- WWE's website has a new poll up asking fans if they think Big E Langston is a future WWE World Heavyweight Champion. With over 7,000 votes cast, 70% of fans believe Big E will capture the big gold one day.

- While Naomi is in Tampa today filming her first music video as we noted, partner Cameron noted that her "Bye Bye" music single will be released soon. It doesn't look like Cameron participated in Naomi's video shoot today.

- WWE has posted another update on Dolph Ziggler after he suffered a concussion at Monday's Superstars taping in a match with Ryback. WWE's Dr. Amann noted that Ziggler saw a neuropsychologist on Thursday and had ImPACT testing performed as well as balance testing. All of those tests appear to be equivocal to baseline and within normal limits. Ziggler's symptoms have improved significantly since Monday night. They are having him rest more and when he is asymptomatic, he will begin doing light cardio exercises and if that goes OK, WWE doctors will proceed with their "exertional protocol."