RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion - 3rd Aug, 2015
Location: San Jose, California
Announcers: Michael Cole, John Layfield, and Byron Saxton.

Tonight’s show begins with the graphic for the passing of Roddy Piper.

All of the wrestlers are on the stage wearing Hot Rod shirts. We have a ten bell salute.

We see a chair with Roddy Piper’s name on it with a kilt hanging from the chair. We see a video package for Roddy with some of his classic moments.

Seth Rollins makes his way to the ring.

Seth says there is only one person in WWE that can slow him down and that person is named Seth Rollins. Seth says in all seriousness, he has noticed a flaw. He has a problem and it has been plaguing him . . . sympathy. He says he is too sympathetic for his own good. If you need an example, look no further than last week when I drove my nose into the head of John Cena. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this video is priceless.

Seth says it was disgusting. He could feel John’s nose crack on his knee. Seth says he could hear the pop when it shattered. Seth says he did not feel bad at first. That happens in a WWE ring. John’s face wasn’t the first thing he smashed and it won’t be the last thing. It is the first time he broke the face of the guy who runs this place.

Seth tells the mothers to shield their children’s eyes at a shot of this, as we see photos of John Cena’s face after the match. Who wouldn’t feel sympathy for a face like that? Seth says he knew we had to do the right thing. They needed to stop the match and award him the United States Title. John wanted to continue to fight and the referee was not as sympathetic. John beating him was Seth’s fault. Seth vows that will never happen again.

Seth says that he has a proposition for John Cena. He says that he knows that John is sitting at home in bed nursing your wounds, a cross between a raccoon and a Picasso painting. Why not do this one more time. John Cena versus Seth Rollins, one on one. Title for Title. Winner take all at the four hour extravaganza on the WWE Network, SummerSlam.

If you don’t have the grapefruits to show up at SummerSlam and don’t think you are tough enough, you can just forfeit the title. For the first time, someone will hold the WWE and US Titles at the same time.

Seth wants to talk about tonight. He says that San Jose is the place to be. Not because of you guys, but because of him. The champ is in the house. This is where he won his WWE World Title at Wrestlemania. This is the site of John Cena’s very first US Open Challenge. This gives Seth an idea. Anything John can do, clearly he can do better. For the first time ever, we are going to have a WWE World Championship Open Challenge.

That will start right about . . . now.

We go to commercial.

We are back and JoJo asks Seth if this open challenge is legitimate. Seth says it is legitimate. He got 100% verification from the Authority, with two caveats. His opponent has to be under six feet tall. They have to be under 200 pounds. JoJo says that means a match against El Torito. Seth says you catch on quick, and that is no bull. He tells El Torito to come out and challenge him for the WWE Championship.

World Heavyweight Championship
Seth Rollins (c) vs Neville

They lock up and Neville with a waist lock but Rollins with a hammer lock into a side head lock take down. Neville with a head scissors and Rollins escapes with a side head lock. Neville with a take down. Neville blocks a kick and Neville with a back leg sweep. Rollins backs Neville into the corner. Rollins with punches and kicks to Neville and then he punches Neville in the corner and connects with an elbow to the head.

Rollins with an Irish whip and Neville flips across the ring and then he gets a boot up for Rollins and then he hits a rana and a flip dive onto Rollins. Neville sends Rollins back in and Rollins rolls to the other side of the ring. Neville with a cross body that sends both of them over the top rope. Neville with a corkscrew moonsault onto Rollins.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Rollins gets a near fall. Rollins with a reverse chin lock. We see during the commercial break when Rollins knocked Neville off the apron and onto the announce table. Rollins drops Neville on the top rope and gets a near fall. Rollins returns to the reverse chin lock. Neville lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt and Neville with a jaw breaker. Neville with an elbow and kicks. Neville with a back heel kick and Rollins with a slingblade for a near fall.

Neville struggles to get up and Rollins waits for him and hits a running forearm into the corner. Rollins goes up top and Neville with a super kick. Neville with a reverse rana for a near fall. Neville tries for a German suplex but Rollins blocks it. Neville lands on his feet on a German suplex and Neville with a German suplex and drop kick. Neville with a dead lift German suplex for a near fall.

Neville goes up top for the Red Arrow and Rollins gets to his feet. Neville lands on his feet and Rollins with a clothesline to Neville. Neville blocks a Pedigree and gets a near fall with a jackknife cover. Rollins with an enzuigiri to Neville. Rollins with a boot to the back of the head. Rollins goes up top and Neville stops Rollins on the turnbuckles and Neville hits a super rana.

Neville goes up top and hits the Red Arrow but Rollins has his foot on the ropes. Neville tries to regain his composure and he sets for another Red Arrow. Neville goes up top and Rollins moves out of the way. Rollins with the Pedigree for the three count.

Winner: Seth Rollins

We go to commercial.

We are back and Titus O’Neil and Darren Young are on commentary, but Darren does not have the note pad because he already got his notes in from Thursday’s match.

Konnor, Viktor, Kofi Kingston, and Big E (with Xavier Woods) vs Sin Cara, Kalisto, Fernando, and Diego (with El Torito

Kalisto and Kofi start things off while Woods has something to say to Titus and Darren. Kofi with a wrist lock and Kofi with a Greco Roman knuckle lock and Kalisto with a monkey flip and they hold on and Kofi with a monkey flip and Kalisto lands on his feet. Kalisto with a drop toe hold. Fernando with a splash. Diego with a slingshot senton. Diego with a knee and then Fernando with a neck breaker. Viktor tags in and he sends Fernando into the turnbuckles.

Diego with a chop and Irish whip but Fernando stops him. Fernando sends him into the turnbuckles and chops him. Fernando with an Irish whip and he sets for a monkey flip but Viktor puts him on the turnbuckles and then Viktor knocks him to the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Kofi with a quarter nelson and chin lock on Diego. Diego with an arm drag but Kofi with a drop kick. Kofi gets a near fall. Viktor tags in and he punches Diego. Viktor with a fist drop and he gets a near fall. Diego with a sunset flip but Viktor keeps him from making the tag. Viktor with a jumping knee to the head but Diego with a back drop and both men are down. Cara and Kofi tag in and Cara with a springboard cross body and another springboard cross body and a springboard elbow. Cara with a springboard moonsault for a near fall.

Konnor is sent over the top rope and so is Viktor. Fernando and Diego with stereo suicide dives. Cara takes care of Big E on the floor. Kalisto tags in and hits a cross body on Kofi for a near fall. Kalisto kicks Kofi and Woods gets on the apron. Torito grabs Woods and Woods sends Torito into the announce table. Kofi with Trouble in Paradise to Kalisto on the top turnbuckle for the three count.

Winners: Kofi Kingston, Big E, Konnor, and Viktor

After the match:
We have a stare down between the New Day and Prime Time Players.

Becky Lynch, Paige and Charlotte walk in the back.

We go to commercial.

Nikki Bella, Brie Bella, and Alicia Fox are in the Girl from Mexico Box. Nikki says the Divas Revolution has been in effect since she won the Title last year. If you think you have what it takes, Team Bella is the brand.

We go to comments from Becky Lynch. Charlotte says the Divas Revolution starts here with the three most powerful women in the WWE. Becky says she is the Lass Kicker. Paige says they are the Submission Sorority.

Brie Bella and Nikki Bella (with Alicia Fox) vs Becky Lynch and Charlotte (with Paige)

Brie and Becky start things off and they lock up and Brie with a clean break. Becky with a wrist lock into a hammer lock. Brie sends Becky to the mat. Becky bridges out of a cover and gives Brie a drop toe hold. Becky with a series of snap leg drops and then she tags in Charlotte and hits a twisting leg drop. Charlotte with a Flair rolling knee drop for a near fall.

We see the other three Divas in the back as they watch on the monitor.

Brie with a waist lock and Charlotte holds on to the ropes but Nikki makes the tag and kicks Charlotte and gets a near fall. Nikki with a front face lock. Nikki misses a clothesline and Charlotte gets a near fall with a rollup.

Charlotte with a front face lock. Charlotte turns it into a cravate. Nikki sends Charlotte into the corner when she tries for the Figure Four and then Nikki pulls Charlotte off the turnbuckles after Brie distracts Charlotte. Brie tags in and they roll through and send Charlotte to the mat and Brie gets a near fall.

Brie with kicks to the back and a rear chin lock. Charlotte gets Brie on her back and then drops back to get out of the hold. Becky tags in and she connects with clotheslines and a leg lariat and gets a near fall. Becky rolls through and applies the DisArmHer but Brie gets to the ropes (even though Nikki is inches away and could have made the tag). Becky goes for a baseball slide but Brie and Nikki move out of the way.

Becky takes care of Nikki but Brie hits Becky.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Becky tries to make the tag but Nikki pulls her away from her corner. We see footage from the commercial break when Becky was given a double flapjack. Becky with punches but Nikki with a face buster and she gets a near fall. Brie tags in and they hit a double sledge to the midsection and Brie gets a near fall.

The other Divas are still watching in the back on the monitor.

Brie with kicks in the corner. Brie gets a near fall. Brie chokes Becky in the ropes and then kicks Becky. Brie sets for the Brie Mode running knee and connects and gets a near fall. Brie with a seated abdominal stretch. Becky with a European uppercut and then both go for clotheslines at the same time and both are down. Charlotte and Nikki tag in and Charlotte with chops and a neck breaker followed by a spear. Charlotte gets a near fall. Becky with a t-bone suplex to Brie and both go to the floor. Charlotte misses a boot to Nikki and Nikki with a spinebuster for a near fall.

Charlotte blocks a face buster and applies the figure four leg lock and Charlotte bridges. Nikki taps out.

Winners: Charlotte and Becky Lynch

After the match:
JoJo asks for comments from Sasha Banks, Naomi, and Tamina Snuka about whether Becky, Paige, and Charlotte are the top Divas team. Sasha points out that she made Paige tap out last week. Naomi tells JoJo to get her facts straight and not waste their time. Naomi makes a challenge to Paige for tonight. Naomi says she is sick of the talk about Ronda Rousey. She will send Paige and the rest of her group to Freak Island.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a commercial for NXT and the announcers talk about NXT.

We go to the ring and Miz is in there for MizTV.

He welcomes us to the second most must see WWE Talk Show in WWE history. He says second because there would be no Cutting Edge, Highlight Reel, Body Shop, Barber Shop, Snake Pit, or MizTV if there was no originator of them all . . . Piper’s Pit. Miz says that you will be missed.

Miz welcomes everyone to MizTV. He says there is a saying about him in Hollywood and that is ‘on fire’ because he is on fire. He is a judge on Tough Enough, the star of Santa’s Little Helper, and once Ryback comes back from his injury, he will be the new Intercontinental Champion. Miz tells Ryback to do the noble thing like Daniel Bryan and vacate the championship if you cannot defend it.

Miz says as hot as he is, his guests are as on fire as he is.

Miz brings out Kevin Owens to the ring.

Miz welcomes Kevin to the show and he says you have not made it in the WWE until you get on MizTV. Kevin says it is an honor. He says that he has always been a huge fan of his. Kevin says he has all of Miz’s movies on Blu Ray.

Miz asks Kevin about his issues with Cesaro. Why does Cesaro have such a problem with him. Kevin says Cesaro is just jealous of him. The fact is, he has accomplished quite a bit in the last three months . . .

Cesaro’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring, dressed very European.

Miz tells Cesaro you wait until you are introduced by him.

Miz asks Cesaro if he came here to pick a fight. Cesaro says he wanted to have a front row seat to hear what Walk Owens Walk has to say.

Owens says that Cesaro is jealous of him because he has succeeded where Cesaro has failed. He is not talking about defeating John Cena because you haven’t. You talked about the sacrifices and everything you missed. No matter how hard you worked or how dedicated you are, you will never be as good as him because you will never match his God given ability for this business.

Miz asks Cesaro for a response.

Cesaro says he is not jealous of Kevin. If anything, he is ashamed of him. Every time you walk away from a match, not only do you disrespect yourself, you disrespect the WWE and everyone who has ever stepped into the ring. He calls Kevin an embarrassment.

Kevin throws the chair aside and then he asks Cesaro if it is funny and embarrassing. He has accomplished more in three months than Cesaro has in three years.

Cesaro reminds Kevin that this is still a WWE ring. You might be really good at talking and walking, but Cesaro says he is really good at fighting. If you want to go, let’s go.

Miz says this is what MizTV is all about and Kevin tells Miz to shut up. Kevin tells Miz to let the two guys who can actually fight. Kevin says he will fight anyone, anywhere, and anytime, but for the right price.

Cesaro tells Owens to do what he does best and Walk Owens Walk.

Owens pushes Miz into Cesaro and then Cesaro with a double leg take down but Owens gets out of the ring before Cesaro can put him in the giant swing.

Rusev and Summer walk in the back.

We go to commercial.

Rusev (w/ Summer Rae) vs Mark Henry

Rusev with forearms to the back and punches and kicks to the head and chest. Henry pushes Rusev down but Rusev with a drop kick for a near fall. Rusev kicks Henry in the back and connects with punches to the back. Rusev with a boot to the back. Rusev with a double sledge to the back and he applies a front face lock.

Henry picks up Rusev and throws him off. Henry with clotheslines and then he hits a power slam for a near fall. Henry runs into an elbow from Rusev and Rusev with a jumping thrust kick. Rusev with another jumping thrust kick for the three count.

Winner: Rusev

After the match:
Rusev with another thrust kick to Henry.

The announcers remind everyone about how much a deal it is to get SummerSlam on the WWE Network compared to ordering the pay per view. You can get this month free if you are a new subscriber. We take a look at a clip from Swerved.

We go to the back where Bray Wyatt says the flower is a symbol of beauty, but remove all of its petals and what was once precious is just another troublesome weed. Just like that, it is gone. Roman, you have become their symbol of beauty and strength. They chose you. They decorate you. If we were to take all of that away, then you would realize you are no different than anybody else.

Luke tells Ambrose they warned him, but like everyone else, you chose wrong.

Sheamus enters and he tells Orton this will be quick and painless. I will send my foot through your face with a Brogue Kick . . . out of nowhere.

Bray says the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Sheamus, tonight, we are your friends.

Bray tells everyone to run.

We go to commercial.

Wade Barrett asks for some decorum. He says as your one true King of the Ring, it is his duty to eliminate all pretenders to his throne. You might be King of the Internet, but where is your crown? Without one, you are just like the peasants in here. You are worth less than the filth on his boots. Wade wants everyone to say ‘All Hail King Barrett’.

Zack Ryder vs Wade Barrett

Barrett with a kick and punch followed by an Irish whip but Ryder with a forearm. Barrett runs into boots from Ryder. Ryder leaps over Barrett but Barrett with a knee to the midsection for a near fall. Barrett with a reverse chin lock. Ryder with punches but Barrett with a knee. Ryder sends Barrett face first into the mat.

Ryder gets his knees up when Barrett charges into the corner. Ryder with a missile drop kick and he hits a running forearm into the corner. Ryder with the Broski Boot and then Ryder tries for the Rough Ryder but Barrett sends Ryder over his head and to the corner. Barrett with a BullHammer for the three count.

Winner: Wade Barrett

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see that The New Day will face The Prime Time Players and Mark Henry.

We are back and Paul Heyman is in the ring and he introduces himself. He says that before he subjects you to the presence of the Beast, it was the UNDERTAKER, who picked this fight.

We see the video of what happened at Battleground.

Paul says that he knows that you all saw what he saw. That was not the same Undertaker who has laid waste to people for the last 25 years. That was a vindictive Undertaker who kicked his client in the groin. When confronted with the fact that he has never been able to beat his client, the WWE’s Alpha Dog becomes a bitch when he comes up against the Beast Incarnate. We take a look at what happened on Raw two weeks ago.

Paul says the Undertaker will never rest in peace because he cannot live with himself knowing that he cannot and will not ever defeat his client, the One in what is now Twenty-Two and one. The conqueror of the Undertaker’s undefeated streak at Wrestlemania . . . BROCK LESNAR.

Brock makes his way to the ring. Brock takes a look at the announcers, who he destroyed on the Raw after Wrestlemania.

Brock takes off the top of the ring steps and throws them into the ring. Brock stands on the steps in the ring.

Paul says the last time the WWE sanctioned a match between Brock Lesnar and the Undertaker, the Undertaker left Wrestlemania 30 in an ambulance, spent a week in the hospital, and took a year to recover.

If you want the inside dirt about World Wrestling Entertainment, here is one that they cannot deny. Undertaker called Vince McMahon and begged for a rematch at this year’s Wrestlemania. Vince McMahon turned down the Undertaker. In his darkest heart of hearts, he knows what will happen the next time that Brock Lesnar fights the Undertaker.

At Battleground, the Undertaker forced the WWE’s hand. He cost Brock of the right to be the Undisputed WWE Champion. The WWE had to sanction this match. Now, Sunday August 23rd at the Barclays Center in New York at SummerSlam, it will be the Match Too Big For Wrestlemania. It is not a Rematch for the Ages. It is the Rematch for Now and Forever. On August 23rd, his client will hit the repeat in Eat, sleep, conquer, repeat. Undertaker, you are going to Suplex City.

It boils down to this. Last time Undertaker, you needed an ambulance and hospital. You needed a year to recover. This time you will need Last Rites. You will rest in pieces because you have met your match. You are going to Suplex City at the hands of his BEAST, your conqueror . . . BROCK LESNAR.

Michael wonders if John Cena will be a part of SummerSlam. We take a look again at what happened last week when John Cena had his nose broken on Raw.

We go to commercial.

Paige (with Charlotte and Becky Lynch) vs Naomi (with Sasha Banks and Tamina Snuka)

Naomi avoids Paige and goes into the ropes. They lock up and Paige takes Naomi to the mat and gets a near fall. Naomi backs Paige into the corner and applies a side head lock. Naomi with a wrist lock. Paige escapes a slam attempt and gets a rollup for a near fall. Paige with another near fall. Paige with elbows in the corner.

Paige sends Naomi into the turnbuckles and kicks her.

We see the third team watching from the monitor in the back.

Paige stomps a mudhole into Naomi. Paige with an Irish whip and Naomi floats over and she shakes her rear end and sends Paige to the mat. Paige with a running knee into the corner and she connects with knees to the head. Paige with an arm bar. Sasha gets on the apron and that distracts Paige and Naomi with boots to the back.

Naomi kicks Paige and the referee warns her since she is near the ropes. Naomi with a running bulldog into the turnbuckles. Naomi gets a near fall. Naomi with a kick to the back and a reverse chin lock. Naomi gets a near fall.

Naomi goes to the apron and she kicks Paige in the head. Naomi with more kicks and she applies a bow and arrow around the ring post. Naomi sends Paige back into the ring and she gets a near fall. Naomi stretches Paige but Paige with punches and a kick. Paige catches Naomi on a cross body attempt and she hits a This is MAH House Fallaway Slam. Paige with short arm clotheslines and a running drop kick.

Paige sets for the PTO but Naomi gets to the ropes and she kicks Paige away. Naomi sends Paige into the ropes. Naomi sets for the running bulldog into the corner but Paige escapes and sends Naomi into the turnbuckles. Naomi with a kick but she misses a cross body from the top. Paige sets for the PTO but Naomi kicks her way. Paige with a thrust kick and the PTO. Naomi taps out.

Winner: Paige

We see Stardust in the back and he says that people were chanting One More Time for the Man That Gravity Forgot. He meandered and then he lost. Neville, if you are not going to be my hero . . . who will (as Stardust makes a gesture like he is shooting an arrow).

We see that Stephen Ärrow"Amell will be on Raw next week to go face to face with Stardust.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Roddy Piper video package that started off Raw.

We go to Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns. Roman says they are here to send a message to Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper. Dean says that just like Roddy Piper, they are here to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and they are out of bubble gum. Roman says they love to fight. They will be breaking heads all night long.

Randy Orton enters the room and he says whatever you boys want to do is fine, just leave Sheamus to me.

Dean says finally Randy has a good attitude.

We go to commercial.

Randy Orton, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns vs Sheamus, Bray Wyatt, and Luke Harper

Harper and Ambrose start things off and Ambrose with punches and chops in the corner. Harper with a knee. Ambrose with a cross body and then he knocks Wyatt down and Sheamus off the apron. Ambrose sends Harper to the floor and then Orton and Reigns take care of Sheamus and Wyatt. Ambrose comes off the top turnbuckle with an elbow onto Sheamus, Harper, and Wyatt.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus with European uppercuts to Reigns. Reigns with a forearm to Sheamus. Reigns with a punch to Sheamus and he sends Sheamus to the floor. Reigns sends Sheamus into the ringside barrier and he punches him again. Sheamus punches Reigns and Sheamus sends him into the ringside barrier. Sheamus sends Reigns into the ringside barrier again.

Wyatt tags in and then Harper tags in and Reigns says he wanted Bray. They lock up and Reigns blocks a punch and he punches and kicks Harper. Harper with a punch to the throat and he tries for a suplex but Reigns blocks it. Reigns with a suplex and he tags in Ambrose. Ambrose with a running drop kick to the midsection and then he sends Harper into the turnbuckles. Ambrose with a running forearm into the corner and Harper with a drop kick. Wyatt tags in and he connects with a head butt and forearms.

Wyatt with an uppercut and he puts Ambrose on the turnbuckles. Wyatt punches Ambrose on the turnbuckles and he tries for a superplex but Ambrose blocks it and they punch each other in the midsection. Harper tries to interfere and Wyatt punches Ambrose and Ambrose goes to the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Wyatt with a reverse chin lock on Ambrose. Ambrose with punches but Wyatt runs into boots from Ambrose in the corner. Wyatt with a clothesline to Ambrose and Harper tags in. Harper with a knee drop followed by a slam. Harper with another slam. Ambrose escapes a slam and he slams Harper. Ambrose with a shoulder and then Ambrose sends Harper to the floor. Harper knocks Reigns to the floor but Ambrose with a neck breaker.

Wyatt and Orton tag in and Orton with two clotheslines and he ducks a clothesline from Wyatt and Wyatt with a power slam. Wyatt with an uppercut after Orton went after Sheamus. Orton with a back breaker to Wyatt and Wyatt goes to the apron. Orton with an IEDDT. Orton twists to the mat for the RKO but Harper with a clothesline to Orton. Ambrose with a forearm to Harper followed by a suicide dive, but Harper sends Ambrose to the apron. Ambrose rolls on the apron and Harper with a boot. Reigns with a Superman punch to Harper.

Sheamus tags himself in and Reigns tags in. Reigns with a Samoan drop and clothesline into the corner. Reigns with Neverending Story and Harper tries to stop him but Reigns knocks him off the apron. Reigns clotheslines Sheamus over the top rope. Reigns avoids Harper and hits the Juggernaut Drop kick to Sheamus and then to Wyatt on the announce table. Wyatt takes care of Harper. Reigns with a Superman punch to Wyatt on the apron. Sheamus with a rollup on Reigns for a near fall.

Harper with a boot to Reigns. Ambrose is sent into the ropes but he bounces off and hits Harper. Wyatt tries for Sister Abigail on Ambrose but Ambrose escapes and hits a suicide dive onto Harper. Orton with an RKO to Wyatt. Sheamus goes for a Brogue Kick but Reigns with a spear for the three count.

Winners: Dean Ambrose, Randy Orton, and Roman Reigns

We go to credits.