senshi tagged him as his came off. Lethal caught Dutt and drilled his head into the mat, but was struck by a Senshi missile dropkick and pinned. Lethal was eliminated.

    Starr nailed Dutt with a Pendulum elbowdrop, nailed him into the corner and tagged Senshi. Senshi began nailing Dutt with kicks to the chest. Starr tagged in, measured and kicked Dutt in the face. Starr missed a charge into the corner. Dutt nailed a missile dropkick on Starr, then took Senshi down. Dutt locked the camel clutch on Starr. Senshi came in and kicked Dutt, although the cameras missed it as they were focusing on the crowd.

    Starr went for the brainbuster but Dutt floated through and shoved Starr into Senshi, who was knocked to the floor. Starr came back to hit a brainbuster and 450 splash off the top for the pinfall. Dutt is eliminated.

    Senshi returned to the ring and began exchanging chops with Starr. Senshi hit a springboard enziguiri on Starr for a near-fall. Starr took down Senshi with a crucifix and a brainbuster. Starr went to the top for the 450, but Shelley came out and distracted his partner. Starr finally went for the move but Senshi had moved, so Starr rolled through. Senshi captured Starr in a small package for the pin.

    Shelley went to Nash and said that he was back at being "number one" for Nash. He and Nash shook hands. An angry Starr questioned Nash and he told them to work it out amongst themseves. Mike Tenay said that Nash is like an arsonist, lighting the fire to see what happens.

    Winner: Senshi with 5 points

    Jeremy Borash interviewed Eric Young backstage. Young asked Borash if he saw who was out in the car earlier, "those guys who did that cool thing once." Young was in a pink bathrobe. Borash noted that Brooks promised to get naked if she had to win, but Young had something she didn't...cajones. Young agreed and opened his robe for Borash. Borash noted that he had to go out and host the bikini contest, then advised Young that he, "might want to put something on." Borash and Young have a really funny chemistry together.

    They aired a brief video package on the bikini contest.

    The "WCW Nitro in 2000 Memorial" Intergender Bikini Contest
    Eric Young vs Ms. Brooks

    Jeremy Borash introduced Ms. Brooks from inside the ring. They had a red carpet and inflatable palm trees inside the ride. Brooks wore a men's suit jacket and a necktie to hide her outfit. Young came out wearing a pink bathrobe and flipflops. The fans' response live will determine the winner. Borash's delivery hosting was great here, he's truly Gene Okerlund 2006.

    Tracy Brooks was first, and well, as expected, looked hot. Don West and Mike Tenay deduced she likely had 40 DDs. Seriously.

    Eric Young then stood center ring, but got too shy to take off his robe. He finally disrobed, wearing a T-shirt with a painted on bikini. Robert Roode demanded Young be disqualified for "making a joke out of this." Wouldn't it be creative who did that? Young asked the DJ to give him a beat and he began disrobing, revealing Spongebob Squarepants boxers.

    Referee Slick Johnson ruled that Young wasn't wearing a bikini and was going to award the contest to Brooks. Young asked for another try and, peeled down to Spongebob bikini briefs.

    They asked the audience to pick a winner and of course, they picked Eric Young.

    Your winner: Eric Young

    Robert Roode attacked Young immediately. He whipped Young into the ropes, but Young ducked, stopped, shook his rear end, then ran up the aisle. Young began covering himself as he backed up the ramp.

    Roode grabbed the mic and turned his attention to Ms. Brooks. He said that when he told Brooks that Young could defeat her in a bikini contest, he was kidding. Roode said he was sick of Brooks, Young, and all the filthy fans in Orlando. He asked Brooks if she wanted to make it up to him, then told her she needs to do whatever it takes to make Young sign a contract with Robert Roode, Inc. He said that the fans love Young and when Young signs with him, they'll love Roode as well. Roode warned Brooks that if she doesn't get Young to sign a contract, she might be the one who was fired.

    The new TNA announcer girl knocks on VKM's door (which said Dumb to the Xtreme on the door). A fat guy who was supposed to be Big Dick Johnson of WWE fame came up to her. He then took off looking for catering.

    They aired a video feature on Chris Sabin vs Christopher Daniels.

    TNA X-Division Championship
    Special referee Jerry Lynn
    Christopher Daniels vs Chris Sabin

    Pre-Match Comment: I guess the major question here will be whether they do an angle to put Lynn back in a wrestling role or if we'll get a really screwy swerve where Lynn helps Sabin that will make no logical sense.

    The match started with some good back and forth mat wrestling and Sabin showing some arrogance and cockiness. Sabin's really growing into this role. Daniels reversed an armdrag attempt and cinched in an armbar. Sabin fought to his feet and backed Daniels into the corner, striking him in the abdomen with his knee Daniels rebounded and came back with another armdrag. Daniels slammed Sabin's face into the mat several times. Daniels whipped Sabin into the ring and hit a leg lariat.

    Daniels nailed a split-legged moonsault for a two count. Don West noted it was good to see Jerry Lynn in the ring. Amen, except it'd be better if TNA was using him to wrestle. It's not like he's an amazing in-ring performer or a top flight wrestler or anything. Daniels and Sabin fought over a standing switch.

    Sabin dropkicked Daniels to the back, sending him to the floor. Sabin looked at the announcers and said, "Patronize me, Don" He then hit a hiptoss onto the entrance ramp on Daniels. Sabin went to the top of the ramp and sprinted towards Daniels, who was out on his back. He slowed down as he reached Daniels, then dropped a fistdrop. That was great.

    Sabin tossed Daniels back into the ring and continued the assault, getting several near-falls. The fans tried to rally Daniels. Daniels comes back with a backslide for a near fall. Sabin hit a neckbreaker. He continued to work over Daniels' neck and back. Sabin slammed Daniels, then dropped a leg on his head.

    The announcers pointed out that Sabin was working on the neck to set up the Cradleshock. The one thing TNA does better than WWE with their announcing is explaining the technical aspect of wrestling to give another dimension to the story of the matches (especially since WWE prefers their announcers call no wrestling moves). This was a great example of TNA's prowess there.

    Daniels finally began making a comeback, hitting several moves. Sabin escaped. Daniels went for a baseball slide out of the ring, but Sabin evaded. Daniels drove Sabin into the guard rails on the floor. Daniels hit a running kick through the ropes onto Sabin, sending him backwards on the floor. Daniels went to the middle rope outside the ring and dropped an elbow to the floor. Daniels and Sabin both laid on the ground selling the move. Daniels came up selling his hip.

    Back in the ring, Sabin drilled Daniels with a kick and scored a near-fall. Thus far, a really good match. Sabin tried to charge with a kick but was caught by Daniels and shoved down. Sabin centered his attack around the neck again, then drilled Daniels with a springboard into a tornado DDT. Daniels kicked up at two. Lynn hasn't been a factor at all yet.

    Daniels hit a running high knee, followed by a Death Valley Driver for a two count. The fans chanted for a "BME" but Daniels scissored Sabin into a submission move. Sabin dragged himself towards the ropes, putting his foot across the bottom rope to force a break.

    Sabin drilled Daniels with a running facewash style kick to the face in the corner.Sabin went for a springboard move, but a groggy Daniels hit a palm thrust to the face as Sabin bounced off the ropes. Daniels nailed the Best Moonsault Ever and scored the pinfall.

    Your winner and still X-Division champion: Christopher Daniels

    Jerry Lynn took the mic and said that he'll be the first to give Sabin credit for a hell of a match, but tonight Daniels was the better man. He told Sabin to lose with some respect and told him to shake Daniels' hand. Daniels told Lynn that he was the champion and didn't need Sabin's respect. Daniels went to turn away from Lynn, who grabbed Daniels and smacked him. Several referees got between them as Lynn yelled something at Daniels. Lynn showed a lot of fire and anger as he left the ring.

    Mike Tenay and Don West reviewed the situation, noting that Lynn got upset that Daniels wasn't giving him a chance to finally make his point to Chris Sabin.

    In Ring:
    Jim Cornette came to the ring and introduced several diginitaries in The Chicago White Sox' Dale Torborg and AJ Pierzynski (who came out with his X-Division title replica), who appeared at last year's Turning Point. Jim Cornette then introduced World Series MVP David Eckstein, who came out with his MVP trophy and his brother. The TNA announcing team plugged Eckstein's forthcoming book.

    Cornette interviewed Eckstein, who noted that Rhino and Lance Hoyt were his favorites. They showed the book to Torborg and AJ, who proceeded to rip up the book. AJ cut a promo on Eckstein, saying he backed his way into a World Series and now he was in AJ's ring. Eckstein grabbed the book away from them and the brothers got into the White Sox's face.

    Torborg drilled Eckstein's brother. AJ and Eckstein began shoving each other. Cornette tried to stop it but was shoved down. Torborg grabbed Eckstein and they teased hitting him with the X-Division belt replica. Lance Hoyt hit the ring and brawled briefly with Torborg before he powdered out of the ring.

    Jeremy Borash interviewed Rhino backstage. Rhino said that he sees a lot of himself in AJ Styles. Rhino said that Styles is selfish. Rhino said that the difference between them is that Rhino lets people who want to help him in. He says that's where the problem is and as a veteran, he's going to make Styles understand and will beat some sense into him. Styles attacked Rhino backstage and they brawled off camera, knocking down the camera man in the process. The match eventually finds its way into the Impact Zone.

    Rhino vs A.J. Styles

    Tenay and West said that they were trying to get another camera in position but were having technical problems. They noted they were fighting outside. The camera finally worked, catching Styles and Rhino brawling outside the soundstage near the entranceway that the fans use to enter the building. Rhino went to pick up Styles and drop him atop a garbage can, but the can slipped and Styles was dropped facefirst on the concrete. That looked dangerous and I'm pretty sure Styles had his bell really rung. They brawled into the Impact Zone and through the crowd. Rhino and Styles continued to brawl through the bleachers. Styles was playing full heel, right down to challenging fans and insulting them to their face.

    Styles ranked Rhino across the eyes, then whipped him into the wall of the Impact Zone, shattering a piece of their set. Styles landed punch and punch on Rhino, then charged him. Rhino backdropped Styles over the guard rail into the ringside area's entrance ramp. Styles was bleeding from the nose. Styles was tossed into the ring and the referee called for the bell.

    Styles quickly came back, hitting a drop toehold into the corner on Rhino. Styles drilled him with a dropkick. Styles worked over Rhino with something of a surfboard but Rhino fought back. Styles hit an awesome dropkick to Rhino's face as he was rebounding off the ropes. Rhino shoulderblocked Styles and climbed up the ropes. Sty;es shoved him backwards over the ropes to the floor. Styles teased diving, then didn't do to get a heel reaction.

    Styles tried to hit a sliding kick to the outside, but Rhino moved. Rhino tossed Styles into the crowd, but he landed on his feet. Styles jumped off the guardrail trying for a clothesline but Rhino caught him and hit a belly-to-belly suplex on the floor. They fought the count and got back into the ring.

    Rhino nailed a spinebuster on Styles, who kicked up. Styles began nailing chops and kicks. Styles hit an enziguiri on Rhino. Styles called for the Styles Clash but Rhino backdropped him over the top to the floor. Styles began grabbing his knee and called the referee. The announcers acted like he caught the knee on the floor, not on the ringside mats. The referee called for trainers and Styles told them that he heard it pop. He told them he wanted to see if he could finish, but was unable to stand on the knee. If this is a heel move, they are doing a good job selling it as Styles being hurt before they pull the trigger on it.

    As one of the referees instructed ring announcer Dave Penzer what to announce, Styles charged into the ring and rolled up Rhino for the pin. Styles was hysterical dancing up the aisle like he had pulled one over on everyone. An irate Rhino charged Styles, who had a great, "Oh Sh**" look on his face before running off.

    Winner: A.J. Styles

    Backstage, Leticia found someone who was supposed to be a parody of Vince McMahon strutting and carrying a rooster in a cage. He demanded to know where his son-in-law was. She questioned him about the rooster and he said, "I love cock. Didn't you see the sketch?" They bleeped the word cock. Cue the countdown to Vince Russo going nuts over standards and practices! He strutted off and Leticia said, "Only in TNA." Well, no, actually only in WWE, which is why fans watch TNA, for an alternative, but nevermind. Mike Tenay and Don West began talking.

    Back live, we see another shot of AJ Styles and Rhino brawling on the entrance ramp as TNA officials and security try to break it up.

    A video package airs highlighting the events between LAX and America's Most Wanted leading into the Flag Match tonight.

    Jeremy Borash is with LAX. Konnan steps up and says after tonight, America's Most Wanted will now be known as America's Least Needed.

    Flag Match
    NWA Tag Team champions LAX vs America's Most Wanted

    To win the match, you have to use a ladder to hang your flag above the ring. Ladders are legal as well. They all started brawling around ringside the second LAX came out. Harris tried to backdrop Homicide over the top. Hernandez knocked Harris to the floor, then flipped Homicide over the ropes, allowing him to hit a tope con hilo. Hernandez went for a dive but James Storm superkicked him. Gail Kim hit a moonsault to the floor on Homicide. Storm tried to grab the U.S. flag but Konnan interfered.

    LAX worked over Harris. James Storm was tied to the tree of woe. Homicide placed a chair over his face and was going to charge but Harris cut him off. Harris was bleeding from the mouth. Homicide hit a jawbreaker on Storm. A ladder was brought into the ring. Homicide was backdropped onto it. Hernandez hit his chokeslam suplex on Harris into the ladder.

    Storm tried to sunset flip Hernandez, but was caught. He hit a kick to Hernandez's head. Homicide attacked Storm and hit an elbow from the ropes. Homicide hit the Three Amigos suplex combination on Storm. Homicide went to the top for the flag but Gail Kim grabbed his leg,. Homicide grabbed her but Chris Harris made the save and superplexed Homicide into the ring.

    Hernandez got the Mexican flag and started to climb the ladder but James Storm climbed up the other side of the ladder and hit a sunset flip powerbomb off the ladder. Harris grabbed the flag and made Earl Hebner put the flag back in the corner. Homicide hit an Ace Crusher off the ropes on Harris. Homicide went for the Gringo Killer but Gail Kim hit the ring and dropkicked Homicide.

    Kim set up the ladder in the center of the ring and grabbed the American flag. Konnan got into the ring and punched her in the stomach, knocking her to the mat. He put the flag back in the corner. Petey Williams hit the ring and nailed Konnan. He teased hitting the Canadian Destroyer on Konnan but Hernandez decimated him. Hernandez hit a running tope over the top onto Storm that was awesome.

    Homicide and Harris both got their respective flags and hung them both up. They battled on top of the ladder. Storm came up from behind Homicide and broke a beer bottle over his head, but "glass flew into the face of Harris" and he went down screaming as well. Hernandez slammed the ladder over, taking out Storm as well. Hernandez tossed Storm out of the ring and Hernandez removed the American flag and hung the Mexican flag.

    Your winners: LAX

    Gail Kim and Petey Williams were checking on Chris Harris outside. Harris began screaming that it wasn't his fault and getting into Harris's face as everyone tried to calm Storm down. Konnan took the mic and said that AMW just made history as the first team in the United States that just lost a flag match. Konnan demanded that everyone stand up and show respect for the Mexican national anthem and flag. They played the song.

    A plug for the Final Resolution PPV on January 14 is shown.

    James Storm said Chris Harris quit on him. Storm said it was a disgrace that the Mexican National Anthem had to be played tonight. He tells Harris that he has until iMPACT! to apologize to him and the fans for allowing that to happen.

    In Ring:
    VKM came out dressed like Triple H and Shawn Michaels. Kip James was Michaels, complete with a giant crucifix and latex on his face. BG was Triple H, complete with a sledgehammer and latex on his face as well. They did look like HHH and Michaels. BG did the Triple H DX introduction but were stopped by a parody of the Spirit Squad. I'd love five minutes with a sledgehammer so I could trash my TV right about now. The "Squad" were quickly run off. James called for the oliled up fat guy, who then came out. Egads, it's bad enough in one promotion. The fat guy got laid out.

    BG James said that sometimes people have problems differentiated between parody and reality. He said what the fans just saw was parody but now it's reality. They ripped the latex off. James said that at first they were having some good fun. He remarked that someone in the company claimed that Vince McMahon didn't care about what they were doing in TNA. He said that then they find out that McMahon wanted them to stop what they were doing, which is funny because that's all they asked WWE to do in the first place - stop.

    James asked if Vince remembered when Vince ordered them to go to WCW house shows and CNN Center, so if he's going to do that and then threaten to sue over a parody, this is the one they should sue over. He said that they were having some fun, but now it's over. He said they were issuing "the million dollar challenge."

    BG James said that they got with the upper echelon with TNA and unlike McMahon, they are supporting VKM. He said that every week, WWE chops away at the legacy of what they built. He said that they have a challenge that not even Vince McMahon can't walk away from. He said they were putting up a million dollars, for two men "vs. those two P*ssies." He said that they weren't talking spots and angles, but a fight and he dared Vince McMahon to accept the challenge because if he didn't, the world would see that he's a "gutless piece of shit."

    Jeremy Borash interviewed Christian Cage, who was with Tomko. Cage said the soap opera between Sting and Abyss was mildly entertaining and amusing. Cage mocked Sting for trying to find the man behind Abyss. He said that this isn't about saving souls, but about Cage, the biggest star in TNA history regaining his title. He said that while they might be caught up in their Afterschool Special, he never lost sight of the fact that he wants his belt back. He brought up the secret that Tomko knows about Abyss and said that its embarrassing for everyone, including TNA. He said that everyone had better hope Cage ends up champion tonight, or the secret will be revealed.

    Mike Tenay apologized for BG James' language but reiterated that the Million Dollar Challenge was "indeed, real."

    NWA championship
    Abyss vs Sting vs Christian Cage

    All three battled in the ring at the same time. Abyss brat down Sting as Jim Mitchell implored him to continue, Sting fought back with a series of punches and kicks. Sting pulled the rope down, forcing Abyss to fall to the floor. Cage was tossed to the floor. Cage and Abyss battled on the floor. Sting dove off the top to the floor. Tomko and Cage tossed Sting into the railing.

    With Sting down on the floor, Abyss destroyed Cage in the ring, hitting a running splash in the corner. Abyss choked out Cage in the corner with his foot. Sting rolled into the ring and Abyss began stomping him. Mitchell screamed at Abyss to follow their plan. Cage surprises Abyss with a tornado DDT for a two count. Cage worked on Abyss' rib cage, then knocked Sting back to the floor as he tried to enter the ring.

    Cage distracted the referee, allowing Tomko to pepper Abyss with punches. Cage worked over Abyss with chop, but was caught by Abyss and pressed. Cage landed on his feet on the apron outside the ring. Cage went to the corner, where Abyss tried to superplex him. Sting raced under Abyss, powerbombing him at the same time in a Tower of Doom spot.

    Sting nailed the Stinger Splash in the corner. Cage began chopping and nailing Sting who did the superhuman no-sell and unloaded on Cage. He went for the Scorpion deathlock but Cage raked his face. They are pushing that Cage has never tapped out. Sting rolled up Abyss for a two count. Abyss ended up on the floor, where Tomko nailed him with a boot. Sting locked the Deathlock on Cage but Jim Mitchell got on the apron.

    Tomko slid the NWA title into the ring to Christian but Sting nailed him. Sting slingshot Cage into Abyss, who was standing outside on the apron. Abyss was bumped to the floor. Sting covered Cage, but Tomko pulled the referee out of the ring. Tomko hit the ring and began working over Sting. Abyss returned to the ring and attacked Tomko.Cage went after Abyss but was leveled. Abyss tossed Tomko to the floor.

    Abyss pressed and dropped Cage to the floor, leaving him alone with Sting,. Jim Mitchell called for Doomsday. Sting ducked under a Black Hole Slam attempt but was caught with a goozle. Jim Mitchell brought in the sack of thumbtacks. Abyss hesitated using them as if he had his doubts, before spreading them onto the mat. Sting grabbed Cage for a chokeslam but Tomko hit a big boot. Tomko stomped Abyss's face into the tacks.

    Sting stood over Abyss and "tried to get him to listen to Sting" but Abyss wouldn't. Sting went for the Scorpion but Cage attacked him with a chair. Abyss nailed Cage and went for the Black Hole Slam but Sting nailed Cage, who was knocked aside. Abyss missed the tacks but hit the move and scored the pin.

    Your winner and still NWA champion: Abyss

    Jeremy Borash was with Kurt Angle. Angle said tonight, we will find out who the better man is.

    They aired the Impact video package on the match.

    The Rematch
    Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe

    Angle and Joe started out feeling each other out and tying each other up in the ropes to break moves. The crowd was doing dual chants immediately. Angle took Joe down with a back heel trip and a top wristlock. Joe fought to his feet but Angle took him down with a single leg takdown. Joe got to the ropes to force the break, so Angle kicked him.

    They locked up again, with Joe hitting a shortarm clothesline on Angle. He began taking out Angle with kicks and punches in the corner. Joe measured Angle with bodyshots and punches. Joe whipped Angle into the ropes. Angle reversed and charged Joe, who backdropped him over the top to the floor.

    Joe followed Angle to ringside and began nailing him with kicks. Angle began fighting back with lefts and uppercuts. Angle hit a dive to the floor. Angle slammed Joe's face into the ringside steps again and again. Angle returned to the ring, motioning that he was waiting for Joe. As Joe got to the apron, Angle went for a sliding kick. Once they got outside, Joe began nailing shots, so Angle returned to the ring. When Joe followed, Angle cut him off with stomps.

    Joe cut off Angle as he charged in the corner. Joe charged Angle but Angle caught him with a shot to the neck and throat, taking him down. Angle measured Joe and nailed a suplex. Angle covered Joe but Joe kicked up at one. Angle scissored Joe from behind, trying to wear him down. Joe and Angle fought over extremities as they worked on each others' arms.

    They battled into the corner. Joe came back with a series of rights and chops. Joe went for a running clothesline but missed, hitting the ropes and clotheslining himself. Angle measured him with uppercuts. Angle caught Joe with a belly-to-belly suplex. Angle scored a two count.

    Angle cinched on a rear chinlock, trying to choke out Joe. The referee broke the move because it was too low. Angle went back to the scissor, forcing the air out of Joe. Angle went for a clothesline, but Joe ducked and caught Angle with a release suplex, tossing Angle upside down in the air. The crowd started chanting, "This is awesome."

    They meet mid-ring with punches back and forth. Joe nailed Angle with a clothesline but Angle gets right back up. Joe went for the choke but Angle hit hit with a backwards headbutt. Angle grabbed Joe and hit a series of German Suplexed. Angle challenged Joe to return to his feet and stalked him from behind.

    Angle went for the Olympic Slam. Joe landed on his feet, so Angle went for the Anklelock. Joe kicked Angle off into the corner. He placed Angle on the top rope and went for the Muscle Buster. Angle fought back but Joe dazed him with an enziguiri. Joe went for the Buster but Angle escaped into a sunset flip type move, going right for the anklelock in the center of the ring. Joe fought it off, finally tucking and rolling to kick off Angle. Angle hit the Olympic Slam for a two count. Angle was shocked Joe kicked up.

    Angle went right back to the Anklelock but Joe pulled him backwards into the rear naked choke. Angle fought out and locked the anklelock. Joe fought out and got the choke. Angle teased tapping but then grabbed the ankle. Angle scissors it with Joe in the center of the ring. Joe fought and fought and finally made it to the ropes. Angle refused to break but finally did as the referee got near a 5 count.

    Angle went right after the ankle, kicking and stomping it. Angle put Joe on the top rope and began nailing rights. He climbed to the top for a bellt to belly superplex but Joe headbutt Angle three times, taking him down. Angle leaped back up and hit a superplex, scoring a two count. Great match.

    Angle goes for the Olympic Slam but Joe turned it into an armdrag takedown. Joe got up and nailed Angle as he charged. Angle bumped the referee in a collision that was perfectly timed and didn't look contrived. Joe locked in the rear naked choke in the center of the ring. Angle tapped but there was no referee to call for the bell. Joe realized the referee was out and tried to wake him. Angle nailed Joe with a lowblow from behind.

    Angle left the ring and grabbed a chair from ringside. He tried to nail Joe with it but Joe ducked and Angle nailed himself in the head. Joe grabbed him from behind and Angle, after struggling to get to the ropes to save himself, was pulled backwards. Joe cinched in the choke. Angle tried to get to Joe's ankle but finally succumbed and tapped out.

    Your winner: Samoa Joe

    They showed fans holding "Rematch" signs that had to be planted. They aired a highlight reel of moves and moments from the match. They showed Angle walking backstage as Joe watched from the other stage. They closed the PPV with a commercial for Final Resolution, which was built around Samoa Joe.

    Thankyou for joining us for our Live Coverage, see you for our next Live Coverage WWEs 'Armageddon'. No spoilers in the shoutbox please.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
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    it was good event

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