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  1. #1
    On the bench! The Hammer's Avatar
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    Default **SPOILERS** WWE SmackDown Taping Results

    **SPOILERS** WWE SmackDown Taping Results
    Randy Leek sent the following to PWInsider:

    I attended the Smackdown taping last night in Tulsa. Here's a quick report since I have to be at work in 20 minutes.

    Dark Match:

    Shane Helms beat Scotty 2 Hotty to warm up the crowd.


    John Cena came out and cut a promo to open the show. The crowd was into him.

    Rey Mysterio beat Sylvester Turkay.

    Idol Stevens and K.C. James beat Jamie Noble and Kid Kash after Michelle McCool interfered.

    Chavo Guerrero, like everyone else, beat Matt Hardy. Shane Helms distracted Matt and Vickie interfered.

    Mr. Kennedy and Undertaker did dueling promos to promote their PPV match.

    The Miz beat Tatanka. Everyone seemed to hate Miz.

    Sylvan beat Cowboy Jimmy Yang.

    The main event saw Cena, Lashley and Batista beat Finlay, Regal and Booker when Lashley pinned Booker.

    Credit: wrestlezone.com

  2. #2
    Flamez -O- Holic flamesoffury's Avatar
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    Default *DETAILED* Smackdown Spoilers

    I just got back from the show tonight in Tulsa, OK. All I can say is wow. All in all it was the best wrestling event I've ever seen live. I took a few notes but most of this is from memory so bare with me.

    Dark Match: Gregory Helms vs. Scotty 2 Hotty
    Decent opener, the crowd was very hot. Scotty goes for the worm, but gets caught with a shining wizard by Helms for the win.

    JBL and Cole come out with JBL still playing the heel, throwing up Longhorn signals to get heat. And Smackdown starts.

    Opening Segment showing what happened with the "Royal Court" attacking Cena on Raw. Immediately Cena's music hits (no opening pyro!) and he comes out to 99.9% cheers. Cena talks about how tonight he has backup in the form of Lashley and Batista and will kick Booker's ass.

    Match 1: Rey Mysterio vs. Elijah Burke
    Turkay was ringside the entire match. Pretty good match with Mysterio hitting the 619 and a huracanrana for the win. After the match Turkay stares down Mysterio then destroys him. Rey is left laying in the ring as Burke and Turkay go to the back.

    Match 2: Pitbulls vs. Idol & Stevens for Tag Team Title shot at No Mercy
    Not much high flying in this one. Basically it was a brawl, with the Pitbulls working their new "stiff" style. Idol & Stevens get the win after Michelle McCool interfered and will face London and Kendrick at No Mercy.

    Up next was a segment with Kennedy in the ring with memorial wreaths, he says Undertaker's legacy is unmatched and basically said he respects the Taker. Taker comes out to his wicked entrance and stares down Kennedy. Kennedy's mic sparks like it electrocuted him thanks to Takers "magic". Kennedy cowers outside the ring for a while, then goes back in to get knocked back out by Taker. Taker posed in the ring with his purple light.

    Match 3: The Miz vs. Tatanka
    Tatanka was way over, seeing as how we are in Oklahoma. Eventually Miz cheats to win. Tatanka argues with ref and looks like he's gonna clock him by the entrance set.

    Match 4: Chavo Guerrero vs. Matt Hardy
    Good match. Vicky does the heel manager schtick ringside. Greg Helms came down and distracts Hardy, allowing Vicky to get a low blow in on Hardy which gives Chavo the victory.

    Match 5: Sylvan vs. Jimmy Wang Yang
    Good match. Jimmy Yang was incredibly over with the crowd. Some funny moments when the crowd was chanting USA for Yang. Yang hit some great high risk moves, but Sylvan ends up winning out of no where, crowd seemed confused as to why Yang lost.

    Match 6: Lashley/Batista/Cena vs. King Booker/Finlay/Regal
    Great main event. Batista's pyro is insanely loud! The crowd was nuts the entire match. Not a person sat down. Cena had is arm all taped up (selling the Raw attack) and was isolated for most of the match. He eventually gets the hot tag and Lashley spears King Booker for the 1-2-3. The place explodes. Cena's posing in the ring and Edge appears out of nowhere and lays out Cena. Edge then left through the crowd.

    Also when Edge was leaving a fan pelted him with a full large drink right in the face. Edge went crazy and tried to attack the fan. The fan tussled with Edge and security. No punches were thrown I think. The fan was ejected from the building.

    Quick Results:
    Rey Mysterio def. Elijah Burke
    Idol & Stevens def. Pitbulls for Tag Team Title shot at No Mercy
    The Miz def. Tatanka
    Chavo Guerrero def. Matt Hardy
    Sylvan def. Jimmy Wang Yang
    Lashley/Batista/Cena def. King Booker/Finlay/Regal

    rofl Slyvan is finally winning some singles matches :p and Jimmy Yang lost on his return match.. surprising.
    < Thanks Eragon

    < Thanks Joe

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