According to ProWrestlingSheet, Sytch was taken into custody by officers in Carbon County at approximately 10:30 p.m. due to a parole violation.

It was reported in August by that she avoided 90 days in jail as a result of three DUI convictions she racked up in 2015 because she checked into a rehabilitation facility (at WWE’s expense).

In addition to being put on parole, Sytch agreed to undergo bi-weekly alcohol testing and the judge said there would be a zero tolerance policy if she slipped even once. While it’s unclear what exactly her latest violation was for, speculates that she may have either no-showed the test or failed the test. Either event would result in the WWE Hall of Famer being placed under arrest.

Sytch will remain in jail until at least Monday. Mike Johnson of PWInsider was told that additional details concerning her arrest will not be released until after the weekend and that will remain in police custody until she appears in court, which would also not be until after the weekend, at the earliest.