WWE returned to the Westchester County Center in White Plains, NY for their final house show prior to Wrestlemania 29 tonight. The show was nearly but not sold out, likely because of the Easter holiday.
The show was almost beat for beat the same lineup that ran the rest of the weekend, but was a really entertaining show featuring two really entertaining six man tags and some solid wrestling underneath. The matches that were designed to be undercard filler did a good job of getting the crowd going as well.

Of course, with Wrestlemania just a few days ago, everything was going to pretty much tread water in terms of the storylines, but that also allowed for some previews of Mania interactions and some solid wrestling, since certain talents who usually don't get a lot of TV time (see: Divas) had far more leeway to work here.

*Wade Barrett won a Battle Royal for a World title match tonight. The last two out were Kane and Daniel Bryan. Kane had chokeslammed Barrett but his own partner tried to toss him. Bryan failed and backed off, then offered to hug it out. Kane tossed him anyway, only to be shoved over by Barrett. R-Truth also worked the bout in his only appearance of the night. Standard fare but the crowd was into Miz, Bryan and Kane.

*Paul Heyman, who lives 5 minutes away, came out and cut a great promo pushing the idea that CM Punk was going to end the streak. This led to loud back and forth chants for Punk and Taker. Heyman ripped the fans for not having manners, saying that's why Wrestlemania was being held in New Jersey. He then said that he was going to make history by being the first man to nominate Triple H to headline the 2014 WWE Hall of Fame class, because Brock Lesnar was going to end his career in seven days. Great stuff with the audience eating out of the palm of his hand. Amazingly, WWE was not selling any Heyman shirts in what's pretty much his hometown.

*WWE Divas champion Kaitlyn defeated Tamina. They worked a really good back and forth match here and had some time to really let things develop. Tamina tore a fan's sign as she went around the ring. There was a lot of interaction with the ringside audience at different points over the night. They had some nice near falls. Tamina missed the Superfly Splash to set up the finish. *WWE United States champion Antonio Cesaro defeated Kofi Kingston. Real solid match with some very good near falls. The audience was really into the idea that Kingston was about to win the belt before he fell to the Neutralizer. The Shield attacked Kofi after the match and Dean Ambrose cut a promo promising that would deliver justice at Wrestlemania.

*WWE World champ Alberto Del Rio vs. WWE Intercontinental champion Wade Barrett turned into a six man tag. Big reaction for Del Rio and Ricardo. They had a good back and forth match until Jack Swagger attacked Del Rio. Miz hit the ring for the save but was dispatched. The heels worked over Alberto, allowing Jericho to hit the scene to his music. Fandango came out and did his dancing bit at the entrance but was immediately attacked by Jericho and they brawled on the outside. The babyfaces ran off the heels but Vickie Guerrero came out and announced it would be a six man tag right now.

*Alberto Del Rio & Chris Jericho & The Miz defeated Jack Swagger & Fandango & Wade Barrett in a dynamite six man tag. Jericho had his working boots on and also played Ricky Morton trying to get the crowd into the match as his partners were getting worked over. Fandango's entrance (during the brawl) got a huge reaction so at least in this market, the introduction is getting over. Fandango looked good in the ring, far better than he did during his run as Johnny Curtis in NXT. They went back and forth with great stuff until Miz forced Barrett to tap out to the figure four, getting over the idea there could be a title change at Mania. Best thing on the show by far.

*Big Show defeated 3MB in a handicap match. Show took more bumps than you would expect on a house show and everyone played their role well here.

*Ryback defeated Mark Henry in an over the top rope challenge. They did a lot of strength and power spots and at times weren't on the same wavelength, but it's better they work it out now than have those problems at the PPV. Henry suplexed Ryback, reversing an attempt at the muscle buster. Ryback made a comeback and speared Henry, who went down a second too late. Ryback followed that with an awesome Meathook clothesline. They battled on the apron and Ryback finally backdropped Henry to the floor. The crowd was big-time into Ryback.

*John Cena & Randy Orton & Sheamus defeated The Shield by DQ. Standard good match you'd expect from these six. Big reactions for everyone, although Cena got the mixed chants. They went back and forth until Cena locked Seth Rollins in the STF and Roman Reigns nailed him with the chair for the DQ. The babyfaces eventually ran off the Shield, who lived to fight another day.
