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  1. #1
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry WWE NXT Live Coverage - October 22nd, 2024

    Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer team up to face Jacy Jayne and Fallon Henley

    NXT’s newest sensations Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer will team together against Fatal Influence ahead of their Halloween Havoc match against NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade. Vaquer and Giulia were storied rivals before joining NXT, but they allied to upend the hierarchy of the NXT Women’s Division. Standing in their way this week is the dangerous trio Fatal Influence, and anything can happen when these two teams face off TONIGHT!

    – The final NXT before Halloween Havoc opens with Trick Williams and Ethan Page arriving to the arena. We also see Stephanie Vaquer and Giulia coming to the arena, as well as Fatal Influence.

    – Vic Joseph and Booker T greet audiences at home as Damage CTRL make their way out to the ring. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson follow.

    Damage CTRL vs. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson

    IYO SKY and Jackson begin the action. The bell rings and SKY rains down right hands on Jackson. SKY connects with a dropkick on Jackson, but Legend and Sane tag in. Sane wears down Legend, but Jackson tags in and sends Sane crashing face first into the top turnbuckle. Legend tags back in and Sane fires off right and left hands on her. She looks to roll Legend up, but Sane stays standing on her feet and Legend sends her crashing into the mat with a spinning chokeslam.

    Sane locks in a Sleeper on Legend, but Legend fights her off. Sane then sends Legend crashing out of the ring and sends Jackson out to join her. SKY then delivers a moonsault to Jackson and Legend to level them on the outside.

    Back from the break, SKY lands a double stomp on Jackson. Sane tags in and levels her with a pair of forearms, then follows it up with a spear and stacks Legend on top of Jackson in the corner. Sane lands a shoulder on both of the duo's midsections, then ascends to the top and connects with a flying forearm on Jackson.

    Sane lands an Alabama Slam on Jackson, then tags in SKY. SKY sends Sane crashing into Jackson, and Sane goes for a pin. Jackson kicks out and SKY lands a pair of double knees on her in the corner, then sets up for Over The Moonsault. Jackson avoids it and runs the ropes as her and Legend look to double team on her. Piper Niven trips Jackson, and Chelsea Green appears in the ring. Green and Niven then go after Legend, Jackson, and Damage CTRL to cause the double disqualification.

    Winners: N/A (double disqualification due to outside interference)

    – Hank and Tank are outside the arena earlier today when OTM and come out and confront them and issue a challenge for tonight.

    – Sol Ruca, Brinley Reece and Karmen Petrovic are working out and Ashante Thee Adonis comes by and they talk about her costing him his match. Ruca and Reece say she's not interested and Petrovic tells them they don't what she likes and she's going to show them what she likes and walks away after Adonis leaves.

    – OTM then make their way down to the ring. Tatum Paxley follows.

    Jaida Parker vs. Tatum Paxley

    The bell rings and the two lock up. Paxley delivers a hair whip to Parker, then follows it up with a standing Frog Splash and rolls up Parker. Parker kicks out and Paxley levels her with a dropkick, then lands a crossbody on her in the corner. Parker sets Paxley up in the corner, then lands a Hip Attack as we see Lola Vice watch the action from backstage.

    Paxley sends Parker's head bouncing off her knee, then levels her with a pair of back elbows and an enzuigiri. Paxley pins Parker, but Parker kicks out and pins her. Paxley kicks out and Parker lands a pair of Hip Attacks for the win.

    Winner: Jaida Parker

    – After the match, Lola Vice tries to attack Parker but officials stop her, in the ring Wendy Choo attacks Paxley and wheels her away in a case.

    – Lexis King approaches No Quarter Catch Crew and tells Dempsey he wants a shot at the Heritage Cup. Dempsey agrees and tells Borne to go talk to Ava to make the match.

    – Wendy Choo wheels the case she has Paxley in as Nathan Frazer, Axiom, Je'Von Evans and Cedric Alexander are talking. Frazer makes a remark about Evans' age and he slaps Frazer. Lee is standing around and pokes fun at Evans as well.

    – We get a video package for Stephanie Vaquer's arrival to NXT, as well as her partnership with Guilia to take down Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade.

    – Backstage we see the D'Angelo Family checking on Adriana Rizzo who looks to have been attacked. They call for medical staff as we cut to commercial.

    Luca Crusifino vs. Oba Femi

    The bell rings and Crusifino attacks Femi with some punches and a drop kick. Femi catches Crusifino and slams him to the mat with a shoulder breaker. Femi works on Crusifino's arm and stomps him on the mat. Crusifino is taken down with a forearm and Femi kicks Crusifino in the back. Femi takes down Crusifino with a clothesline and locks him in a headlock. Crusifino hits a jumping knee and hits some chops on Femi and gets him down with a neckbreaker. Crusifino sends Femi to the outside with the "Law Breaker". Femi gets back in the ring and tosses Crusifino and hits The Fall from Grace for the win.

    Winner: Oba Femi

    – After the match, Femi attacks Crusifino and Lorenzo comes in to help but Femi starts beating on him as well. Femi brings out a table from under the ring, and Tony D'Angelo comes in and attacks Femi who is able to send Tony into the steel steps. He ties a ziptie on Tony's hand and locks him on to the turnbuckle. Femi thows Stacks through a table and sets up a ladder between the ring and the announce table. He powerbombs Crusifino through the ladder making The Don watch all this.

    – Trick Williams and Ethan Page are shown walking backstage and we will hear from them later.

    – A video package for the Chase U and Ridge Holland saga airs. Andre Chase swears to end Ridge Holland's misery in an ambulance match.

    – Ethan Page makes his way to the ring as does Trick Williams.

    Williams says he learned last week that Page isn't "All Ego", but rather all desperate. Page says that could be true, or he wanted everyone to think that was the case. He says that while Williams may think that Page is the guy who boasts all the time, an experienced in-ring veteran, or a father and husband. He says he often glosses over all the obstacles he faced throughout his career and says he never had the Performance Center or the resources that Williams has had.

    Williams says he gets where Page is coming from, but he has stories of his own. Page says Williams doesn't get it, then asks him if he's ever been busted open or hit hard with a weapon, and Williams reiterates that while he understands what Page is saying, he will experience those same things on Sunday at Halloween Havoc. Page says Williams is all flash and no confidence, then says anything goes in a Devil's Playground Match which only benefits him and not Williams.

    Williams questions why Page says that, and Page says Williams looks immaculate but doesn't have the devil inside him. He says Williams isn't built for the Devil's Playground, but Williams says he's been through a lot with Carmelo Hayes, Ilja Dragunov, and Pete Dunne. Page says Hayes didn't think about every single way that he could hurt him, and on Sunday, he'll see a version of himself that WWE fans and Williams hasn't seen. Williams says Page has done a lot of talking, but has yet to pin him. He says Page is desperate and doing everything he can to stay close to the NXT Championship. Page says for the first time in Williams' career, someone will actually hurt Williams. Williams says he's looking forward to it.

    – Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez are talking backstage about their match tonight. Fatal Influence comes by and say they'll take out Kelani Jordan like Perez and Jade will take out Guilia and Vaquer. Kelani Jordan comes by and asks who she is facing on Sunday. Fatal Influence leaves before answering her.

    Williams says he learned last week that Page isn't "All Ego", but rather all desperate. Page says that could be true, or he wanted everyone to think that was the case. He says that while Williams may think that Page is the guy who boasts all the time, an experienced in-ring veteran, or a father and husband. He says he often glosses over all the obstacles he faced throughout his career and says he never had the Performance Center or the resources that Williams has had.

    Williams says he gets where Page is coming from, but he has stories of his own. Page says Williams doesn't get it, then asks him if he's ever been busted open or hit hard with a weapon, and Williams reiterates that while he understands what Page is saying, he will experience those same things on Sunday at Halloween Havoc. Page says Williams is all flash and no confidence, then says anything goes in a Devil's Playground Match which only benefits him and not Williams.

    Williams questions why Page says that, and Page says Williams looks immaculate but doesn't have the devil inside him. He says Williams isn't built for the Devil's Playground, but Williams says he's been through a lot with Carmelo Hayes, Ilja Dragunov, and Pete Dunne. Page says Hayes didn't think about every single way that he could hurt him, and on Sunday, he'll see a version of himself that WWE fans and Williams hasn't seen. Williams says Page has done a lot of talking, but has yet to pin him. He says Page is desperate and doing everything he can to stay close to the NXT Championship. Page says for the first time in Williams' career, someone will actually hurt Williams. Williams says he's looking forward to it.

    – Sol Ruca then makes her way out to the ring. Karmen Petrovic follows.

    Sol Ruca vs. Karmen Petrovic

    The bell rings and the two lock up. Petrovic connects with an arm drag on Ruca and wears her down with a submission, but Petrovic sends Ruca crashing into the corner and follows it up with a superkick. She goes for a pin, but Petrovic kicks out. Petrovic responds with a clothesline to Ruca and pins her, but Ruca kicks out. Petrovic then rains down forearms on Ruca and lands a kick across her chest, then sends her crashing into the top turnbuckle face first and lands another kick on her chest. She goes for another pin, but Ruca kicks out once again.

    Ruca connects with a Codebreaker on Petrovic, then fires off right hands on her and lands a springboard crossbody. She goes for a pin, but Petrovic kicks out. Ruca ascends to the top, but Petrovic pulls her off. Petrovic becomes distracted by Ashante "Thee" Adonis leaving the crowd with another woman, opening the door for Ruca to land a Sol Snatcher on her for the win.

    Winner: Sol Ruca

    – Nikkita Lyons is backstage with Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe. Oba Femi comes by and gives Lyons a lion aegis and says she dropped this and we go to commercial.

    – Back from the break, Hank Walker, Tank Ledher, and Cole Custer make their way out. OTM is already waiting inside.

    OTM (w/ Jaida Parker) vs. Hank Walker and Tank Ledger (w/ Cole Custer)

    OTM begins brawling with Walker and Ledger on the outside. Walker dumps Lucien Prince in the ring, and the bell sounds. Walker delivers a knee to Price's midsection, then tags in Tank Ledger. Ledger and Walker deliver a double splash on Price and Ledger pins him, but Price kicks out. Bronco Nima tags in and continues wearing down Ledger, then tags Price back in. Price lands a uranage on Ledger and delivers a clothesline to him in the corner.

    Walker and Nima tag in and Walker levels Price with a boot. He takes down Nima and ascends to the top, then delivers a flying clothesline and low bridges Price out of the ring. Walker then delivers a Sidewalk Slam to Nima and pins him, but Nima kicks out.

    Parker looks to clock Ledger on the outside as the referee is distracted, but Lola Vice appears out of nowhere and attacks her. Nima runs the ropes, but Custer hits him with his helmet while the referee is distracted. Walker and Ledger then deliver the Collision Course to Nima for the win.

    Winners: Hank Walker and Tank Ledger

    – After the match, Lola Vice dances in the ring with Hank & Tank.

    – Fraxiom is in Ava Raine's office demanding a match against Je'Von Evans and Cedric Alexander. Lexis King comes in and asks Ava to get him someone to be in his corner for his Heritage Cup Match because no one trusts him. She says she can't force someone to be in his corner and it's on him.

    – Ridge Holland responds to the Chase U promo from earlier today via video package. He asks Andre Chase how it feels to watch everything he put together fall apart because of one man and that he accepts the Ambulance match.

    – Tony D'Angelo is backstage with Sarah Schreiber. The Don says he has no idea what's going on, and he believes Femi did this because he took what Femi loves so he attacked what he loves. He swears to give it to Femi on Sunday.

    – Backstage, Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer are walking backstage and cross paths with Iyo Sky and Kairi Sane. They look each other down and smile and go their separate ways.

    – Fatal Influence then make their way down to the ring. Stephanie Vaquer and Giulia follow.

    Fatal Influence vs. Stephanie Vaquer and Giulia

    Giulia and Fallon Henley begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Jacy Jayne tags in and Giulia levels her with a boot. She follows it up with a bodyslam and pins her, but Jayne kicks out. Vaquer tags in and delivers a suplex to Jayne, then sends her head repeatedly bouncing off the mat. Henley gets in Vaquer's face from the apron, allowing Jayne to send her crashing into the corner.

    Henley tags in and lands a running forearm on Vaquer. She sends her crashing into the top turnbuckle face first and tags in Jayne. Jayne delivers a hurricanrana to Vaquer and gets in Giulia's face, but Vaquer catches her with a dropkick from behind and tags in Giulia. Vaquer and Giulia then deliver a double elbow drop to an interfering Henley, but Nyx trips Giulia on the apron and Fatal Influence triple teams on her.

    Back from the break, Jayne tags in and lands a senton on Giulia. Jayne locks in a shoulder submission on Giulia, but Giulia levels her with a double kick and tags in Vaquer as Henley tags in on her side. Vaquer delivers a crossbody to Henley off the top, then delivers a Sole Food and sends Jayne crashing into the top turnbuckle face first. She fires off headbutts on her and takes down Henley. Giulia tags back in and delivers a double boot to Henley with Giulia. Giulia then goes for the pin, but Jayne sends Vaquer crashing into Giulia and Henley to break the fall.

    Jayne lands a neckbreaker on Vaquer on the outside as Henley lands a suplex on Giulia back in the ring. Jayne tags in and delivers a uranage to Giulia, then goes for a pin but Vaquer breaks the fall. Henley dumps Vaquer out of the ring, ubt Vaquer pulls her under the bottom rope. Nyx hops up on the apron and distracts Giulia, allowing Jayne to roll her up. Kelani Jordan appears at ringside and pulls Nyx off the apron. This opens the door for Giulia to land a headbutt on Jayne and tag in Vaquer. Vaquer then delivers a package backbreaker to Jayne for the win.

    Winners: Stephanie Vaquer and Giulia

    – After the match, Jordan holds up Guilia and Vaquer's hands. Jayne the spins the wheel to reveal that a member of Fatal Influence will be challenging Jordan for her Women's North American Championship at Halloween Havoc in a Spinner's Choice Match. Zaria (formerly known as DELTA) then briefly appears on the ramp as the show goes off the air.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    First match ends in a no contest after Chelsea Green and Piper Niven attack Lash Legend, JakaraJackson, Iyo and Kairi.

  3. #3

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